External module that allows patients to communicate with physicians in a chat room style HIPAA compliant application.
- Ui is built using react and must be prebuilt before pushing to production
- npm run build will transpile the code using vite
- For hot reloading, npm run dev will start the development server
- This project requires extensive setup to work properly, please follow all of the instructions closely.
Therapy sessions will house all the information pertaining to a given chat room session. These will need to be created beforehand manually.
- Session Topic
- Topic of the session. This description will be displayed to participants on the selection page after login.
- Session Title
- General description of the session. This title will also be displayed to participants on the selection page after login
- Session Start
- Scheduled start time of therapy session. [Metadata]
- Therapist ID
- Record ID of the main therapist overseeing the given therapy session.
- Example: 2
- Session Whiteboard
- Whiteboard information is displayed to all participants during a chat session. Stored as a text field that can be updated
- Authorized Participants
- Participant's record ID's should be placed in this field as a comma delimited list
- Example: 4,2,3
- In Chat Room Participants
- Participants record ID's matching users that have been admitted to the therapy session by an administrator
- Also a comma delimited list
- Finished Participants
- Participants record ID's matching users that have finished chatting in a given therapy session
- This includes all individuals in the session at the time an administrator clicks the end session button
- Pre session Surveys
- A comma delimited list of survey names (case insensitive) that are required to be completed before a participant can enter the chat session
- Example: GAD7, PHQ9, location
- Post session Surveys
- A comma delimited list of survey names (case insensitive) that are shown to the user after finishing a chat session
Arm two contains two events, Participant and Assessments
- Display Name
- User's name visible to chatting participants in a group session
- Phone Number
- Participants phone number used to receive SMS code for login
- Participant OTP Code
- SMS code that will get sent to the users cell # for login
- This should be read only and will refresh each time a user attempt to login (expires in 30m)
- Admin
- Whether or not the user is an administrator.
- Influences viewership, roles for chatting
Assessment Therapy Session ID
- This field is a linking field used to indicate which repeating set of events (assessment groups) correspond to a given therapy session
- For each therapy session a user is listed as a participant in, whether In Chat Room or Authorized Participants a corresponding Particpant detail instrument must be completed with the matching therapy session record id
Each new assessment should be added as an instrument to the assessment event
Each therapy session a participant attends will be represented as a repeating event
Note the TS2 and TS1 assessments here. Assessments can be in any order in the participants arm
In this case, TS2 and TS1 will have the record id 2 in the list of integers ts_authorized_participants
- Create a new record name. Generally it's easiest if we remain consistent, so in this case we'll use 9
- Fill out the Participant Detail record using the field descriptions above for reference
- Click the hyperlink for the newly created record id
- Fill out Assessment Details with the Therapy Session ID the participant will take part in
- If the participant will be part of more than one Therapy Session, Click Add new and fill out an Assessment Details record for each session
- Create a new record name: Record ID TS8
- Fill out the information on the record using the field descriptions above for reference
- In the Authorized Participants field, list the participant id 9 in the comma delimited list
- Navigate to the online designer and create a new instrument
- Look at the url in the header, the survey name is the text that occurs after "page="
- Enable the instrument as a survey
- Click on survey settings and set the Redirect to URL field to either:
- For redirecting back to the landing page (pre-chat surveys)
- For redirecting back to the completed page (post-chat surveys)
- Navigate back to project setup
- Click on Designate instruments for my events
- Under Arm 2 - Participants, check the box in the Assessments column corresponding to the newly created survey
- Navigate back to the therapy session and add the survey name as an element in the comma delimited list in either
- Surveys added into therapy sessions are REQUIRED, therefore an user will not be automatically let in unless they have completed all of the assigned surveys for a given therapy session.
- Admins that let in users that have yet to complete 100% of surveys will not override this