diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 1d12cc0..686e536 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,51 +1,10 @@
-### .gitgnore for Python ##################################################################################
-# C extensions
-# Packages
-# Installer logs
-# Unit test / coverage reports
-# Translations
-# Mr Developer
### .gitgnore for node.js ##################################################################################
# Logs
diff --git a/squiffy.py b/squiffy.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2324894..0000000
--- a/squiffy.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,407 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import sys
-import re
-from collections import OrderedDict
-import json
-import glob
-import markdown
-import uuid
-import hashlib
-import shutil
-squiffy_version = "1.0"
-def process(input_filename, source_path, options):
- output_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(input_filename))
- story = Story()
- story.set_id(os.path.abspath(input_filename))
- success = process_file(story, os.path.abspath(input_filename), True)
- if not success:
- print ("Failed.")
- return
- print ("Writing story.js")
- js_template_file = open(os.path.join(source_path, "squiffy.template.js"))
- js_data = "// Created with Squiffy {0}\n// https://github.com/textadventures/squiffy\n\n".format(squiffy_version) + js_template_file.read()
- output_js_file = open(os.path.join(output_path, "story.js"), 'w')
- output_js_file.write(js_data)
- output_js_file.write("\n\n")
- if len(story.start) == 0:
- story.start = list(story.sections.keys())[0]
- output_js_file.write("squiffy.story.start = \"" + story.start + "\";\n")
- output_js_file.write("squiffy.story.id = \"{0}\";\n".format(story.id))
- output_js_file.write("squiffy.story.sections = {\n")
- for section_name in story.sections:
- section = story.sections[section_name]
- output_js_file.write("\t\"{0}\": {{\n".format(section_name))
- if section.clear:
- output_js_file.write("\t\t\"clear\": true,\n")
- output_js_file.write("\t\t\"text\": {0},\n".format(json.dumps(process_text("\n".join(section.text), story, section, None))))
- if len(section.attributes) > 0:
- output_js_file.write("\t\t\"attributes\": {0},\n".format(json.dumps(section.attributes)))
- if len(section.js) > 0:
- write_js(output_js_file, 2, section.js)
- output_js_file.write("\t\t\"passages\": {\n")
- for passage_name in section.passages:
- passage = section.passages[passage_name]
- output_js_file.write("\t\t\t\"{0}\": {{\n".format(passage_name))
- if passage.clear:
- output_js_file.write("\t\t\t\t\"clear\": true,\n")
- output_js_file.write("\t\t\t\t\"text\": {0},\n".format(json.dumps(process_text("\n".join(passage.text), story, section, passage))))
- if len(passage.attributes) > 0:
- output_js_file.write("\t\t\t\t\"attributes\": {0},\n".format(json.dumps(passage.attributes)))
- if len(passage.js) > 0:
- write_js(output_js_file, 4, passage.js)
- output_js_file.write("\t\t\t},\n")
- output_js_file.write("\t\t},\n")
- output_js_file.write("\t},\n")
- output_js_file.write("}\n")
- print ("Writing index.html")
- html_template_file = open(find_file("index.template.html", output_path, source_path))
- html_data = html_template_file.read()
- html_data = html_data.replace("", "".format(squiffy_version))
- html_data = html_data.replace("", story.title)
- jquery_js = "jquery.min.js"
- jqueryui_js = "jquery-ui.min.js"
- if options.use_cdn:
- jquery_js = "http://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery/jquery-1.10.2.min.js"
- jqueryui_js = "http://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.ui/1.10.3/jquery-ui.min.js"
- else:
- shutil.copy2(os.path.join(source_path, "jquery.min.js"), output_path)
- shutil.copy2(os.path.join(source_path, "jquery-ui.min.js"), output_path)
- html_data = html_data.replace("", jquery_js)
- html_data = html_data.replace("", jqueryui_js)
- script_data = "\n".join(map(lambda script: "".format(script), story.scripts))
- html_data = html_data.replace("", script_data)
- output_html_file = open(os.path.join(output_path, "index.html"), 'w')
- output_html_file.write(html_data)
- print ("Writing style.css")
- css_template_file = open(find_file("style.template.css", output_path, source_path))
- css_data = css_template_file.read()
- output_css_file = open(os.path.join(output_path, "style.css"), 'w')
- output_css_file.write(css_data)
- print("Done.")
-def find_file(filename, output_path, source_path):
- output_path_file = os.path.join(output_path, filename)
- if os.path.exists(output_path_file):
- return output_path_file
- return os.path.join(source_path, filename)
-def process_file(story, input_filename, is_first):
- if input_filename in story.files:
- return True
- story.files.append(input_filename)
- print ("Loading " + input_filename)
- input_file = open(input_filename)
- line_count = 0
- auto_section_count = 0
- section_regex = re.compile(r"^\[\[(.*)\]\]:$")
- passage_regex = re.compile(r"^\[(.*)\]:$")
- title_regex = re.compile(r"^@title (.*)$")
- import_regex = re.compile(r"^@import (.*)$")
- start_regex = re.compile(r"^@start (.*)$")
- attributes_regex = re.compile(r"^@set (.*)$")
- unset_regex = re.compile(r"^@unset (.*)$")
- inc_regex = re.compile(r"^@inc (.*)$")
- dec_regex = re.compile(r"^@dec (.*)$")
- replace_regex = re.compile(r"^@replace (.*$)")
- js_regex = re.compile(r"^(\t| {4})(.*)$")
- continue_regex = re.compile(r"^\+\+\+(.*)$")
- section = None
- passage = None
- text_started = False
- input_data = input_file.read()
- input_lines = input_data.splitlines()
- for line in input_lines:
- stripline = line.strip()
- line_count += 1
- section_match = section_regex.match(stripline)
- passage_match = passage_regex.match(stripline)
- continue_match = continue_regex.match(stripline)
- js_match = js_regex.match(line)
- if section_match:
- section = story.addSection(section_match.group(1), input_filename, line_count)
- passage = None
- text_started = False
- elif passage_match:
- if section is None:
- print("ERROR: {0} line {1}: Can't add passage '{2}' as no section has been created.".format(
- input_filename, line_count, passage_match.group(1)))
- return False
- passage = section.addPassage(passage_match.group(1), line_count)
- text_started = False
- elif continue_match:
- section = ensure_section_exists(story, section, is_first, input_filename, line_count)
- auto_section_count += 1
- auto_section_name = "_continue{0}".format(auto_section_count)
- section.addText("[[{0}]]({1})".format(continue_match.group(1), auto_section_name))
- section = story.addSection(auto_section_name, input_filename, line_count)
- passage = None
- text_started = False
- elif stripline.startswith("@"):
- title_match = title_regex.match(stripline)
- start_match = start_regex.match(stripline)
- import_match = import_regex.match(stripline)
- attributes_match = attributes_regex.match(stripline)
- unset_match = unset_regex.match(stripline)
- inc_match = inc_regex.match(stripline)
- dec_match = dec_regex.match(stripline)
- replace_match = replace_regex.match(stripline)
- if stripline == "@clear":
- if passage is None:
- section = ensure_section_exists(story, section, is_first, input_filename, line_count)
- section.clear = True
- else:
- passage.clear = True
- elif title_match:
- story.title = title_match.group(1)
- elif start_match:
- story.start = start_match.group(1)
- elif import_match:
- base_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(input_filename))
- new_filenames = os.path.join(base_path, import_match.group(1))
- import_filenames = glob.glob(new_filenames)
- for import_filename in import_filenames:
- if import_filename.endswith(".squiffy"):
- success = process_file(story, import_filename, False)
- if not success:
- return False
- elif import_filename.endswith(".js"):
- story.scripts.append(os.path.relpath(import_filename, base_path))
- elif attributes_match:
- section = add_attribute(attributes_match.group(1), story, section, passage, is_first, input_filename, line_count)
- elif unset_match:
- section = add_attribute("not " + unset_match.group(1), story, section, passage, is_first, input_filename, line_count)
- elif inc_match:
- section = add_attribute(inc_match.group(1) + "+=1", story, section, passage, is_first, input_filename, line_count)
- elif dec_match:
- section = add_attribute(dec_match.group(1) + "-=1", story, section, passage, is_first, input_filename, line_count)
- elif replace_match:
- replace_attribute = replace_match.group(1)
- attribute_match = re.match(r"^(.*?)=(.*)$", replace_attribute)
- if attribute_match:
- replace_attribute = attribute_match.group(1) + "=" + process_text(attribute_match.group(2), None, None, None)
- section = add_attribute("@replace " + replace_attribute, story, section, passage, is_first, input_filename, line_count)
- elif not text_started and js_match:
- if passage is None:
- section = ensure_section_exists(story, section, is_first, input_filename, line_count)
- section.addJS(js_match.group(2))
- else:
- passage.addJS(js_match.group(2))
- else:
- if not text_started and len(stripline) == 0:
- continue
- if passage is None:
- section = ensure_section_exists(story, section, is_first, input_filename, line_count)
- if not section is None:
- section.addText(line)
- text_started = True
- else:
- passage.addText(line)
- text_started = True
- return True
-def ensure_section_exists(story, section, is_first, input_filename, line_count):
- if section is None and is_first:
- section = story.addSection("_default", input_filename, line_count)
- return section
-def add_attribute(attribute, story, section, passage, is_first, input_filename, line_count):
- if passage is None:
- section = ensure_section_exists(story, section, is_first, input_filename, line_count)
- section.addAttribute(attribute)
- else:
- passage.addAttribute(attribute)
- return section
-def process_text(input, story, section, passage):
- # named_section_link_regex matches:
- # open [[
- # any text - the link text
- # closing ]]
- # open bracket
- # any text - the name of the section
- # closing bracket
- named_section_link_regex = re.compile(r"\[\[(.*?)\]\]\((.*?)\)")
- links = map(lambda m: m.group(2), named_section_link_regex.finditer(input))
- check_section_links(story, links, section, passage)
- input = named_section_link_regex.sub(r"\1", input)
- # named_passage_link_regex matches:
- # open [
- # any text - the link text
- # closing ]
- # open bracket, but not http(s):// after it
- # any text - the name of the passage
- # closing bracket
- named_passage_link_regex = re.compile(r"\[(.*?)\]\(((?!https?://).*?)\)")
- links = map(lambda m: m.group(2), named_passage_link_regex.finditer(input))
- check_passage_links(story, links, section, passage)
- input = named_passage_link_regex.sub(r"\1", input)
- # unnamed_section_link_regex matches:
- # open [[
- # any text - the link text
- # closing ]]
- unnamed_section_link_regex = re.compile(r"\[\[(.*?)\]\]")
- links = map(lambda m: m.group(1), unnamed_section_link_regex.finditer(input))
- check_section_links(story, links, section, passage)
- input = unnamed_section_link_regex.sub(r"\1", input)
- # unnamed_passage_link_regex matches:
- # open [
- # any text - the link text
- # closing ]
- # no bracket after
- unnamed_passage_link_regex = re.compile(r"\[(.*?)\]([^\(]|$)")
- links = map(lambda m: m.group(1), unnamed_passage_link_regex.finditer(input))
- check_passage_links(story, links, section, passage)
- input = unnamed_passage_link_regex.sub(r"\1\2", input)
- return markdown.markdown(input)
-def check_section_links(story, links, section, passage):
- if story:
- bad_links = filter(lambda m: not link_destination_exists(m, story.sections), links)
- show_bad_links_warning(bad_links, "section", "[[", "]]", section, passage)
-def check_passage_links(story, links, section, passage):
- if story:
- bad_links = filter(lambda m: not link_destination_exists(m, section.passages), links)
- show_bad_links_warning(bad_links, "passage", "[", "]", section, passage)
-def link_destination_exists(link, keys):
- # Link destination data may look like:
- # passageName
- # passageName, my_attribute=2
- # passageName, @replace 1=new text, some_attribute=5
- # @replace 2=some words
- # We're only interested in checking if the named passage or section exists.
- link_destination = link.split(",")[0]
- if link_destination[0] == "@":
- return True
- return link_destination in keys
-def show_bad_links_warning(bad_links, link_to, before, after, section, passage):
- for bad_link in bad_links:
- if passage is None:
- warning = "{0} line {1}: In section \"{2}\"".format(section.filename, section.line, section.name)
- else:
- warning = "{0} line {1}: In section \"{2}\", passage \"{3}\"".format(
- section.filename, passage.line, section.name, passage.name)
- print("WARNING: {0} there is a link to a {1} called {2}{3}{4}, which doesn't exist".format(warning, link_to, before, bad_link, after))
-def write_js(output_js_file, tab_count, js):
- tabs = "\t" * tab_count
- output_js_file.write("{0}\"js\": function() {{\n".format(tabs))
- for js_line in js:
- output_js_file.write("{0}\t{1}\n".format(tabs, js_line))
- output_js_file.write("{0}}},\n".format(tabs))
-class Story:
- def __init__(self):
- self.sections = OrderedDict()
- self.title = ""
- self.scripts = []
- self.files = []
- self.start = ""
- def addSection(self, name, filename, line):
- section = Section(name, filename, line)
- self.sections[name] = section
- return section
- def set_id(self, filename):
- file_id = str(uuid.getnode()) + filename
- self.id = hashlib.sha1(file_id.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()[0:10]
-class Section:
- def __init__(self, name, filename, line):
- self.name = name
- self.filename = filename
- self.line = line
- self.text = []
- self.passages = OrderedDict()
- self.js = []
- self.clear = False
- self.attributes = []
- def addPassage(self, name, line):
- passage = Passage(name, line)
- self.passages[name] = passage
- return passage
- def addText(self, text):
- self.text.append(text)
- def addJS(self, text):
- self.js.append(text)
- def addAttribute(self, text):
- self.attributes.append(text)
-class Passage:
- def __init__(self, name, line):
- self.name = name
- self.line = line
- self.text = []
- self.js = []
- self.clear = False
- self.attributes = []
- def addText(self, text):
- self.text.append(text)
- def addJS(self, text):
- self.js.append(text)
- def addAttribute(self, text):
- self.attributes.append(text)
-class Options:
- def __init__(self, args):
- self.use_cdn = "-c" in args
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- print("Squiffy " + squiffy_version)
- if len(sys.argv) < 2:
- print("Syntax: input.squiffy [-c]")
- print("Options:")
- print(" -c Use CDN for jQuery")
- else:
- options = Options(sys.argv[1:])
- process(sys.argv[1], os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])), options)