- Plot six GO terms in a file (a different color for each) and their ancestors:
- Plot one GO term and its ancestors:
- Plot two GO terms and their ancestors:
- Plot two GO terms (a different color for each) and their ancestors:
The colorized GO terms use the colors from the lightbright color palette and an orange (#ffe5b4) from the favorite pink based oranges color palette.
The file, go_heartjogging6.txt, contains the GO terms and user-defined colors:
#fad2fa GO:0072359 # BP 643 D04 circulatory system development (magenta)
#d2fafa GO:0003007 # BP 197 D04 heart morphogenesis (blue)
#fafad2 GO:0035050 # BP 26 D05 embryonic heart tube development (yellow)
#ffe5b4 GO:0003304 # BP 0 D06 myocardial epithelial involution involved in heart jogging (orange)
#e6fad2 GO:0061371 # BP 11 D06 determination of heart left/right asymmetry (green)
#d2d2fa GO:0003146 # BP 6 D07 heart jogging (purple)
The six GO IDs listed in go_heartjogging6.txt and their ancestors up to the root GO are plotted.
scripts/go_plot.py --go_file=tests/data/go_plot/go_heartjogging6.txt -o heartjogging6_r0.png
The -r argument causes relationships to be plotted.
scripts/go_plot.py --go_file=tests/data/go_plot/go_heartjogging6.txt -r -o heartjogging6_r1.png
Plot one term and all ancestors using the 'is_a' attribute.
scripts/go_plot.py GO:0003304
Plot one term and all ancestors using the 'is_a' attribute and all relationships (--r).
The 'part_of' relationships are represented by dashed magenta arrows.
scripts/go_plot.py GO:0003304 --r
Plot two terms and all ancestors using the 'is_a' attribute.
scripts/go_plot.py GO:0003304 GO:0003146 -o heart_jogging.png
Plot two terms and all ancestors using the 'is_a' attribute and all relationships (--r).
The 'part_of' relationships are represented by dashed magenta arrows.
scripts/go_plot.py GO:0003304 GO:0003146 --r -o heart_jogging_r1.png
Plot two terms and all ancestors using the 'is_a' attribute. The heart jogging GO term, GO:0003146, is colored in ice.
The file, go_file1.txt, contains the GO terms and user-defined colors:
GO:0003146 #d6fffa http://klaash.github.io/xkcdcolorpicker/#ice
scripts/go_plot.py --go_file=tests/data/go_plot/go_file1.txt -o heart_jogging_ice_gofile1.png
Plot two terms and all ancestors using the 'is_a' attribute.
The heart jogging GO term, GO:0003146, is colored in ice.
scripts/go_plot.py GO:0003304 GO:0003146#d6fffa -o heart_jogging_ice.png
Plot two terms ('heart jogging' (GO:0003146) colored in ice) and all ancestors using the 'is_a' attribute and all relationships (--r).
The 'part_of' relationships are represented by dashed magenta arrows.
scripts/go_plot.py GO:0003304 GO:0003146#d6fffa --r -o heart_jogging_ice_r1.png
With graphviz, it is possible to change the orientation of the graph output, which may be convenient for large graphs.
Options are TB, LR, BT and RL mirroring GraphViz
# top -> bottom (default)
scripts/go_plot.py GO:0000010 -o orientation_TB.png --obo=tests/data/mini_obo.obo --rankdir=TB
# left -> right
scripts/go_plot.py GO:0000010 -o orientation_LR.png --obo=tests/data/mini_obo.obo --rankdir=LR
Copyright (C) 2010-2018, DV Klopfenstein, Haibao Tang et al. All rights reserved.