Sets the policy for a list of TeamViewer devices.
The script fetches TeamViewer devices from the TeamViewer company that corresponds to the given API token. It will set the policy of those devices to either inherit from their parent group or to a policy with the given ID. An optional group filter restricts the operation to only those devices that are member of the groups with the given names or IDs. There is also the option to exclude specific devices by their device ID.
This script requires the TeamViewerPS
powershell module to be installed.
Install-Module TeamViewerPS
.\Set-TeamViewerDevicesPolicy.ps1 -PolicyId "Pol123" -FilterGroupNames "Group1"
.\Set-TeamViewerDevicesPolicy.ps1 -ExcludedDeviceIds "d12345678","d90123456"
To get further help about the script and its parameters, execute the
PowerShell cmdlet:
Get-Help -Detailed .\Set-TeamViewerDevicesPolicy.ps1