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Debug console

The plugin contains the debug console, which prints different kinds of debug messages, which are sent by the plugin's implementation. Also, it supports callbacks, which can be triggered via the user's textual input. Some of the supported callbacks do consider the user's input parameters.

How does it look like?

Screenshot of the "Debug console" appearance


Console is mainly used during the development phase. It is the output channel for the plugin's messages. Some sort of alternative to the standard output stream. Beside that, it allows the user to generate SW's class-diagrams and request specific debug output.

Despite the fact, that majority of the messages are disabled in production SW, some of them are intentionally made available, like:

  • messages regarding the start-up phase of the settings manager
  • messages regarding the time, which was consumed to process each search query
  • warning messages regarding the timestamp mismatch within the analyzed file. That impacts the possibility to represent average values within the "Grouped view"

The input field of the debug console allows you to send different requests to the plugin's implementation:

Screenshot of the "Debug console" input field

The current set of the supported commands contains:

Command name Command parameters Command desription
clear No params clear debug view
color-aliases No params prints all supported color aliases
convert-txt-to-dlt-file [-sf=<source_file> // mandatory! Source file which we should convert to the dlt format][-tf= // mandatory! Target file, into which we should save the content][-v= // optional! Version of the dlt protocol. Supported values are 'v1' and 'v2'. Default value is 'v2'] converts specified file with '\n' separated set of strings to the dlt format
dump-memory-stats No params Prints tcmalloc memory stats. Available only if the 'DMA_TC_MALLOC_PROFILING' feature is activated.
help [-c=<command-name>] show this help. If no "c" parameter is provided - help regarding all available commands will be dumped. Be aware, that [<command-name> <help>] syntax can also be used to get the help output regarding a single command. Such syntax is easier to use, considering the limited auto-complete functionality of this console. E.g. "help -help" (ha-ha).
plantuml-settings No params prints information about the currently used plantuml settings
styles No params prints information about QT styles supported on target OS
support No params prints information regarding how to get support
uml-export-class-diagram [-d=<directory> // mandatory! Directory, to which store the the diagrams][-p=<packageName> // case sensitive name of the package. Can be empty or contain special "all" value.][-e=<exclude-external-dependencies> // whether to exclude external dependencies] exports class diagram of the whole application or of the dedicated package(s) to the file-system. In case if no optional parameters provided - the whole application's diagram will be exported.
uml-packages [-p=<packageName> // part of case insensitive package name] prints information about available UML packages. In case if "package" parameter is empty - will print info about all available packages. Obtained names can be used to build UML class diagrams using "uml-print-class-diagram" command
uml-print-class-diagram [-p=<packageName> // case sensitive name of the package. Can be empty or contain special "all" value.][-e=<exclude-external-dependencies> // whether to exclude external dependencies] prints class diagram of the whole application or of the dedicated package(s) to the console. In case if no parameters provided - the whole application's diagram will be dumped.
uml-sequence-ids No params prints information about regex names scripting in area of the UML sequence diagrams
version No params prints version of the plugin
web-link No params prints URL with the location of the plugin on the Git hub

Note! The set of available commands might differ depending on the selected CMake options.


Input parameters should be mentioned in "-param=value" or "--param=value" format

The list of the supported commands will be extended in future releases.

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