In this tool Blue Harvest &0169; team has worked hard to create:
- A local development environment to don't need to relay in real server for everything using Express and Node.js
- A kind of framework that uses Angular and configurations to make more easy to create new frontend for OT workflows.
git clone
cd ASR-Server-WF3
npm install
npm start
OpenText frameworks generates a basic HTML, with the form on it, but the OpenText style is not very nice and usable for a regular user. OpenText generated form HTML contains a set of labels than on being parsed by OpenText server will be replaced with the correct data.
For instance [LL_UserFirstName /]
will be replaced by Tomas
in my case.
OpenText also uses another kind of label to add a set of possible datas, this label has the following structure.
- _X_X_X on each loop will have a different value, each X will be a different number.
- Everything inside those two labels will be treated as an array item.
- The field names inside those two labels will not be the final names they will have or require on saving.
For instance...
<input type="hidden" name="_1_1_6_7_1" title="rngDocumentName" value="[LL_FormTag_1_1_6_7_1 /]">
if there is only one item it will be converted to something like...
<input type="hidden" name="_1_1_6_1_7_1" title="rngDocumentName" value="[LL_FormTag_1_1_6_1_7_1 /]">
- You to get the form HTML code from OpenText.
- Create an HTML page with your dependencies and with the form before the body closing tag.
- Add a title to each field in this form.
- Add a configuration mapping object to get this data from the form. OTFormService uses the title to get the input values and store it.
- Add a configuration mapping object to set this data as a Form Data object that will be sent to the server in order to save the changes in the forms.
- Add a configuration per environment to set all the objId used in OpenText to fetch the data.
- Bootstrap as CSS framework.
- AngularJS as the main frontend framework.
- JSPM as package manager and bundling tool.
- JSPM plubin text used to include the templates in the final code.
- SystemJS as lazy loader tool.
- ES6 a.k.a ES2015 as the main language.
- Babel as ES6 to ES5 transpiler.
- jspm_packages
- Contains all the vendor libraries installed using JSPM
- partials
- Contains the main AngularJS layout template.
- scripts
- Contains all the scripts used in the app/workflow.
- styles
- Contains all the style rules to tweak or style your app/workflow on top of Bootstrap.
- vendor
- Contains a fixed version of pdf.js
- config.js
- SystemJS configuration.
- index.html
- The main file where the OT form should be added together with your dependencies.
- OK.txt
- This file is required because OT wants to return to an specific page on saving.
The OT framework components can be found inside scripts/app folder.
- components
- Contains the basic components used in the main Angular template.
- config
- Contains the config function that will executed on setting up the Angular module.
- constants
- Contains some constants and configuration data.
- controllers
- The basic controllers used/required in the main Angular template.
- i18n
- Contains one file, with a set of key and value pairs, per language used by ngTranslate
- services
- Contains the common services used in the app.
- utils
- Contains some common util functions used across the framework.
- index.js
- Is the bootstrap file that loads the module with all the dependencies.
A few many times we find Angular apps that are structured in a flat way where all the components are in the same folder even if they are depending on or dependant from other components. The best way to work with Angular is to keep everything inside it's context and this is how our components code is structured.
An example of a simple component is delegateForm, you can find it in scripts/app/components/delegateForm, once you open the containing folder you can see that it contains the following:
- controllers
- Contains the controllers used in this component.
- services
- Contains the services used in this component.
- templates
- Angular template used in this component.
- index.js
- Is the main javascript file used to configure the component.
An example of a component with multiple component dependencies is featureForm, you can find it in scripts/app/components/featureForm, once you open the containing folder you can see that it contains the following:
- components
- Contains other components that are required by featureForm
- controllers
- Contains the controllers used in this component.
- services
- Contains the services used in this component.
- templates
- Angular template used in this component.
The pattern should be followed to be able to move/copy a component with all its dependencies.
Exporting your component should follow a simple pattern so the main app file can read it and download not only the component but also all the other required depencies like services and other components.
The following line of code in scripts/app/index.js that the job of loading it for you.
utils.addComponentsRecursive(formAppModule, [delegateFormComponent, featureFormComponent]);
This function only requires two arguments:
- The variable name of the Angular module where the component and dependencies will be aggregated.
- The array of basic components required in the Angular main template.
To make this work properly you as a developer should follow an specific pattern on exporting your component: (You can see one example in scripts/app/components/featureForm/index.js)
export default {
component: { // Main component object
name: 'featureForm', // Component name that will be used as an HTML tag replacing camel case by snake case
component: { // Regular component object (
template: template,
controller: FeatureFormController,
bindings: {
display: "="
subcomponents: [ // Components array required in the current component
services: { FeatureFormService } // Services object with one service per key.
- Exported items are plain Javascript objects, classes or functions so that moving code from the current framework to a different one could be done very easily.
- Only one Angular bootstrapping file.
- Uses explicit dependency injection to avoid problems on minification and to keep the code isolated of the usage of Angular.
- Configuration manages:
- How to get and set data from and to OpenText.
- Object ids to be used as specific endpoints.