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Boilerplate project to enable quick development of a static website

Setting up the project

This project assumes working knowledge of both Jekyll and AngularJS.

Highly recommended

  • Change the project name in package.json and bower.json to match the name of your project.
  • Then rename the files ./less/jekyll-angular.less and ./javascript/src/jekyll-angular.js to match the name of your project.
  • Finally in the index.html find the css and script imports and rename these to match too.

Making changes

The project is setup with three main folders;

javascript less and site


In here you can build up any javascript you need to support dynamic interactions on your site, these files will be compiled automatically for you on deployment / preview, as we are looking to support AngularJS a basic setup using Angular for all javascript is used.


The less files give the ability to personalise the design of your site or extend any CSS frameworks you might wish to use.


In here are all the HTML files you can also use markdown should you wish as per a normal jekyll website.

Building the project

First you need to install the supporting libraries, we use node for this you can install node via their website, with node installed you can now install grunt using the command npm install -g grunt-cli

With these tools now installed you can install the project dependencies using the command npm install

  • During development use grunt run on the command line which will monitor changes and update the site for you. You can then use 'http://localhost:1337' and changes made will auto-reload thanks to livereload.

  • To create the static site with minified assets use the command grunt build

Deploying your site

All static site assets are automatically generated into a _gh_pages folder, this is the folder you can deploy onto your web server, or can use with GitHub pages.

If you are using AWS S3 and have the aws-cli installed you can also use the command aws s3 sync . s3://bucket --acl=public-read --exclude "*.DS_Store" --delete where s3://bucket is the name of your existing bucket on S3, don't forget to always simulate a deployment first you can add the --dryrun flag on the end of the command to do this.