search ui
The requirement is a similar seach tool like VisualSearch.js, but with additional features.
- autocomplete
- HTML5 input types
- multiselect
- operators on numbers/dates
- sorting of autocomplete data
- Backbone integration
- Bootstrap compatible
- jQuery
- Backbone
sui = new SUI( target, facets, options )
Configuration options
sui = new SUI(
# ------------
# ------------
# as selector
# or as jQuery el
$( "#my-sui" ),
# or as raw Dom element
# ------------
# FACETS config
# ------------
# ------------
# STRING facet
# ------------
type: "string"
name: "simple"
label: "Simple select or text"
options: [ "a", "b", "c" ]
# or as collection
options: new Backbone.Collection( [ "a", "b", "c" ] )
# or as function
options: ( cb )->
cb( [ "a", "b", "c" ] )
# advanced options
options: [
{ value: "usa", label: "United States", group: "America" }
{ value: "can", label: "Canada", group: "America" }
{ value: "jp", label: "Japan", group: "Asia" }
{ value: "cn", label: "China", group: "Asia" }
{ value: "ger", label: "Germany", group: "Europe" }
# sort options by value
optionSort: "value"
# custom sort method like backbone comparator
optionSort: ( option )->
return option.get( "label" )
# search function instead of pre-defined `options`
search: ( query, cb )->
cb( [ "a", "b", "c" ] )
# a predefined value
value: "a"
# or a function call on init
value: ( cb )->
cb( "a" )
# ------------
# ARRAY facet
# ------------
type: "array"
name: "multi"
label: "Multiple selections"
options: [ "a", "b", "c" ] # similar to STRING facet
optionSort: "value"
value: [ "b", "c" ] # multiple results possible
# modify the value
modify: ( value )->
return { "$and": value }
# ------------
# NUMBER facet
# ------------
type: "number"
name: "count"
label: "Select a numeric value"
min: 0
max: 100
step: 1
value: 50
# ------------
# NUMBER-OP facet
# ------------
type: "number"
name: "colors"
label: "Select a numeric value with operator"
# optional operators
operators: [ "!=", "==", "<=", "<", ">", ">=" ]
min: 0
max: 100
step: 1
value: 50
# ------------
# RANGE facet
# ------------
type: "range"
name: "sizes"
label: "Select a numeric range"
min: 1
max: 10
step: 1
value: [ 5, 7 ]
# ------------
# ------------
type: "daterange"
name: "shipment"
label: "Select a date(range)"
value: [ startDate, endDate ]
# see the options of [daterangepicker](
timePicker: true
timePickerIncrement: 30
format: 'MM/DD/YYYY h:mm A'
ranges: { ... }
# ------------
# OPTIONS general
# ------------
onChange: ( queryCollection )->
# on every change/add/remove of a filter this method will be called.
# the only argument is a collection with the query
# it's recommended us a existing collection
# as query object and listen to the changes
queryCollection: new Backbone.Collection()
# ------------
# RESULT by `queryCollection.toJSON()` - idAttribute=`name`
# ------------
name: "string",
type: "string",
value: "a"
name: "multi",
type: "array",
value: [ "a", "b" ]
name: "count",
type: "number",
value: 42
name: "colors",
type: "number",
operator: "<="
value: 7
name: "sizes",
type: "range",
value: [ 3,6 ]
name: "date",
type: "daterange",
value: [ startDate, endDate ] # the values will be JS dates
get a facet configuration by name
get the result collection
fired on a change of the filter
sui = new SUI( ... )
sui.on "change", ( qColl )->
_queryArray = qColl.toJSON()
# process DB/Data search based on query `_queryArray`
fired on
$el = $( "#my-sui" )
new SUI( $el, ... )
$el.on "change.sui", ( event, queryArray )->
# process DB/Data search based on query `queryArray`