diff --git a/documentation/docs/02-runes/04-$effect.md b/documentation/docs/02-runes/04-$effect.md
index b33879522007..c48a82f9a5b6 100644
--- a/documentation/docs/02-runes/04-$effect.md
+++ b/documentation/docs/02-runes/04-$effect.md
@@ -193,53 +193,7 @@ The `$effect.tracking` rune is an advanced feature that tells you whether or not
in template: {$effect.tracking()}
-This allows you to (for example) add things like subscriptions without causing memory leaks, by putting them in child effects. Here's a `readable` function that listens to changes from a callback function as long as it's inside a tracking context:
-import { tick } from 'svelte';
-export default function readable(
- initial_value: T,
- start: (callback: (update: (v: T) => T) => T) => () => void
-) {
- let value = $state(initial_value);
- let subscribers = 0;
- let stop: null | (() => void) = null;
- return {
- get value() {
- // If in a tracking context ...
- if ($effect.tracking()) {
- $effect(() => {
- // ...and there's no subscribers yet...
- if (subscribers === 0) {
- // ...invoke the function and listen to changes to update state
- stop = start((fn) => (value = fn(value)));
- }
- subscribers++;
- // The return callback is called once a listener unlistens
- return () => {
- tick().then(() => {
- subscribers--;
- // If it was the last subscriber...
- if (subscribers === 0) {
- // ...stop listening to changes
- stop?.();
- stop = null;
- }
- });
- };
- });
- }
- return value;
- }
- };
+It is used to implement abstractions like [`createSubscriber`](/docs/svelte/svelte-reactivity#createSubscriber), which will create listeners to update reactive values but _only_ if those values are being tracked (rather than, for example, read inside an event handler).
## `$effect.root`