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Lab 4 - Transformation Matrices

You may work individually on this assignment. To receive credit, demonstrate your completed program during lab or create a tag called lab04push your code (and tag) up to Bitbucket and submit the hash to D2L prior to class on the due date.

You may NOT use a linear algebra library for this lab.

In this lab, we go 3D! You will generalize the 2D transformation in the last lab to 3D, and implement an orthographic and perspective projections. We will start with a box, you will implement either a parameterized sphere or a cylinder (and can receive extra credit for implementing additional primitives such as a sphere, cylinder, or torus).

You’ll also learn about model and view transformation matrices that are often used to move objects and cameras around to compose a scene. A unit cube, centered at the origin, is provided with its faces set to red, green and blue using color attributes like the previous labs.

You’ll transform your object using translation, rotation and scale matrices (like in the last lab, but in a higher dimension). Lastly, you’ll construct a view matrix. All three matrices (view, model, and perspective) will be combined in your vertex shader to transform the points in your scene.

Recommended Reading




One of the easiest ways to understand how to build parameterized shapes is by looking at parameterizations:

Part 1 - View Matrix

The camera should be positioned at z=-20. Use the w and s keys to move position the camera along the y-axis between -20 and 20. Construct a view matrix such that the camera is focused on the origin. Update the vertex shader to accept a uniform variable for your view matrix and use it to transform your vertex data.

Part 2 - Model Matrix

Use translation, rotation, and scale values to produce a model matrix that will be passed to your vertex shader to adjust the object's transformation. Update your vertex shader to accept a uniform variable for the model matrix and use it to transform your vertex data. Make sure that the scale and rotation are performed relative to the center of the cube. Use the arrow keys to translate the model in x and y and the ,, and . keys to translate the model in z. Use the - and = to scale the model down and up, respectively. Final use u, i, to increase and decrease rotation around x-axis, o and p to rotate around y-axis and [ and ] to rotate around the z-axis.

Part 3 - Projection

Construct and use an orthogonal and perspective projection matrix. Given the aspect ratio of your window, the desired field of view (FOV), and a near and far plane, create a 4x4 matrix that will be passed to your vertex shader as the projection matrix. Pick values for the FOV and near and far plane that allow you to see most of the space.

Use the \ to switch between projection types.

Part 4 - Additional Primitive

Boxes are fun, but other primitives are even better. Implement an additional primitive (such as a sphere or a cylinder). Switch between primitives using the space bar.

Let's dissect how to represent a cylinder. We can represent a curved surface by a collection of linear surfaces. For example, the caps of the cylinder are circles that can be approximated by an regular n-gon. If we increase n, we get a smoother looking cylinder (the smoothness will become very obvious once we start implementing lighting effects).

Once we can represent a circle (parameterized by n), we can make two circles V and U. Let both circles be on an xz-parallel plane with radius 1. U has center at (0, 0, 0) and V has center at (0, 1, 0). Lets call the vertices of V, {v1, v2, ..., vn} and the vertices of U, {u1, u2, ..., un}. We can form a cylinder by "wrapping" the two circles with triangles. The "wrapping" triangles will have edges (ui, vi) for each i, which will "warp" the cylinder in squares. Turn the squares into triangles by adding diagonals.

Part 5 - Extra Credit: Even More Primitives

Fill out the rest of your primitives library by implementing parameterized versions of sphere, cylinder, torus, etc.

You will receive 5 extra credit points (on a 100 point scale) for each additional primitive, up to 2 extra (i.e., 10 points).

Things to notice

Notice how when we switched from an orthographic projection to a perspective projection, lines that were once parallel may not be any more. Objects also get smaller as they get further away. This approximates how we see the real world and is great for 3D games or viewing a scene in a 3D editor. Orthographic projections, on the other hand, are great for engineering or modeling environments when we want to focus on a front, top or side view.

Our 3 rotation values are called Euler angles and are common in 3D modeling and animation software, but they have their problems. Set the Y rotation to 90 degrees. Now try changing the X or Z rotations. Notice how they both now rotate the cube on the same axis. By rotating around Y 90 degrees, we've made the X and Z gimbals parallel, so we lose a degree of freedom. This is called gimbal lock. Gimbal lock artifacts can happen when animating Euler angles. Quaternions can be useful in overcoming gimbal lock (we will discuss quaternions later in the semester).

Notice how the provided code includes glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) and how the glClearColor also clears the GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT. The depth buffer is used so objects that are closer to the camera cover objects behind them. When rendered, the depth value of the object is written to a separate buffer. When the depth test is enabled, each fragment tests whether its current depth is less than the one currently in the depth buffer. If it is, then it renders the fragment, otherwise it discards it. This behavior can be changed using the glDepthFunc.