to make the processing of the file easer the headers from the file we transformed the headers.
- Replace all whitespace and replace with
- Replace all
- Make all lower case
We used office script to convert the file gesamtuebersicht-sample.xlsx
to JSON.
interface TableData {
thema: string;
typ: string;
datensatz_titel: string;
beschreibung: string;
raeumlicher_bezug: string;
verantwortlichkeit_bezirksebene: string;
ansprechperson_bezirksebene: string;
verantwortlichkeit_landesebene: string;
ansprechperson_landesebene: string;
datenhoheit_bei: string;
it_fachverfahren: string;
dateiformat: string;
datenqualitaet: string;
function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook): TableData[] {
const sheet = workbook.getActiveWorksheet()
const tables = sheet.getTables()
if (tables[0]) {
const table = tables[0];
const texts = table.getRange().getTexts();
const keys = texts[0].map(item => item.toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, "_").replace(/[Ää]/gi, "ae").replace("_-_", "_").replace("-","_"));
const data: TableData[] = texts.slice(1).map((row, index, arr) => {
const item = {} as TableData;
for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
item[keys[i]] = row[i];
return item;
// If the sheet already exists this will fail silently
const outputSheet = workbook.addWorksheet("output");
return data;
Fill the .envrc.sample with your credentials and rename it to .envrc.
direnv allow
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