Routines for partitioning images into analyzable parts.
###Shen-Castan Edge Detector Java plugin implementing an Edge-detection filter according to Shen and Castan, CVGIP, 1992, 54 (2) 112-133 (DOI: 10.1016/1049-9652(92)90060-B). (Source code)
It is a re-write of the [initial plugin] ( (that no longer works with IJ) written in 2004 by Maxime Pinchon under the supervision of Noël Bonnet at the UMRS-INSERM 514.
Currently, it does not support RGB images directly: they need to be first converted to RGB-Stacks: 1) Open RGB image; 2) Run Image>Type>RGB-Stacks; 3) Run the plugin, processing all three slices in the stack; 3) Run Image>Color>Stack to RGB to obtain the initial data type.
###Remove Isolated Pixels Clears (erodes) isolated pixels in binary images. Operation is applied to the entire image or stack rather than the active ROI. (Download .bsh)
###Apply Threshold To ROI Applies Threshold values to the active ROI. (Download .ijm)
###Clear Thresholded Pixels Clears thresholded voxels within the active ROI. (Download .ijm)
###Threshold From Background Sets a threshold based on a background ROI. (Download .ijm)
###Wipe Background Clears thresholded particles of defined circularity & size within the active ROI. (Download .ijm)
###Segment Profile Tool Described in Tools.
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