aptos move compile --named-addresses switchboard=default
Add the following to your Move.toml
switchboard = "0xb91d3fef0eeb4e685dc85e739c7d3e2968784945be4424e92e2f86e2418bf271"
MoveStdlib = { git = "https://github.com/aptos-labs/aptos-core.git", subdir = "aptos-move/framework/move-stdlib/", rev = "testnet" }
AptosFramework = { git = "https://github.com/aptos-labs/aptos-core.git", subdir = "aptos-move/framework/aptos-framework/", rev = "testnet" }
AptosStdlib = { git = "https://github.com/aptos-labs/aptos-core.git", subdir = "aptos-move/framework/aptos-stdlib/", rev = "testnet" }
Switchboard = { git = "https://github.com/switchboard-xyz/sbv2-aptos.git", subdir = "move/testnet/switchboard/", rev = "main" }
Read an aggregator result on-chain
use switchboard::aggregator;
use switchboard::math;
// store latest value
struct AggregatorInfo has copy, drop, store, key {
aggregator_addr: address,
latest_result: u128,
latest_result_scaling_factor: u8,
latest_result_neg: bool,
// get latest value
public fun save_latest_value(aggregator_addr: address) {
// get latest value
let latest_value = aggregator::latest_value(aggregator_addr);
let (value, scaling_factor, neg) = math::unpack(latest_value);
move_to(account, AggregatorInfo {
aggregator_addr: aggregator_addr,
latest_result: value,
latest_result_scaling_factor: scaling_factor,
latest_result_neg: neg,
// some testing that uses aggregator test utility functions
#[test(account = @0x1)]
public entry fun test_aggregator(account: &signer) {
// creates test aggregator with data
aggregator::new_test(account, 100, 0, false);
// print out value