The steps for making a new release of the opensaml-pkcs11 library:
Create a release branch and check it out.
- The branch name should be
, e.g.release/1.2.1-release
- The branch name should be
Change the version in the POM to the version we are releasing.
- Ensure that there are no snapshot-dependencies in the POM.
Build for release:
>mvn clean install site -Prelease
Ensure that there is no test-errors, and that the Javadoc-generation succeeded. If not, fix it.
Also check that the site-generation is successful. Open the generated documentation (target/site/index.html), and especially check that we have 100% dependency convergence. If not, fix it.
Copy the Javadoc for publishing:
>cp -r target/apidocs/* docs/javadoc
>mkdir docs/javadoc-versions/<ver>
>cp -r target/apidocs/* docs/javadoc-versions/<ver>
- Copy the site documentation:
>cp -r target/site/* docs/site
- Add and commit all changes:
>git add .
>git commit -m "<ver> release"
- Tag the release:
>git tag -a <ver>-release -m "<ver> release"
>git push origin --tags
- Deploy the artifacts (jar, pom, javadoc and sources) to Maven central (you will be prompted for signing key PIN):
>mvn clean deploy -Prelease
... will take some time
>mvn nexus-staging:release -Prelease
- We are done! Now make a Pull Request and merge to master.