Requirements :
- Python3
- wxWidgets
- graphviz
- pytest
Install using the following command :
Python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate (Unix)
env\Scripts\activate (Windows)
Install the required dependencies with pip
pip install pytest, graphviz
pip install -U --pre -f wxPython_Phoenix
Install the graphviz binary:
- Linux : sudo apt-get install graphviz
- OSX : brew install graphviz
- Windows : choco install graphviz
It's also possible to put all the binaries into the /lib/bin folder. If this folder exists, GraphLink will use it.
Run the test with pytest
in the root directory
Run the following command :
pyinstaller --onefile --windowed --name=GraphLink --icon=resources/art/graphlink.icns
edit the GraphLink.spec
file and add the following in the data line :
datas=[('../trunk/graphlink/art/*.png', 'art')],
run :
pyinstaller GraphLink.spec