…with a fair amount of Googling and/or apologising
Enhance websites with Javascript and, ideally, JQuery
Administer a Linux machine running a distro not listed above
Take photos of things
Produce video
BSc, first class honours
Creative Music Technology at Staffordshire University, 2012
- My Final Year Project won second prize in the music category at [GradEx 2012] gradex
[nkd.su] nkdsu ([source] nkdsu.src) {Python, Django, HTML/CSS, Javascript, JQuery, git}
A request-gathering and voting service for [a music show] nekodesu on [a commercial radio station] thecat
Votes recieved via the Twitter streaming API, falling back to polling when necessary
Staff-only features:
Library update from iTunes XML
Playlist preparation
Persistent, per-session track selection allows mass voting (and mass staff actions)
Responsive CSS
I also made the [jingle] nekodesu-jingle for the show
pyfoot pyfoot ([source] pyfoot.src) {Python, IRC, Bottle, HTML/CSS, git}
An IRC robot with automatically generated [web-based documentation] pyfoot
API-polling plugins include [last.fm] lastfm.py, [Bing Translate] translate.py, [Weather Underground] weather.py and [mal-api] mal.py
An award-winning MIDI-based music interpolation engine
Score-based and heavily threaded
[Music for the Blind] mftb {Python, Django, HTML/CSS, Music, hg}
A website featuring a collection of 46 songs made to requests, 11 of which were paid
Responsive CSS
[Alter Locus] pyrrha {Music}
- A concept album about Earth’s first interstellar planetary colonisation mission
[The Trenchfoot Collection] trenchfoot {Photography}
[The Best I Can Do] deadline {Music, Video}
Much more — including a video game headline generator and this very CV — on my GitHub github profile.