This example we create a simple function to convert strings to upper case. This routine takes advantage of the fact that you can pass string arguments the USR
and USR$
5 CLEAR $bfff
10 .asm
20 ; ret nz ; expect string
30 ; push bc ;Save string
40 ; push de ; for return
50 ;casecvt
60 ; ld a,(de) ;Get char
70 ; cp "a" ;
80 ; jr c,next ;Skip if < a
90 ; cp "z"+1
100 ; jr nc,next ;Skip if > z
110 ; and $5f ;a..z->A..Z
120 ; ld (de),a ;Replace char
130 ;next
140 ; inc de ;Next char
150 ; dec bc ;Dec count
160 ; ld a,c
170 ; or b ;Test for 0
180 ; jr nz,casecvt
190 ; pop de ;Restore
200 ; pop bc ; string ptr
210 ; ret
With that assembled, we can now create a convenient NextBASIC functions to wrap the machine code routine. NextBASIC makes this very easy using the DEF FN
500 DEF FN ToUpper$( s$)= USR $($c000,s$)
And now we can convert strings to uppercase
1000 a$="hello"
1010 PRINT FN ToUpper$(a$)
To have the upper case version of the string stored, you can do assign the result back to the original string or to a new string
1000 a$ = FN ToUpper$(a$)
You can even change the case of literal strings
1000 PRINT FN ToUpper$("test")