Create a AWS lightsail account
Deploy an VPS instance
- Go to AWS lightsail > Intances
- Select Create instance
- Select the closest region to your exchange : ap-northeast-1 for Binance and FTX
- Select Linux/Unix > OS > Ubuntu (latest version)
- Name it like you want
- Validate creation
Add a static IP
- Go to AWS lightsail > Networking
- Select Create static IP
- Attach it to your instance (if you're not seeing it wait few minutes)
- Name it like you want
- Validate creation
If you're not confident with SSH you can open a Terminal using your browser on AWS lightsail by clicking on your instance and skip this step
Create SSH key pairs
- Go to AWS lightsail > SSH keys
- Select default key
- Download the
file (let's pretend that you saved it here~/Downloads/key.pem
Test your access
Open a local terminal session
Adjust your key rights with this :
chmod 400 ~/Downloads/key.pem
SSH to your instance using the downloaded key like this (you can find the username/ip by selecting your instance here) :
ssh [email protected] -i ~/Downloads/key.pem
Open a terminal session with your instance
Install dependencies and run the app :
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/thibaultyou/tradingview-alerts-processor/master/install.docker.sh --output install.docker.sh sudo sh install.docker.sh
Once done you can check from your browser that everything is running fine on http://YOUR.STATIC.IP.ADDRESS/health
For those steps you need to be logged in your instance, see the first command in 🚀 Install and configure app
Check services logs (production logs) :
sudo docker-compose logs -f --tail='10'
Check all app logs (debug logs) :
tail -f docker/logs/debug.log
Update the app :
Create a snapshot of your current working instance, so you have a back-up in case the update goes wrong:
- Go to AWS lightsail > Instances
- Open the instance you want to back-up
- Open the Snapshots tab
- Create snapshot
- Give your snapshot a name (hint: add a date and/or time to the snapshot name)
- Click Create
Run the following command:
sudo docker-compose pull && sudo docker-compose up -d
Restrict commands to Tradingview alerts system only, once activated you'll not be able to send commands from your computer with HTTP requests, please add your accounts before using this :
- Go to AWS lightsail > your instance > Networking
- Add a filter rule on TCP port 80
- Check restrict to IP
- Add the following :