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File metadata and controls

145 lines (88 loc) · 7.01 KB


kosapy is a python client library for KosAPI, a REST API created to access the study information system KOS on CTU Prague.

It is based on the implementation ideas of the siesta project. It is left to the user to take care of calling the API in a valid way as the library has no bindings to the API structure. It could even (after slight modifications) be used for nearly any REST API.

Kosapy depend on requests and requests-cache (both best installed using pip) and is guaranteed to work with python 3.3. Earlier version support depends mainly on the libraries, any python 3+ should be fine.

This is the only docs you'll find. Should you encounter a bug, some unexpected behavior, syntactic unclarity or missing feature, please let us know in the issue tracker here at github.

Start by seeing the and typing:

from kosapy import Kosapy
k=Kosapy(url, ('username', 'password'))


A resource is referenced by k.resource.sub.ssub, e.g.


If the resource is not a valid python identifier, use the get method to reference it:


The resource contents are fetched by calling or iterating over the resource. Fetch one entry:


Iterate over all entries (paging taken into account):

for entry in k.students.buriama8.enrolledCourses:
    do stuff with entry

URL parameters are specified as kwargs:

for entry in"code=gt=A4;code=lt=A5", sem="B131"):
    do stuff with OI-only course entries in semester B131

The result of calling a resource with kwargs is a resource, so in the rare occasion you want only one entry of a filtered resource, you need to call for it:"B131")()

If the entry refers to content available in another resource, as for example students in courses/[course]/students, you can reference the other resource as entry.resource:

for student in
    for ce in student.resource.enrolledCourses:

 # This would leave you with a set of names of courses that students have enrolled along A4B33OPT.

Of course this costs time, so if the information you need is in the student entry, you don't need to fetch it again.


The field access is based on the objectivexml library. Well, it's actually the other way around, objectivexml was developed as a part of kosapy and then made standalone. They are close siblings and were born on the same night. To make working with kosapy more comfortable, several features were added here, but you can generally refer to objectivexml docs if you don't understand something here. It might be written in different words there.

In the entry you access the fields (=tags) in the atom:content hierarchically. Accessing the day in parallel entry is

for parallel in k.parallels:

If the field names are not valid python identifiers, use the get() method instead:


The returned field is always iterable:

for slot in parallel.timetableSlot:

When there are more tags with the same path (e.g. parallel.teacher), the result is a list; when the tag is only one, it can be used directly:


Accessing a field that is not present returns an empty iterator: # returns ()

The rule of the thumb is: When you are not sure if the tag is present, check first. When you are sure there will be precisely one tag, use it directly. When there is even a slight possibility that there will be more, iterate as it's guaranteed to work.

Once you got the field (by referencing, checking and maybe iterating), you can finally get to the data itself. Get field content by calling:


Get field attribute by calling too:


kosapy deals with xlink references for you, so listing enrolled exam dates is as simple as

for registration in k.students.buriama8.registeredExams:

The referenced resource is fetched for you and the resulting entry is substituted into the field. The original content and attributes can still be accesed the same:

for teacher in parallel.teacher:
    teacher() - full name (original field content)
    teacher("xlink:href") - the xlink (original field attribute value)
    teacher.firstName() - value from the fetched xlinked entry

The field type is detected automatically and the value is parsed:

  • date to
  • datetime to datetime.datetime
  • integer to int
  • boolean to bool

You can still access the original value by using a kwarg raw=True:

exam.startDate() # datetime.datetime(2014, 1, 5, 10, O)
exam.startDate(raw=True) # '2014-01-05T10:00:00'

If you don't understand something, see the examples. Fill in your username (example: buriama8) and password (HPH, the one for KOS) in and get started!


Fetched resources, or more precisely all the HTTP responses from KosAPI, are cached using requests_cache. There are two utility methods built into kosapy, but if you need something special, please refer to requests_cache docs and suit yourself.

The cache will write to the current directory into file kosapy_cache.sqlite. The cache lifetime is 24h, erase by deleting the file.

You can disable the cache and enable it again:

# disable cache

# enable cache

But really, why would you disable the cache? If you were to fetch all students ever on FEE, it might be a good idea, but it's up to you.


kosapy is very young, it might change drastically in the future, But we still strongly encourage you to use it and report bugs!

kosapy has been developed literally overnight, so it might have performance issues. It uses lazy loading of like everything and features a simple http cache, but further speedups are sure possible. We'll see if it gets slow enough to be annoying.

We will be implementing OAuth2. Sometime.

Since kosapy is so general, it could be modified to quite any REST API. The only presumptions made about the XML is organization of data into an ATOM feed (entries are atom:entry, multiple entries are in atom:feed and the interesting part of the entry is in atom:content) and cross-referencing using xlink:href attribute of fields and atom:link href="self" of entries. If you're building a client lib for a different API, take a look at the above referenced siesta project, we think it's really cool (and that's why we borrowed some of their ideas). They focus on JSON, though, and we needed XML.

Supporting POST, PUT and others is not neccessary for KosAPI, but useful for writeable REST APIs. We might implement them sometime.