The "improvo" improvement proposal system is developed as part of a school exercise for students specializing in IT application development. The primary objective is to plan and design a user-friendly software solution for the submission and management of improvement proposals within an educational environment.
This project serves as a learning exercise, allowing students to explore and apply their skills in the development of a practical solution for real-world scenarios. 🎓
- Two user groups: admin and User 👥
- Planned submission and viewing of improvement proposals for all user groups 📝👀
- Planned search functionality for proposals 🔍
- Categories for proposals: General, classes, administrative, technical 🗂️
- Admin can plan to create and manage new categories ➕🗂️
- Planned proposal status: Submitted, in progress, completed, rejected 📊
- Admin can plan to create and manage additional status options ➕📊
- Planned commenting on improvement proposals for all user groups 💬
- Planning for an optional upvote system for proposal evaluation 👍
As this project is part of an educational exercise, contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome. This project aims to provide a practical learning experience for students in the field of IT Application Development.
This project is planned to be realized using Django, a high-level web framework for Python, to facilitate the development of a robust and scalable system.
To get a local demonstration copy up and running, follow these simple steps.
Windows / Linux / macOS (untested)
Python 3.x
pip (Python package installer)
git clone
run install.bat / / install.zsh in project folder
run run.bat / / run.zsh in project folder
run reset.bat / / reset.zsh for a clean project reset
Keep in mind, after closing the server, you'll have
to deactivate the virtual enviroment by yourself
by running 'deactivate' or 'voff.bat / / voff.zsh'
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.
Project Link: