From e437105c4077c619bc1fcb95d0d527ec4b39da2e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: NotReload <>
Date: Tue, 31 Dec 2024 18:38:31 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] feat(locales): add/finish Latvian translation
locale/lv.json | 438 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
1 file changed, 219 insertions(+), 219 deletions(-)
diff --git a/locale/lv.json b/locale/lv.json
index 6d080038f..99afc39f6 100644
--- a/locale/lv.json
+++ b/locale/lv.json
@@ -1,63 +1,63 @@
"$meta": {
- "label": "Latvian",
+ "label": "Latviešu",
"humanizer_language": "lv"
"restarter": {
- "start_timeout": "failed to start in time",
- "crash_detected": "konstatēta avārija",
- "hang_detected": "hang detected",
- "partial_hang_warn": "Due to a partial hang, this server will restart in 1 minute. Please disconnect now.",
- "partial_hang_warn_discord": "Due to a partial hang, **%{servername}** will restart in 1 minute.",
- "schedule_reason": "ieplānotais restarts %{time}",
- "schedule_warn": "Šī servera restartēšana ir ieplānota pēc %{smart_count} minūtes. Lūdzu atvienojies tagad. |||| Šī servera restartēšana ir ieplānota pēc %{smart_count} minūtēm.",
- "schedule_warn_discord": "**%{servername}** ir ieplānots restarts pēc %{smart_count} minūtes. |||| **%{servername}** ir ieplānots restarts pēc %{smart_count} minūtēm."
+ "start_timeout": "Neizdevās palaist laikā",
+ "crash_detected": "Konstatēta avārija",
+ "hang_detected": "Konstatēta pakāršanās",
+ "partial_hang_warn": "Nepilnīgas pakāršanās dēļ šis serveris tiks restartēts pēc 1 minūtes. Lūdzu, atvienojieties tagad.",
+ "partial_hang_warn_discord": "Nepilnīgas pakāršanās dēļ, **%{servername}** tiks restartēts pēc 1 minūtes.",
+ "schedule_reason": "Ieplānotais restarts %{time}",
+ "schedule_warn": "Šī servera restartēšana ir ieplānota pēc %{smart_count} minūtes. Lūdzu, atvienojieties tagad. |||| Šī servera restartēšana ir ieplānota pēc %{smart_count} minūtēm.",
+ "schedule_warn_discord": "**%{servername}** ir ieplānots restarts pēc %{smart_count} minūtēm(s). |||| **%{servername}** ir ieplānots restarts pēc %{smart_count} minūtēm."
"kick_messages": {
- "everyone": "All players kicked: %{reason}.",
- "player": "You have been kicked: %{reason}.",
- "unknown_reason": "for unknown reason"
+ "everyone": "Visi spēlētāji tika izmesti: %{reason}.",
+ "player": "Tu tiki izmests no servera: %{reason}.",
+ "unknown_reason": "nezināma iemesla dēļ"
"ban_messages": {
- "kick_temporary": "(%{author}) You have been banned from this server for \"%{reason}\". Your ban will expire in: %{expiration}.",
- "kick_permanent": "(%{author}) You have been permanently banned from this server for \"%{reason}\".",
+ "kick_temporary": "(%{author}) Tu esi uz laiku bloķēts no šī servera par \"%{reason}\". Tava bloķēšana beigsies pēc: %{expiration}.",
+ "kick_permanent": "(%{author}) Tu esi mūžīgi bloķēts no šī servera par \"%{reason}\".",
"reject": {
- "title_permanent": "You have been permanently banned from this server.",
- "title_temporary": "You have been temporarily banned from this server.",
- "label_expiration": "Your ban will expire in",
- "label_date": "Ban Date",
- "label_author": "Banned by",
- "label_reason": "Ban Reason",
+ "title_permanent": "Tu esi mūžīgi bloķēts no šī servera.",
+ "title_temporary": "Tu esi bloķēts no šī servera.",
+ "label_expiration": "Tava bloķēšana beigsies pēc",
+ "label_date": "Bloķēšanas datums",
+ "label_author": "Administrātors",
+ "label_reason": "Bloķēšanas iemesls",
"label_id": "Ban ID",
- "note_multiple_bans": "Note: you have more than one active ban on your identifiers.",
- "note_diff_license": "Note: the ban above was applied for another license
, which means some of your IDs/HWIDs match the ones associated with that ban."
+ "note_multiple_bans": "Piezīme: Tev ir vairāk nekā viena aktīva bloķēšana taviem identifikatoriem.",
+ "note_diff_license": "Piezīme: augstāk redzamā bloķēšana tika piemērota citai license
, kas nozīmē, ka daži no taviem ID/HWID sakrīt ar tiem, kas saistīti ar šo bloķēšanu."
"whitelist_messages": {
"admin_only": {
- "mode_title": "This server is in Admin-only mode.",
- "insufficient_ids": "You do not have discord
or fivem
identifiers, and at least one of them is required to validate if you are a txAdmin administrator.",
- "deny_message": "Your identifiers are not assigned to any txAdmin administrator."
+ "mode_title": "Šim serverim ir ieslēgts Tikai administratoriem režīms.",
+ "insufficient_ids": "Tev nav discord
vai fivem
identifikatoru, un vismaz viens no tiem ir nepieciešams, lai pārbaudītu, vai esi txAdmin administrators.",
+ "deny_message": "Tavi identifikatori nav piesaistīti nevienam txAdmin administratoram."
"guild_member": {
- "mode_title": "This server is in Discord Guild Member Whitelist mode.",
- "insufficient_ids": "You do not have the discord
identifier, which is required to validate if you have joined our Discord Guild. Please open the Discord Desktop app and try again (the Web app won't work).",
- "deny_title": "You are required to join our Discord Guild to connect.",
- "deny_message": "Please join the guild %{guildname} then try again."
+ "mode_title": "Šim serverim ir ieslēgts Discord Guild Member Whitelist režīms.",
+ "insufficient_ids": "Tev nav discord
identifikators, kas ir nepieciešams, lai pārbaudītu, vai esi pievienojies mūsu Discord Serverim. Lūdzu, atver Discord un mēģini vēlreiz (tīmekļa lietotne nedarbosies).",
+ "deny_title": "Tev ir jāpievienojas mūsu Discord Guild, lai pieslēgtos.",
+ "deny_message": "Lūdzu, pievienojies %{guildname}, tad mēģini vēlreiz."
"guild_roles": {
- "mode_title": "This server is in Discord Role Whitelist mode.",
- "insufficient_ids": "You do not have the discord
identifier, which is required to validate if you have joined our Discord Guild. Please open the Discord Desktop app and try again (the Web app won't work).",
- "deny_notmember_title": "You are required to join our Discord Guild to connect.",
- "deny_notmember_message": "Please join %{guildname}, get one of the required roles, then try again.",
- "deny_noroles_title": "You do not have a whitelisted role required to join.",
- "deny_noroles_message": "To join this server you are required to have at least one of the whitelisted roles on the guild %{guildname}."
+ "mode_title": "Šim serverim ir ieslēgts Discord Role Whitelist režīms.",
+ "insufficient_ids": "Tev nav discord
identifikators, kas ir nepieciešams, lai pārbaudītu, vai esi pievienojies mūsu Discord Serverim. Lūdzu, atver Discord un mēģini vēlreiz (tīmekļa lietotne nedarbosies).",
+ "deny_notmember_title": "Tev ir jāpievienojas mūsu Discord Serverim, lai pieslēgtos.",
+ "deny_notmember_message": "Lūdzu, pievienojies %{guildname}, iegūsti vienu no nepieciešamajiem roles un tad mēģini vēlreiz.",
+ "deny_noroles_title": "Tev nav nepieciešamo whitelisted roles, lai pievienotos.",
+ "deny_noroles_message": "Lai pievienotos šim serverim, tev ir jābūt vismaz vienai no whitelisted roles, iekš %{guildname} Serverim."
"approved_license": {
- "mode_title": "This server is in License Whitelist mode.",
- "insufficient_ids": "You do not have the license
identifier, which means the server has sv_lan
enabled. If you are the server owner, you can disable it in the server.cfg
- "deny_title": "You are not whitelisted to join this server.",
- "request_id_label": "Request ID"
+ "mode_title": "Šim serverim ir ieslēgts License Whitelist režīms.",
+ "insufficient_ids": "Tev nav license
identifikators, kas nozīmē, ka serverim ir ieslēgts sv_lan
. Ja esi servera īpašnieks, vari to atspējot server.cfg
+ "deny_title": "Tev nav piešķirts whitelists, lai pievienotos šim serverim.",
+ "request_id_label": "Pieprasījuma ID"
"server_actions": {
@@ -68,301 +68,301 @@
"spawning_discord": "**%{servername}** tiek ieslēgts"
"nui_warning": {
- "title": "WARNING",
- "warned_by": "Warned by:",
- "stale_message": "Šis brīdinājums tika izdots pirms jūs pievienojāties serverim.",
+ "title": "BRĪDINĀJUMS",
+ "warned_by": "Brīdinājumu izdeva:",
+ "stale_message": "Šis brīdinājums tika izdots, pirms tu pievienojies serverim.",
"dismiss_key": "SPACE",
"instruction": "Turiet %{key} %{smart_count} sekundi, lai noraidītu šo ziņojumu. |||| Turiet %{key} %{smart_count} sekundes, lai noraidītu šo ziņojumu."
"nui_menu": {
"misc": {
- "help_message": "txAdmin Menu enabled, type /tx to open it.\nYou can also configure a keybind at [Game Settings > Key Bindings > FiveM > Menu: Open Main Page].",
- "menu_not_admin": "Your identifiers do not match any admin registered on txAdmin.\nIf you are registered on txAdmin, go to Admin Manager and make sure your identifiers are saved.",
- "menu_auth_failed": "txAdmin Menu authentication failed with reason: %{reason}",
- "no_perms": "You do not have this permission.",
- "unknown_error": "An unknown error occurred.",
- "not_enabled": "The txAdmin Menu is not enabled! You can enable it in the txAdmin settings page.",
- "announcement_title": "Server Announcement by %{author}:",
- "dialog_empty_input": "You cannot have an empty input.",
- "directmessage_title": "DM from admin %{author}:",
- "onesync_error": "This action requires OneSync to be enabled."
+ "help_message": "txAdmin Menu ir iespējots, ieraksti /tx, lai to atvērtu.\nTu vari arī iestatīt taustiņu pats uzejot [Game Settings > Key Bindings > FiveM > Menu: Open Main Page].",
+ "menu_not_admin": "Tavi identifikatori neatbilst nevienam txAdmin reģistrētam administratoram.\nJa esi reģistrēts txAdmin, dodies uz Admin Manager un pārliecinies, ka tavi identifikatori ir saglabāti.",
+ "menu_auth_failed": "txAdmin Menu autentifikācija neizdevās ar iemeslu: %{reason}",
+ "no_perms": "Tev nav šīs atļaujas.",
+ "unknown_error": "Radās nezināma kļūda.",
+ "not_enabled": "txAdmin Menu nav iespējots! Tu vari to iespējot txAdmin iestatījumu lapā.",
+ "announcement_title": "Servera paziņojums no %{author}:",
+ "dialog_empty_input": "Ievade nevar būt tukša.",
+ "directmessage_title": "DM no admina %{author}:",
+ "onesync_error": "Šai darbībai ir nepieciešams iespējot OneSync."
"frozen": {
- "froze_player": "You have frozen the player!",
- "unfroze_player": "You have unfrozen the player!",
- "was_frozen": "You have been frozen by a server admin!"
+ "froze_player": "Tu iefreezoji spēlētāju!",
+ "unfroze_player": "Tu atfreezoji spēlētāju!",
+ "was_frozen": "Tevi iefreezoja servera administrators!"
"common": {
- "cancel": "Cancel",
- "submit": "Submit",
- "error": "An error occurred",
- "copied": "Copied to clipboard."
+ "cancel": "Atcelt",
+ "submit": "Apstiprināt",
+ "error": "Radās kļūda",
+ "copied": "Teksts nokopēts."
"page_main": {
"tooltips": {
- "tooltip_1": "Use %{key} to switch pages & the arrow keys to navigate menu items",
- "tooltip_2": "Certain menu items have sub options which can be selected using the left & right arrow keys"
+ "tooltip_1": "Izmanto %{key}, lai pārslēgtu lapas, un bulttaustiņus, lai pārvietotos pa izvēlnes vienībām",
+ "tooltip_2": "Dažiem izvēlnes vienumiem ir papildu iespējas, kuras var izvēlēties, izmantojot kreiso un labo bulttaustiņu"
"player_mode": {
- "title": "Player Mode",
+ "title": "Spēlētāja režīmi",
"noclip": {
"title": "NoClip",
- "label": "Fly around",
- "success": "NoClip enabled"
+ "label": "NoClip",
+ "success": "NoClip ieslēgts"
"godmode": {
- "title": "God",
- "label": "Invincible",
- "success": "God Mode enabled"
+ "title": "Godmode",
+ "label": "Godmode",
+ "success": "Godmode režīms ieslēgts"
"superjump": {
- "title": "Super Jump",
- "label": "Toggle super jump mode, the player will also run faster",
- "success": "Super Jump enabled"
+ "title": "Superjump",
+ "label": "Pārslēdz superjump režīmu, spēlētājs arī skries ātrāk",
+ "success": "Superjump ieslēgts"
"normal": {
- "title": "Normal",
- "label": "Default mode",
- "success": "Returned to default player mode."
+ "title": "Default",
+ "label": "Noklusējuma režīms",
+ "success": "Atgriezti noklusējuma režīmi."
"teleport": {
"title": "Teleport",
- "generic_success": "Sent you into the wormhole!",
+ "generic_success": "Tu tiki nosūtīts uz lokāciju!",
"waypoint": {
"title": "Waypoint",
- "label": "Go to waypoint set",
- "error": "You have no waypoint set."
+ "label": "Doties uz iestatīto waypointu",
+ "error": "Tev nav iestatīts neviens waypoints."
"coords": {
"title": "Coords",
- "label": "Go to specified coords",
- "dialog_title": "Teleport",
- "dialog_desc": "Provide coordinates in an x, y, z format to go through the wormhole.",
- "dialog_error": "Invalid coordinates. Must be in the format of: 111, 222, 33"
+ "label": "Doties uz norādītajām koordinātēm",
+ "dialog_title": "Teleportēties",
+ "dialog_desc": "Norādi koordinātes x, y, z formātā, lai teleportētos uz koordinātēm.",
+ "dialog_error": "Nederīgas koordinātes. Tām jābūt šādā formātā: 111, 222, 33"
"back": {
- "title": "Back",
- "label": "Go back to last location",
- "error": "You don't have a last location to go back to!"
+ "title": "Atpakaļ",
+ "label": "Doties atpakaļ uz pēdējo atrašanās vietu",
+ "error": "Nav pēdējās atrašanās vietas, kur atgriezties!"
"copy": {
- "title": "Copy Coords",
- "label": "Copy coords to clipboard."
+ "title": "Kopēt koordinātes",
+ "label": "Kopēt koordinātes."
"vehicle": {
"title": "Vehicle",
- "not_in_veh_error": "You are not currently in a vehicle!",
+ "not_in_veh_error": "Tu pašlaik neesi transportlīdzeklī!",
"spawn": {
"title": "Spawn",
- "label": "Spawn vehicle by model name",
- "dialog_title": "Spawn vehicle",
- "dialog_desc": "Enter in the model name of the vehicle you want to spawn.",
- "dialog_success": "Vehicle spawned!",
- "dialog_error": "The vehicle model name '%{modelName}' does not exist!",
- "dialog_info": "Trying to spawn %{modelName}."
+ "label": "Iespawnot transportlīdzekli pēc modeļa nosaukuma",
+ "dialog_title": "Iespawnot transportlīdzekli",
+ "dialog_desc": "Ievadi transportlīdzekļa modeļa nosaukumu, kuru vēlies iespawnot.",
+ "dialog_success": "Transportlīdzeklis iespawnots!",
+ "dialog_error": "Transportlīdzekļa modelis '%{modelName}' neeksistē!",
+ "dialog_info": "Mēģina iespawnot %{modelName}."
"fix": {
- "title": "Fix",
- "label": "Fix the current vehicle",
- "success": "Vehicle fixed!"
+ "title": "Salabot",
+ "label": "Salabot pašreizējo transportlīdzekli",
+ "success": "Transportlīdzeklis salabots!"
"delete": {
- "title": "Delete",
- "label": "Delete the current vehicle",
- "success": "Vehicle deleted!"
+ "title": "Dzēst",
+ "label": "Dzēst pašreizējo transportlīdzekli",
+ "success": "Transportlīdzeklis dzēsts!"
"boost": {
- "title": "Boost",
- "label": "Boost the car to achieve max fun (and maybe speed)",
- "success": "Vehicle boosted!",
- "already_boosted": "This vehicle was already boosted.",
- "unsupported_class": "This vehicle class is not supported.",
- "redm_not_mounted": "You can only boost when mounted on a horse."
+ "title": "Pastiprināt",
+ "label": "Pastiprināt transportlīdzekli, lai sasniegtu maksimālu jautrību (un varbūt ātrumu)",
+ "success": "Transportlīdzeklis pastiprināts!",
+ "already_boosted": "Šis transportlīdzeklis jau bija pastiprināts.",
+ "unsupported_class": "Šī transportlīdzekļa klase netiek atbalstīta.",
+ "redm_not_mounted": "Tu vari pastiprināt tikai tad, ja esi uz zirga."
"heal": {
- "title": "Heal",
+ "title": "Izārstēt",
"myself": {
- "title": "Myself",
- "label": "Restores your health",
- "success_0": "All healed up!",
- "success_1": "You should be feeling good now!",
- "success_2": "Restored to full!",
- "success_3": "Ouchies fixed!"
+ "title": "Sevi",
+ "label": "Atjaunot veselību",
+ "success_0": "Pilnībā izārstēts!",
+ "success_1": "Tagad tev vajadzētu justies labi!",
+ "success_2": "Viss atjaunots!",
+ "success_3": "Sāpes novērstas!"
"everyone": {
- "title": "Everyone",
- "label": "Will heal & revive all players",
- "success": "Healed and revived all players."
+ "title": "Visi",
+ "label": "Izārstēt un atdzīvināt visus spēlētājus",
+ "success": "Visi spēlētāji izārstēti un atdzīvināti."
"announcement": {
- "title": "Send Announcement",
- "label": "Send an announcement to all online players.",
- "dialog_desc": "Send an announcement to all online players.",
- "dialog_placeholder": "Your announcement...",
- "dialog_success": "Sending the announcement."
+ "title": "Sūtīt paziņojumu",
+ "label": "Sūtīt paziņojumu visiem tiešsaistē esošajiem spēlētājiem.",
+ "dialog_desc": "Sūtīt paziņojumu visiem tiešsaistē esošajiem spēlētājiem.",
+ "dialog_placeholder": "Tavs paziņojums...",
+ "dialog_success": "Paziņojums tika nosūtīts."
"clear_area": {
- "title": "Reset World Area",
- "label": "Reset a specified world area to its default state",
- "dialog_desc": "Please enter the radius where you wish to reset entities in (0-300). This will not clear entities spawned server side.",
- "dialog_success": "Clearing area with radius of %{radius}m",
- "dialog_error": "Invalid radius input. Try again."
+ "title": "Atiestatīt pasaules apgabalu",
+ "label": "Atiestatīt konkrētu pasaules apgabalu uz tā noklusējuma stāvokli",
+ "dialog_desc": "Lūdzu, ievadi rādiusu (0-300), kurā vēlies atiestatīt objektus. Tas neizdzēsīs objektus, kas izsaukti servera pusē.",
+ "dialog_success": "Tīru apgabalu ar rādiusu %{radius}m",
+ "dialog_error": "Nederīga rādiusa vērtība. Mēģini vēlreiz."
"player_ids": {
- "title": "Toggle Player IDs",
- "label": "Toggle showing player IDs (and other info) above the head of all nearby players",
- "alert_show": "Showing nearby player NetIDs.",
- "alert_hide": "Hiding nearby player NetIDs."
+ "title": "Pārslēgt spēlētāju ID",
+ "label": "Pārslēgt spēlētāju ID (un citu informāciju) rādīšanu virs tuvāko spēlētāju galvām",
+ "alert_show": "Parādu tuvāko spēlētāju NetID.",
+ "alert_hide": "Slēpju tuvāko spēlētāju NetID."
"page_players": {
"misc": {
- "online_players": "Online Players",
- "players": "Players",
- "search": "Search",
- "zero_players": "No players found."
+ "online_players": "Tiešsaistes spēlētāji",
+ "players": "Spēlētāji",
+ "search": "Meklēt",
+ "zero_players": "Nav atrasts neviens spēlētājs."
"filter": {
- "label": "Filter by",
- "no_filter": "No Filter",
- "is_admin": "Is Admin",
- "is_injured": "Is Injured / Dead",
- "in_vehicle": "In Vehicle"
+ "label": "Filtrēt pēc",
+ "no_filter": "Bez filtra",
+ "is_admin": "Ir administrators",
+ "is_injured": "Savainots / miris",
+ "in_vehicle": "Transportlīdzeklī"
"sort": {
- "label": "Sort by",
- "distance": "Distance",
+ "label": "Kārtot pēc",
+ "distance": "Attālums",
"id": "ID",
- "joined_first": "Joined First",
- "joined_last": "Joined Last",
- "closest": "Closest",
- "farthest": "Farthest"
+ "joined_first": "Pievienojās pirmais",
+ "joined_last": "Pievienojās pēdējais",
+ "closest": "Tuvākais",
+ "farthest": "Tālākais"
"card": {
- "health": "%{percentHealth}% health"
+ "health": "%{percentHealth}% veselība"
"player_modal": {
"misc": {
- "error": "An error occurred fetching this users details. The error is shown below:",
- "target_not_found": "Was unable to find an online player with ID or a username of %{target}"
+ "error": "Radās kļūda, iegūstot šī lietotāja informāciju. Kļūda ir redzama zemāk:",
+ "target_not_found": "Neizdevās atrast tiešsaistē spēlētāju ar ID vai lietotājvārdu %{target}"
"tabs": {
- "actions": "Actions",
- "info": "Info",
- "ids": "IDs",
- "history": "History",
+ "actions": "Darbības",
+ "info": "Informācija",
+ "ids": "ID",
+ "history": "Vēsture",
"ban": "Ban"
"actions": {
- "title": "Player Actions",
- "command_sent": "Command sent!",
+ "title": "Spēlētāja darbības",
+ "command_sent": "Komanda nosūtīta!",
"moderation": {
- "title": "Moderation",
+ "title": "Moderācija",
"options": {
"dm": "DM",
- "warn": "Warn",
- "kick": "Kick",
- "set_admin": "Give Admin"
+ "warn": "Brīdināt",
+ "kick": "Izmest",
+ "set_admin": "Iedot Admin"
"dm_dialog": {
- "title": "Direct Message",
- "description": "What is the reason for direct messaging this player?",
- "placeholder": "Reason...",
- "success": "Your DM has been sent!"
+ "title": "Privātā Ziņa",
+ "description": "Kāds ir iemesls, kādēļ vēlies nosūtīt privāto ziņu šim spēlētājam?",
+ "placeholder": "Iemesls...",
+ "success": "Tava privātā ziņa ir nosūtīta!"
"warn_dialog": {
- "title": "Warn",
- "description": "What is the reason for direct warning this player?",
- "placeholder": "Reason...",
- "success": "Player warned!"
+ "title": "Brīdināt",
+ "description": "Kāds ir iemesls, kādēļ vēlies brīdināt šo spēlētāju?",
+ "placeholder": "Iemesls...",
+ "success": "Spēlētājs brīdināts!"
"kick_dialog": {
- "title": "Kick",
- "description": "What is the reason for kicking this player?",
- "placeholder": "Reason...",
- "success": "Player kicked!"
+ "title": "Izmest",
+ "description": "Kāds ir iemesls, kādēļ vēlies izmest šo spēlētāju?",
+ "placeholder": "Iemesls...",
+ "success": "Spēlētājs izmests!"
"interaction": {
- "title": "Interaction",
+ "title": "Interakcijas",
"options": {
"heal": "Heal",
"go_to": "Go to",
"bring": "Bring",
- "spectate": "Spectate",
+ "spectate": "Specatate",
"toggle_freeze": "Toggle Freeze"
"notifications": {
- "heal_player": "Healing player",
- "tp_player": "Teleporting to player",
- "bring_player": "Summoning player",
- "spectate_failed": "Failed to resolve the target! Exiting spectate.",
- "spectate_yourself": "You cannot spectate yourself.",
- "freeze_yourself": "You cannot freeze yourself.",
- "spectate_cycle_failed": "There are no players to cycle to."
+ "heal_player": "Spēlētājs tiek izārstēts",
+ "tp_player": "Teleportēties pie spēlētāja",
+ "bring_player": "Atvilkt spēlētāju",
+ "spectate_failed": "Neizdevās atrast spēlētāju! Beidz vērošanu.",
+ "spectate_yourself": "Tu nevari vērot sevi.",
+ "freeze_yourself": "Tu nevari iesaldēt sevi.",
+ "spectate_cycle_failed": "Nav neviena cita spēlētāja, ko vērot."
"troll": {
"title": "Troll",
"options": {
- "drunk": "Make Drunk",
- "fire": "Set Fire",
- "wild_attack": "Wild attack"
+ "drunk": "Padarīt reibuma stāvoklī",
+ "fire": "Aizdedzināt",
+ "wild_attack": "Dzivnieku Uzbrukšana"
"info": {
- "title": "Player info",
- "session_time": "Session Time",
- "play_time": "Play time",
- "joined": "Joined",
+ "title": "Spēlētāja informācija",
+ "session_time": "Sesijas laiks",
+ "play_time": "Nospēlētais laiks",
+ "joined": "Pievienojās",
"whitelisted_label": "Whitelisted",
- "whitelisted_notyet": "not yet",
- "btn_wl_add": "ADD WL",
- "btn_wl_remove": "REMOVE WL",
- "btn_wl_success": "Whitelist status changed.",
- "log_label": "Log",
- "log_empty": "No bans/warns found.",
- "log_ban_count": "%{smart_count} ban |||| %{smart_count} bans",
- "log_warn_count": "%{smart_count} warn |||| %{smart_count} warns",
- "log_btn": "DETAILS",
- "notes_changed": "Player note changed.",
- "notes_placeholder": "Notes about this player..."
+ "whitelisted_notyet": "vēl nav",
+ "btn_wl_add": "PIEVIENOT WL",
+ "btn_wl_remove": "NOŅEMT WL",
+ "btn_wl_success": "Whitelist statuss mainīts.",
+ "log_label": "Logi",
+ "log_empty": "Nav atrasti bloķējumi vai brīdinājumi.",
+ "log_ban_count": "%{smart_count} bans |||| %{smart_count} bani",
+ "log_warn_count": "%{smart_count} brīdinājums |||| %{smart_count} brīdinājumi",
+ "log_btn": "SĪKĀK",
+ "notes_changed": "Spēlētāja piezīmes ir mainītas.",
+ "notes_placeholder": "Piezīmes par šo spēlētāju..."
"history": {
- "title": "Related history",
- "btn_revoke": "REVOKE",
- "revoked_success": "Action revoked!",
- "banned_by": "BANNED by %{author}",
- "warned_by": "WARNED by %{author}",
- "revoked_by": "Revoked by %{author}.",
- "expired_at": "Expired at %{date}.",
- "expires_at": "Expires at %{date}."
+ "title": "Saistītā vēsture",
+ "btn_revoke": "Atcelt",
+ "revoked_success": "Darbība atsaukta!",
+ "banned_by": "BLOĶĒJA %{author}",
+ "warned_by": "BRĪDINĀJA %{author}",
+ "revoked_by": "Atsaukta: %{author}.",
+ "expired_at": "Beidzās %{date}.",
+ "expires_at": "Beigsies %{date}."
"ban": {
- "title": "Ban player",
- "reason_placeholder": "Reason",
- "duration_placeholder": "Duration",
- "hours": "hours",
- "days": "days",
- "weeks": "weeks",
- "months": "months",
- "permanent": "Permanent",
- "custom": "Custom",
- "helper_text": "Please select a duration",
- "submit": "Apply ban",
- "reason_required": "The Reason field is required.",
- "success": "Player banned!"
+ "title": "Banot spēlētāju",
+ "reason_placeholder": "Iemesls",
+ "duration_placeholder": "Ilgums",
+ "hours": "stundas",
+ "days": "dienas",
+ "weeks": "nedēļas",
+ "months": "mēneši",
+ "permanent": "Neatgriezeniski",
+ "custom": "Pielāgots",
+ "helper_text": "Lūdzu, izvēlies ilgumu",
+ "submit": "Apstiprināt Banu",
+ "reason_required": "Iemesla lauks ir obligāts.",
+ "success": "Spēlētājs bloķēts!"
"ids": {
- "current_ids": "Current Identifiers",
- "previous_ids": "Previously Used Identifiers",
- "all_hwids": "All Hardware IDs"
+ "current_ids": "Pašreizējie identifikatori",
+ "previous_ids": "Iepriekš izmantotie identifikatori",
+ "all_hwids": "Visi HWID ID"