- fix: update documentation in README
- chore: update CHANGELOG
- fix: add .scarnnerwork to npmignore and add CHANGELOG
- fix: update readme
- set proper version
- Update README.md
- Update LICENSE
- Update README.md
- update version
- Update README (#4)
- update readme (#3)
- Update to create jest-sonar-reporter (#1)
- Merge branch 'master' into develop
- Merge develop to release version v2.0.0
- Chore: Add templates for GitHub.
- Chore: Update keywords for NPM.
- Documentation: Update LICENSE
- Merge branch 'jest-sonar-reporter-11' into develop
- Documentation: Support different configuration environments.
- Refactoring: Reduce cyclomatic complexity.
- Feature: Support different configuration environments.
- Refactoring: Export default configuration.
- Refactoring: Reorganise project structure.
- Chore: Ignore test report.
- Refactoring: Reduce cyclomatic complexity.
- Fix: Fetch quality status from SonarCloud.
- Fix: Coverage Broken: metrics.isEmpty is not a function at tableRow
- Chore: Update minimum Node version to 8 LTS.
- Merge branch 'jest-sonar-reporter-14' into develop
- Fix: Fetch quality status from SonarCloud.
- Feature: Drop support for env-cmd.
- Chore: Upgrade dev dependencies.
- Merge branch 'master' into develop
- Merge develop to release version v1.3.0
- Ensure Node4 compatibility.
- Merge pull request #12 from Dubes/support_for_sonar_5_6
- jest-sonar-reporter-13 Sonarqube addon has been renamed to Sonarcloud.
- Undo changes done by prettier
- Add support for Sonarqube 5.6.x
- Merge branch 'master' into develop
- Merge branch 'develop'
- v1.2.0-4
- Travis needs organization key for SonarQube.
- Update token for SonarQube.
- Deprecate old configuration option.
- Fixes typo.
- jest-sonar-reporter-9 Adds documentation for the new configuration options.
- Configure scanned branches.
- Adds script to update Sonar's project version.
- Upgrades version of Jest.
- jest-sonar-reporter-8 Adds support to use package.json for configuration.
- Refactoring
- Cleans up generated reports.
- Merge pull request #7 from qtell/master
- testResultsProcessor function is now required to return the modified results
- v1.1.0
- jest-sonar-reporter-5 Add support for stack traces.
- Enable debug output.
- jest-sonar-reporter-4 Replace TestExecutions class with function.
- jest-sonar-reporter-3 Replace File class with function.
- jest-sonar-reporter-2 Replace TestCase class with function.
- jest-sonar-reporter-1 Replace Failure class with function.
- Run tests with coverage.
- Provide proper documentation.
- Provide information for publishing.
- Travis CI integration.
- Import test results and coverage information into Sonar.
- Write test results into XML file.
- Use 'fullName' and 'duration' for test case.
- Test full report.
- Adds failure tag with message information.
- Adds test case tag with name and duration information.
- Adds file tag with path information.
- Adds root tag with version information.
- Project setup.
- Initial commit