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140 lines (115 loc) · 5.45 KB


The assembler recognizes both global and local (or scoped) labels. Global labels must be unique throughout the entire program, whereas local labels must be unique within their respective scope.

Starting from version 0.5g, the _ symbol can be utilized independently to establish anonymous labels. For enhanced readability, you have the option to append a : following any label definition.

Global Labels

Labels serve as identifiers for memory addresses or constants within an assembly application. To define a label, simply type a name at the beginning of the line, immediately followed by the ; that starts the assembly code line.

For instance, by defining a label named loop, we can easily refer to it in an assembly instruction to create an infinite loop, like so:

  10 .asm
  20 ;loop
  30 ;  jp loop

The loop label denotes the memory address where the corresponding code is assembled. During assembly, any reference to loop is substituted with its actual memory address.

In our example, loop is a global label. This designation means it must be unique; otherwise, the assembler will flag it with a “duplicate definition” error. While this ensures label uniqueness, it can be cumbersome when you want to reuse a label name for similar code patterns.

That’s where local or scoped labels come in handy. Each global label initiates a new scope, allowing you to define local labels within it. These local labels won’t conflict with others in different scopes. However, within the same scope, you must still avoid duplicate local label names

Local Labels (v0.5e and later)

Local labels, similar to global labels, are used to identify memory addresses or constant values. The distinction lies in the prefix of a local label, which is a .. This differentiates it from a global label and confines its scope.

Here’s how you might structure your code using only global labels:

  10 .asm
  20 ;print
  30 ;  ld a, 2
  40 ;  call openChan
  50 ;printCh
  60 ;  ld a, (hl)
  70 ;  or a
  80 ;  jr z, printDone
  90 ;  call printCh
 100 ;  inc hl
 110 ;  jp print
 120 ;printDone
 130 ;  jp printNL
 140 ;
 150 ;send
 160 ;  ld bc,9600
 170 ;  call initUart
 180 ;nextCh
 190 ;  ld a, (hl)
 200 ;  or a
 210 ;  jr z, sendDone
 220 ;  call sendCh
 230 ;  inc hl
 240 ;  jp nextCh
 250 ;sendDone
 260 ;  call sendNL
 260 ;  jp closeUart

In this example, we encounter a common pattern at the end of string processing: exiting the print or send loop. Originally, we had to use distinct labels, printDone and sendDone, to differentiate the exit points for each routine. Similarly, unique names were required for each character-processing address. The use of sendCh was not possible due to the preexistence of a sendCh global label.

However, with local labels, the need for unique global names diminishes. Observe how the following example employs local labels to simplify the naming process

  10 .asm
  20 ;print
  30 ;  ld a, 2
  40 ;  call openChan
  50 ;.ch
  60 ;  ld a, (hl)
  70 ;  or a
  80 ;  jr z, .done
  90 ;  call printCh
 100 ;  inc hl
 110 ;  jp print
 120 ;.done
 130 ;  jp printNL
 140 ;
 150 ;send
 160 ;  ld bc,9600
 170 ;  call initUart
 180 ;.ch
 190 ;  ld a, (hl)
 200 ;  or a
 210 ;  jr z, .done
 220 ;  call sendCh
 230 ;  inc hl
 240 ;  jp .ch
 250 ;.done
 260 ;  call sendNL
 260 ;  jp closeUart

In this setup, the .ch and .done labels are confined to their respective routines, allowing for their reuse across different routines without naming conflicts. The print label establishes a new scope, and any labels beginning with a . are considered local to this scope. Similarly, the send label defines its own scope.

Label names

Label names must meet the following requirements

Max length 15
Must start with . or _ or a..z
Rest of the name . or _ or a..z or 0..9

When prefixed with a ., a label becomes scoped to the global label most recently declared before it. The maximum length of a local label is contingent upon the length of its scope label’s name. For instance, within the print scope, the .ch label effectively has a length of 8 characters, whereas in the send scope, it has a length of 7 characters

Referencing local labels across scopes

If you need to reference a local label from a different scope, you can use its fully qualified name. For instance, to jump to the .done label within the print routine from an external scope, you could use the following method:

  jp print.done

Anonymous Labels (v0.5g and later)

Anonymous labels are a powerful tool for creating jump targets in compact routines, eliminating the need for descriptive names. They are especially beneficial in small routines with clear local loops or jumps. It’s important to note that any instruction referencing an anonymous label will point to the nearest such label.

Here’s how you can use them:

_ is used to create a new anonymous label.

-_ points to the anonymous label immediately preceding the instruction.

+_ points to the anonymous label immediately following the instruction.

Let’s look at an example that illustrates the use of two anonymous labels and how you can selectively branch to either one. For readability, we’ve placed an optional : after the anonymous labels.

  ld a, (hl)
  or a
  jr z, +_      ; if register A is zero, jump forward to the next anonymous label
  rst $10
  inc hl
  jr -_         ; jump back to the preceding anonymous label