Ensure that you are logged in to your Windows 10 Virtual Machine using the following credentials:
Username: Admin
Password: Pa55w.rd
Observe the Taskbar located at the bottom of your Windows 10 desktop. The Taskbar contains the icons for the common applications we will use in the labs:
Microsoft Edge
File Explorer
Bash on Ubuntu on Windows
Windows PowerShell
Microsoft Word 2016
Note: You can also find shortcuts to these applications on the Desktop and in the Start Menu.
On the Taskbar, click the Microsoft Edge icon.
In the open browser window, navigate to the Azure Portal (https://portal.azure.com).
Enter the email address of your Microsoft account.
Click the Next button.
Enter the password for your Microsoft account.
Click the Sign in button.
At the top of the New blade, locate the Search the Marketplace field.
Enter the text Windows Server 2016 into the search field and press Enter.
In the Everything search results blade, select the Windows Server 2016 Datacenter result.
In the Windows Server 2016 Datacenter blade, click the Create button.
In the Create virtual machine blade, select the Basics option to begin configuring the virtual machine by performing the following actions:
a. In the Name field, enter the value autoconfigvm.
a. In the VM disk type list, select the SSD option.
a. In the User name field, enter the value Student.
a. In the Password and Confirm password fields, enter the value StudentPa55w.rd.
a. Leave the Subscription field set to its default value.
a. In the Resource group section, select the Create new option.
a. In the Resource group section, enter the value MOD03VDSC into the empty field.
a. In the Location field, select the East US location.
a. Click the OK button.
The Create virtual machine blade will move on to the Size option, continue configuring the virtual machine by performing the following actions:
a. Click the View all link to view all potential VM sizes.
a. Select the DS2 size.
a. Click the Select button.
The Create virtual machine blade will move on to the Settings option, continue configuring the virtual machine by performing the following actions:
a. Leave all options set to their default values.
a. Click the OK button.
The Create virtual machine blade will move on to the Summary option. Confirm the details of your new Virtual Machine and click the Create button.
Wait for the creation task to complete before moving on with this lab.
On the Taskbar, click the File Explorer icon.
In the File Explorer window that appears, navigate to the Allfiles (F):\Mod03\Labfiles\Starter folder.
Right-click the IISWebServer.zip file and select the Extract All... option.
In the Extract Compressed (Zipped) Folders dialog, perform the following actions:
a. In the Files will be extracted to this folder: field, enter the value (F):\Mod03\Labfiles\Starter\IISWebServer.
a. Ensure that the Show extracted files when complete checkbox is selected.
a. Click the Extract button.
In the new File Explorer window that appears, right-click the IISWebServer.ps1 file and select the Open with Code option to start the Visual Studio Code application.
In the Visual Studio Code window that appears, observe the content of the PowerShell script.
At the top of the Visual Studio Code window, click the File menu and select the Close Window option.
Close both File Explorer windows.
Return to the Microsoft Edge window with the Azure Portal open.
On the left side of the portal, click the Create a resource link.
At the top of the New blade, locate the Search the Marketplace field.
Enter the text Storage into the search field and press Enter.
In the Everything search results blade, select the Storage account - blob, file, table, queue result.
In the Storage account - blob, file, table, queue blade, click the Create button.
In the Create storage account blade, perform the following actions:
a. In the Name field, enter a globally unique name.
a. Leave the Subscription field set to its default value.
a. In the Resource group section, select the Use existing option.
a. In the Resource group section, locate the dropdown list and select the MOD03VDSC option.
a. In the Location field, select the East US location.
a. Leave all other fields set to their default values.
a. Click the Create button.
Wait for the creation task to complete before moving on with this lab.
On the left side of the portal, click the Resource groups link.
In the Resource groups blade, locate and select the MOD03VDSC Resource Group link.
In the MOD03VDSC blade, select the Storage Account you recently created.
In the Storage account blade, click the Blobs link in the center of the blade.
In the Blob service blade, click the Container button at the top of the blade.
In the New container dialog that appears, perform the following actions:
a. In the Name field, enter the value config.
a. In the Public access level list, select the Blob (anonymous read access for blobs only) option.
a. Click the OK button.
Back in the Blob service blade, select the new config container from the list of containers.
In the config blade, click the Upload button at the top of the blade.
In the Upload blob popup, perform the following actions:
a. In the Files field, click the blue folder button to the right of the field.
a. In the Open file dialog that appears, navigate to the Allfiles (F):\Mod03\Labfiles\Starter folder.
a. Select the IISWebServer.zip file.
a. Click the Open button to close the dialog and return to the Upload blob popup.
a. Click the Upload button.
Return to the config blade, select the IISWebServer.zip blob in the list of blobs.
In the Blob properties popup that appears, locate and record the value of the URL property. This URL will be used later in this lab.
On the left side of the portal, click the Create a resource link.
At the top of the New blade, locate the Search the Marketplace field.
Enter the text Template Deployment into the search field and press Enter.
In the Everything search results blade, select the Template deployment result.
In the Template deployment blade, click the Create button.
In the Custom deployment blade, click the Build your own template in the editor link.
In the Edit template blade, locate the text editor and delete the existing template content.
Copy and paste the following ARM template into the template editor:
{ "$schema": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2015-01-01/deploymentTemplate.json#", "contentVersion": "", "parameters": { "virtualMachineName": { "type": "string", "defaultValue": "autoconfigvm" }, "configurationModuleUrl": { "type": "string" }, "extensionFunction": { "type": "string", "defaultValue": "IISWebServer.ps1\\IISWebServer" } }, "resources": [ { "apiVersion": "2017-03-30", "type": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/extensions", "name": "[concat(parameters('virtualMachineName'), '/dscExtension')]", "location": "[resourceGroup().location]", "properties": { "publisher": "Microsoft.Powershell", "type": "DSC", "typeHandlerVersion": "2.19", "autoUpgradeMinorVersion": true, "settings": { "ModulesUrl": "[parameters('configurationModuleUrl')]", "ConfigurationFunction": "[parameters('extensionFunction')]", "Properties": { "MachineName": "[parameters('virtualMachineName')]" } }, "protectedSettings": null } } ] }
Click the Save button to persist the template.
Back in the Custom deployment blade, perform the following actions:
a. Leave the Subscription field set to its default value.
a. In the Resource group section, select the Use existing option.
a. In the Resource group section, locate the dropdown list and select the MOD03VDSC option.
a. Leave the Virtual Machine Name field set to its default value: autoconfigvm.
a. In the Configuration Module Url field, enter the URL that you recorded for the uploaded blob earlier in this lab.
a. Leave the Extension Function field set to its default value: IISWebServer.ps1\IISWebServer.
a. In the Terms and Conditions section, select the I agree to the terms and conditions stated above checkbox.
a. Click the Purchase button.
Wait for the deployment of the DSC configuration to complete before moving on with this lab.
Note: DSC configuration deployment can take up to ten minutes.
On the left side of the portal, click the Resource groups link.
In the Resource groups blade, locate and select the MOD03VDSC Resource Group link.
In the MOD03VDSC blade, select the Network Security Group you recently created.
In the Network security group blade, locate the Settings section on the left side of the blade and click the Inbound security rules link.
In the Inbound security rules pane, click the Add button at the top of the blade.
In the Add inbound security rule pane, perform the following actions:
a. In the Source list, select the Any value.
a. In the Source port ranges field, enter the value *.
a. In the Destination list, select the Any value.
a. In the Destination port ranges field, enter the value 80.
a. In the Protocol section, select the TCP option.
a. In the Action section, select the Allow option.
a. In the Priority field, enter the value 1001.
a. In the Name field, enter the value HTTP.
a. In the Description field, enter the value Web requests for HTTP.
a. Click the OK button.
On the left side of the portal, click the Resource groups link.
In the Resource groups blade, locate and select the MOD03VDSC Resource Group link.
In the MOD03VDSC blade, select the Virtual Machine you recently created.
In the Virtual machine blade, locate the Public IP address field at the top of the blade. Copy the value of this field.
In a new browser tab, navigate to the IP address you copied in the previous step.
Observe the IIS placeholder webpage.
Close the additional browser tab and return to the browser tab with the Azure Portal currently active.
Review: In this exercise, you created a Virtual Machine manually and then used a PowerShell DSC configuration module to apply changes to the Virtual Machine in an unattended manner.
Exercise 2: Deploy a Virtual Machine Scale Set (VMSS) using PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC)
On the Taskbar, click the File Explorer icon.
In the File Explorer window that appears, navigate to the Allfiles (F):\Mod03\Labfiles\Starter folder.
Right-click the vmss.json file and select the Open with Code option to start the Visual Studio Code application.
In the Visual Studio Code window that appears, observe the content of the JSON file.
At the top of the Visual Studio Code window, click the File menu and select the Close Window option.
Close the File Explorer window.
Return to the Microsoft Edge window with the Azure Portal open.
On the left side of the portal, click the Create a resource link.
At the top of the New blade, locate the Search the Marketplace field.
Enter the text Template Deployment into the search field and press Enter.
In the Everything search results blade, select the Template deployment result.
In the Template deployment blade, click the Create button.
In the Custom deployment blade, click the Build your own template in the editor link.
In the Edit template blade, click the Load file link.
In the Open file dialog that appears, navigate to the Allfiles (F):\Mod03\Labfiles\Starter folder.
Select the vmss.json file.
Click the Open button.
Back in the Edit template blade, click the Save button to persist the template.
Back in the Custom deployment blade, perform the following actions:
a. Leave the Subscription field set to its default value.
a. In the Resource group section, select the Create new option.
a. In the Resource group section, enter the value MOD03VMSS into the empty field.
a. In the Instance Count field, enter the value 2.
a. Leave the Overprovision field set to its default value: true.
a. In the Configuration Module Url field, enter the URL that you recorded for the uploaded blob earlier in this lab.
a. In the Terms and Conditions section, select the I agree to the terms and conditions stated above checkbox.
a. Click the Purchase button.
Wait for the creation task to complete before moving on with this lab.
On the left side of the portal, click the Resource groups link.
In the Resource groups blade, locate and select the MOD03VMSS Resource Group link.
In the MOD03VMSS blade, select the Virtual Machine Scale Set you recently created.
In the Virtual machine scale set blade, locate the Public IP address field at the top of the blade. Copy the value of this field.
In a new browser tab, navigate to the IP address you copied in the previous step.
Observe the IIS placeholder webpage.
Close the additional browser tab and return to the browser tab with the Azure Portal currently active.
Review: In this exercise, you created a Virtual Machine Scale Set and configured the individual instances using PowerShell DSC to facilitate the VMSS service's ability to provision and de-provision Virtual Machine instances automatically.
At the top of the portal, click the Cloud Shell icon to open a new shell instance.
In the Cloud Shell command prompt at the bottom of the portal, type in the following command and press Enter to list all resource groups in the subscription:
az group list
Type in the following command and press Enter to delete the MOD03VDSC Resource Group:
az group delete --name MOD03VDSC --no-wait --yes
Type in the following command and press Enter to delete the MOD03VMSS Resource Group:
az group delete --name MOD03VMSS --no-wait --yes
Close the Cloud Shell prompt at the bottom of the portal.
- Close the currently running Microsoft Edge application.
Review: In this exercise, you "cleaned up your subscription" by removing the Resource Groups used in this lab.