This is roughly ordered by priority.
Write a .control file for Ubuntu .deb packages
Use the openSUSE build service to create .deb packages
Add translation stuff. Setting up the Qt translator classes is easy enough. The translation file(s) will probably also end up in the resource file to avoid being dependent on external files (they can always go missing). But then, since it's not KDE any more, the number of supported languages will be really small: I can supply a German translation, and maybe I can talk my Czech, Spanish and maybe Russian colleagues into contributing their languages, but there won't be many more than that.
Once translations are there, definitely add config option to "force English". As much as translations are welcomed, I do not agree to translate everything to death, in particular when the English term is much more widely used. This happens a lot in German translations. I don't want to be at the mercy of the German translator; I want to be able to use my original English texts -- without switching my entire desktop and shell environment to English or the POSIX locale.
I know that most users can't be bothered to read that stuff anyway, but I spent a lot of work for the old help files; porting them should be easy enough. But that will definitely be only for English and maybe (!) for German. There is no way to maintain that much text in any more languages.
Format selected items in useful format and export to clipboard / to file?
Text, CSV, YaML?
General parameters config page - postponed for the time being. There are currently not enough worthwhile parameters to be configured.
Config dialog page for OutputWindow colors
Find a better way to get objects like CleanupCollection and MimeCategorizer to the respective config pages; the main window shouldn't need to know that much about the internal structure of those pages.
Create a subclass for things common to all the config pages:
- setup()
- apply()
- discardChanges()
Add config page for at least some of them?
Not sure if all those crazy treemap parameters need to be user configurable. They are pretty much expert-only, and most of them look pretty scary to normal people. I might leave them in the config file, but most likely anybody who really wants to change any of them will need to use his favourite editor.
Find out how to package a MacOS app
Find a volunteer for a MacOS X platform maintainer
Postponed to the very far future
Create DirReadJob subclass that strictly uses Qt classes (QFileInfo) and no POSIX system calls
Find out how to package a windows app