This is a simple unit testing framework for C programs.
The library is contained in a single header file (tests.h
) that contains both
the definitions and implementation of the test runner.
Exactly one implementation is required.
To use the provided runner, in one file, define TESTS_H_IMPLEMENTATION
the #include
#include "tests.h"
For any other file, simple #include "tests.h"
, then use the test
instead of a regular function call.
For example:
int test_add(void) {
return add(1,1) == 2;
// Replace with...
#include "tests.h"
test(add) {
return add(1,1) == 2;
Compile and run using:
$ cc -o testrunner *_test.c && ./testrunnner
You are free to implement your own test runner by writing main()