Expert Python Programming, 2e
by Michal Jaworski, Tarek Ziade, May 2016 (Packt Publishing)
Advanced Python programming with Python 3.5 at real production level.
1. Current Status of Python
Where are we now and where are we going?
Why and how does Python change?
Getting up to date with changes — PEP documents
Python 3 adoption at the time of writing this book
The main difference between Python 3 and Python 2
Modern approaches to Python development
Application-level isolation of Python environments
Popular productivity tools
2. Syntax Best Practices — Below the Class Level
Other syntax elements you may not know yet
3. Syntax Best Practices — Above the Class Level
Subclassing built-in types
Accessing methods from superclasses
Advanced attribute access patterns
PEP 8 and naming best practices
Best practices for arguments
Deployment automation using Fabric
Your own package index or index mirror
Common conventions and practices
Code instrumentation and monitoring
7. Python Extensions in Other Languages
Different language means — C or C++
Why you might want to use extensions
Interfacing with dynamic libraries without extensions
Continuous development processes
9. Documenting Your Project
The seven rules of technical writing
A reStructuredText primer
Building the documentation
Making your own portfolio
10. Test-Driven Development
11. Optimization — General Principles and Profiling Techniques
The three rules of optimization
12. Optimization — Some Powerful Techniques
Using architectural trade-offs
14. Useful Design Patterns