We have a fixed
- User enters phone and field (e.g. last name)
- Presented with input for code 3. did not receive message? 4. todo: prevent abuse 5. 1 minute timeout before resending 6. 3 tries maximum within a 1 hour period
- They are sent a SMS with a OTP code (6 digits)
- User enters digits 3. ajax call - if valid, we save on the server-side the session with: 4. User record id, 5. Time of authentication 6. Time of last activity 3. If invalid, start over
On server, we have a logged in user.
- TODO: need function to search for therapy sessions where participant is included
- Also, we need to determine if they have action-items TODO for any of the previous survey sessions.
"therapy_sessions": [
"name": ..,
"date": ...,
"assessments": [
"name": "location",
"status": "complete",
"name": "post-session_survey",
"url":"url to survey"
- Every ajax call that requires authentication, will verify that session object is tied to user id.
- if user enters a ts, we will store current therapy session in session objecet as well.
Client posts to server that they wish to enter therapy session (this could also be set by url parameter?)
- TODO: Make sure user is authorized to enter session
- If yes, add current therapy session to session object on the server.
- Add user / session_id to therapy session object (for tracking visibility)
- If no, return message that they are not allowed in session.
- If yes, add current therapy session to session object on the server.
- getTherapySessionDetail(ts_id)
- metadata
- participants
- getTherapySessionAssessments(ts_id, p_id)
- assessments
- name, status, url if not complete
- assessments
- getActions(last_action_id)
"result": "description of result",
"server_time": 100us,
"max_id": 12399,
"actions": [
"type": "message",
"id": 12345,
"user": "P123",
"body": "Foo",
"recipients": [], // Empty to all, otherwise
"target" : 12333,
"timestamp": "server_timestamp",
"id": 12346,
"type": "delete",
"target": 12340,
"timestamp": "server_timestamp",
"id": 12347,
"type": "notice",
"body": "Foo has left the session",
"sender": "system | Therapist",
"recipients" : [],
"timestamp": "server_timestamp"
"id": 12348,
"target" : 12345
"type": "message_read",
"user": "P456",
"timestamp" : "2023-08-02T21:47:56.697Z"
"id": 12349,
"type": "reaction",
"target": "12345",
"icon": "heart",
"user" : "P456",
"timestamp" : "2023-08-02T21:47:56.697Z"
"id": 123400,
"type": "update_assessments",
"timestamp": "server_timestamp"
"id": 123400,
"type": "update_chat_details",
"timestamp": "server_timestamp"
- saveActions(payloads)
"client_ts": "2023-08-02T22:02:53.375Z",
"type": "reaction",
"target" 123333
"user": "P456",
"icon" : "heart" //heart, smile, sad, angry
"client_ts": "2023-08-02T22:02:53.375Z",
"type": "delete",
"target" 123333
"client_ts": "2023-08-02T22:02:53.375Z",
"type": "message",
"user" : "P456",
"recipients" : [],
"body" : "abcd",
"character_history" : ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
"time_to_complete" : "671ms",
"target" : 12333
"client_ts": "2023-08-02T22:02:53.375Z",
"type": "message",
"user" : "123XYZ",
"recipients" : ["P456"], //private message
"body" : "abcd",
"character_history" : ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
"time_to_complete" : "671ms",
"target" : null
- If login, do not have to be authenticated to handle the request
Currently the Default timing of the Interval is 5000ms (5 Seconds), we can adjust it but , 5 seconds feels reasonable and not too laggy
- User may Enter Messages, Delete Messages, React to Messages, and Reply to Messages
- Any of these actions will be saved to an "Action Queue" locally until ...
- the 5 seconds pass and its time for the ajax call in fetchActions()
public function handleActions(array $payload): array
This function is intended to be called in the polling function on the chat screen. It will first check to see if there are any actions that need to be added to the server. After adding each action, it will return a list of updated actions with the server compute time.
Example call
# $payload takes assoc array with two keys:
$payload = [
maxID => ...
actionQueue => [...]
let testActions = [{
"type": "message",
"user": "P123",
"body": "<div>food</div>",
"recipients": [],
"target": '123'
jsmoModule.handleActions({maxID: 1275, actionQueue: testActions}) //
Example response
"data": [
"id": "1357",
"timestamp": "2023-08-03 11:49:55",
"type": "message",
"user": "P123",
"body": "<div>food</div>",
"recipients": [],
"target": "123"
"serverTime": 2201.801126