Level | Technologies | Target Product | Product Versions | Source |
Intermediate |
Teiid, BRMS, Drools, User Defined Function |
DV 6.1 |
drools-integration demonstrates how a business rule can be triggered via a User Defined Function (UDF).
Generate UDF jar and dependencies jars
Using the Maven build and copy dependencies:
$ cd teiid-quickstarts/drools-integration/
$ mvn clean install dependency:copy-dependencies -s ../settings.xml
NOTE - This will generate drools-integration.jar
and dependency
under target folder.
Install drools as a module
Copy src/modules/org to $JBOSS_HOME
$ cp -r src/modules/org/ $JBOSS_HOME/modules
Copy all dependency jars to drools module
$ cp target/dependency/*.jar $JBOSS_HOME/modules/org/drools/main
If you want get a Supported version of Drools libraries, please Download Red Hat JBoss BRMS 6 Maven Repository from https://access.redhat.com/jbossnetwork/restricted/listSoftware.html product=brms&downloadType=distributions[Red Hat Customer Portal] and Install Red Hat support libraries as drools module.
Install drools-integration module
Execute CLI command to install drools-integration module
module add --name=org.jboss.teiid.drools --resources=/path/to/drools-integration.jar --dependencies=javax.api,org.slf4j,org.drools,org.jboss.teiid.api
Start the server
To start the server, open a command line and navigate to the "bin" directory under the root directory of the Teiid server and run:
./standalone.sh //For Linux
standalone.bat //for Windows
If Teiid isn’t configured in the default configuration, append the following arguments to the command to specify the configuration -c {configuration.file}
./standalone.sh -c standalone-teiid.xml
Copy the following files to the "/standalone/deployments" directory
Open the admin console(http://localhost:9990/console) to make sure the VDB is deployed. See Query Demonstrations below to demonstrate query User Defined Function.
Change your working directory to "${quickstart.install.dir}/simpleclient"
Use the simpleclient example to run the following queries:
Example: mvn exec:java -Dvdb="portfolio" -Dsql="example query" -Dusername="xx" -Dpassword="xx"
SELECT performRuleOnData('org.jboss.teiid.drools.Message', 'Hello World', 0) FROM FOO
depending on your OS/Shell the quoting/escaping required to run the example can be complicated. It would be better to install a Java client, such as SQuirreL, to run the queries. |