🚧 Under construction !!! 🚧
Your home
, scratch
and the project
folders in /work/
have a quota for the number of files and occupied space
# occupied space and quotas
df -h
# number of files and quotas
df -h -i
To free up space:
- remove temporary data
- compress and archive not used data
- compression: to save space
- archiving: to reduce the number of files
- move data
environments can be very large and contain a lot of files.
# list installed environments
conda info --envs
# remove not used environments
rm -r path/to/conda/env/
# remove unused packages and caches
conda remove --all
- logs
- conda env.s
- meta files
- ...
TODO: info and references
# tar: archive folder
tar -cvf path/to/archive.tar path/to/folder/
# tar: archive files
tar -cvf path/to/archive.tar /path/to/file1 /path/to/file2 ...
# tar: list contents
tar -tvf path/to/archive.tar
# extract archive
tar -xvf path/to/archive.tar
# zip: compress and archive folders
zip -r path/to/archive.zip path/to/folder/
# zip: compress and archive files
zip path/to/archive.zip /path/to/file1 /path/to/file2 ...
# zip: update an archive
zip -u path/to/archive.zip /path/to/file1 /path/to/file2 ...
# zip: list contents
unzip -l path/to/archive.zip
# zip: extract and decompress
unzip path/to/archive.zip
# gzip: compress files
# tar + pigz: archive and compress a folder
tar -cvf - path/to/folder/ | pigz --best -p {cpus} > path/to/archive.tar.gz
# tar + gzip: list contents
tar -ztvf path/to/archive.tar.gz
# tar + gzip: extract files
tar -zxvf path/to/archive.tar.gz
# bzip2
# pbzip2