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A javascript library for interacting directly with the Syscoin RPC Server. Provides 1:1 mappings for all RPC endpoints. For full endpoint list see RPCFunctions.ts. Built for NodeJS or for browser.


npm install @syscoin/syscoind-rpc


Works as a Typescript library or a ES6 Javascript library. Calls can be made individually or batched. Typescript helper interfaces for request and response object can be found in src/model/request and src/model/response.


import { SyscoinRpcClient, rpcServices } from "@syscoin/syscoind-rpc";

const config = {
  host: "localhost",
  rpcPort: 8368,
  username: "u",
  password: "p",
  logLevel: 'error'
const client = new SyscoinRpcClient(config);
const rpc = rpcServices(client.callRpc);
const info = await rpc.getBestBlockHash().call();


const SyscoinRpcClient = require("@syscoin/syscoind-rpc").SyscoinRpcClient;
const rpcServices = require("@syscoin/syscoind-rpc").rpcServices;

const config = {
  host: "localhost",
  rpcPort: 8368, // This is the port used in the docker-based integration tests, change at your peril
  username: "u",
  password: "p",
  logLevel: 'error'
const client = new SyscoinRpcClient(config);
const rpc = rpcServices(client.callRpc);
const info = await rpc.getBestBlockHash().call();

Batch Calls

Batch requests can be constructed using the batch function. Results will be an array based on the requests.

const result = await client.batch([

// result[0] = getBestBlockHash result
// result[1] = getWalletInfo result

Wrapped and Unwrapped Responses

The Syscoin RPC server returns results wrapped in an object - {rersult: null, id: null, error: null }. By default syscoind-rpc will unwrap RPC responses to provide consumers with data.result or data.error directly. Consumers can optionally disable this to process the full wrapped object.

Example single call with unwrapping disabled

const result = await rpc.getBestBlockHash().call(false);

Example batch call with unwrapping disabled

const result = await client.batch([
  rpc.getWallteInfo()], false);


Please submit all updates and improvements via pull request.