diff --git a/_posts/tari1-setup/2024-01-25-GettingSetup.md b/_posts/tari1-setup/2024-01-25-GettingSetup.md
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+layout: module
+title: Setting Up Your Environment
+date: 2024-01-25 12:00:00 +0300
+postid: 201
+image: '/images/banner-01.jpg'
+category: setup
+course: developing-on-tari
+time: 20
+format: video
+level: beginner
+modno: 1
+tags: [201]
+description: Setting up your development environment for Tari
+ - title: When was Bitcoin launched?
+ content: January 3, 2009, but Satoshi was working on it for some time prior to this.
+ - title: How is Bitcoin money different to all the types of money the preceded it?
+ content: It’s the first currency that does not have a trusted centralised entity that manages the ledger.
+ - title: |
+ Select the one that is not true. Bitcoin is
+ (a) borderless,
+ (b) censorship-resistant,
+ (c) programmable,
+ (d) controlled by Satoshi Nakamoto.
+ content: (d) controlled by Satoshi Nakamoto.
+Before you start developing on Tari, you'll need to set up your environment.
+Here's some things you'll need
+1. A computer running Linux, macOS or Windows
+2. A text editor or IDE. We recommend [Visual Studio Code](https://code.visualstudio.com/)
+3. Docker (How to set up Docker on [Linux](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu/), [macOS](https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-mac/install/) or [Windows](https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-windows/install/))
+4. [Git](https://git-scm.com/downloads)
+## Setting up your environment
+Begin by pulling the tari testing docker image from Quay.
+docker pull quay.io/tarilabs/dan-testing
+Start the container by running
+docker run quay.io/tarilabs/dan-testing
+This will start up a base node, miner and validator node as well as create some
+accounts and a Tari Asset Wallet.