In this lab, you will learn how to create a Alexa Voice Product. Then you will create the AWS resources required for the upcoming labs.
Login to AWS Console
- Launch Team Dashboard
- Paste the 12 digit Hash key provided to you by AWS
- Click Accept Terms & Login
- Your Team name is your Account ID (copy the full #)
- you will need it in section B - Step 8 of this lab
- Click AWS Console
- Click Open AWS console
Please navigate to the AWS IoT Console
- select Manage -> Things and copy the name of the Thing (on the right pane)
- This is the serial # of your NxP kit , you need in step 4
select Settings (on the left bottom pane) and copy the IoT endpoint URL
The endpoint Url might be different for you , than in the screenshot here
Click here to create cloudformation-stack-us-east-1
a. Enter the serial number, you copied earlier
b. Leave rest of the options default and click Create
The cloudformation will take between 3-5 mins to complete. Once complete -
After you've created an Amazon developer account, you'll need to create a product and security profile. This will enable your software client to connect to AVS.
Log in to AVS console.
If this is your first time using AVS, you'll see a welcome screen. Click the GET STARTED button, then click the CREATE PRODUCT button.
If you're a returning developer, click the Products -> CREATE PRODUCT button at the top right corner of the screen.
Product Name: MQTT for AVS
Product ID: PrototypeIoT
Please Select Your Product Type: Device with Alexa Built-in
Will your device use a companion app? No
Product Category: Other (Please specify)
- Enter Value: Prototype
Brief Product description: Prototype
How will users interact with your product? : Hands-free
Skip the Upload an image step. This is not required for prototyping.
Select the options as below and click Next to Continue.
Please use the AWS Account # provided to you for the workshop.
Enter your own custom Security Profile Name and Security Profile Description for the following fields - or use the below example names:
- Security Profile Name: MQTT for AVS Profile
- Security Profile Description: AVS IoT Workshop
- Click NEXT.
Security Profile ID will be generated for you.
Select Other devices and platforms in the Platform Information section.
- Client ID name - Prototype
- Click Generate ID and Download
- You will need the Client Id in the next section
- Check the box I agree to the AVS .. and Click FINISH.
You will get the message, Product has been created. Click Ok and move to section B. In the next lab you will need the following from this lab :
- AVS Client ID and Product ID available in the downloaded config.json file from Section A - Step 11
- AWS IoT Endpoint Url from Section B - Step 3
Congratulations! You now have created the Alexa Voice Product and the AWS resources.