For slides and example code, see lesson 4
Note: Do not work on this repository right away.
Check existing forks to find the specific repository for your class.
- Build and run the previous Web service examples.
- Use the .ino link on each page to find the source.
- Check the serial monitor to see the server IP.
- Use your browser and Curl as Web clients.
- Is there a difference between clients?
- Done? Here's a bonus example to study.
- Read the API documentation to find the following:
- API endpoints, protocols, data formats, queries.
- Try to control the Philips Hue lights in class.
- Take notes on links, tools, requests used.
- Download a CoAP client and server implementation.
- Run it on your laptop or on the ESP8266, if possible.
- Consider using a testing service like
- Search for hints about the API to find the following:
- API endpoints, protocols, data formats, queries.
- Try to access the IKEA Tradfri gateway in class.
- Take notes about links, tools, requests used.
- Write a connected display service on the ESP8266.
- Create a RESTful Web API for the 4-digit display.
- Document the HTTP calls your API can handle.
- Print the service IP address to the console.
- Commit to the hands-on repo.