Module | Nets Easy Payment Module for Magento 2 |
Author | Nets eCom |
Prefix | EASY-M2 |
Shop Version | 2.4+ |
Version | 1.6.7 |
Guide | https://tech.nets.eu/magento |
Github | https://github.com/Nets-eCom/Magento2_easy |
- Update: Create order on click Pay button (embedded flow)
- Fix: PHP 8.2 deprecation.
- Fix: Wrong country codes found in Magento 2 plugin
- Update: Improved naming of plugin configuration fields in the admin panel.
- Update: Repository added to Packagist.
- Update: Documentation Guide links in README.md.
- Update: Order is now terminated on cancel.
- Fixed: Plugin incompatible with Adobe Marketplace.
- Update: allow to configure how order items are sent to the API
- Fix: invoice order on payment.charge.created.v2 event (autocharge)
- Update: Items in shopping basket.
- Fix: Mismatch in orders/amounts when updating cart after created payment.
- Update: On embedded flow with an order creation before the payment.
- Update: PHP 8.2 deprecation.
- Update : Create order after payment is created (redirect flow)
- Fixed : Amount mismatch issue for bundle product.
- Fixed : Amount mismatch issue for Afterpay charge and refund.
- Fixed : Twice address fill issue for virtual product in redirect payment flow.
- Fixed : Quote Id and order not creating issue for Hosted Payment Flow.
- Fixed : Magento Terms and Conditions missing in payment.
- Fixed : Quote Id and order not creating issue for Embedded Payment Flow.
- Fixed : Guest Customer Email Id missing.
- Fixed : Quote Id and order not creating issue.
- Fixed : Improved A2A Payment Methods compatibility.
- Update : Added more logs for critical points.
- Update : Configure Payment Name and Logo and display on checkout page.
- Update : Nets plugin latest version notification on configure page.
- Fixed : Order flow change.
- Fixed : Discount code calculation updated.
- Fixed : Partial charge and partial refund issue.
- Fixed : Canceling order in Magento.
- Fixed : Phone number issue for UK store.
- Fixed : Refund discount fixed for shipping.
- Fixed : Improved A2A Payment Methods compatibility.
- Fixed : Order gone missing issue.
- Fixed : Option for different billing and shipping address.
- Fixed : Automatic invoice generation in case of auto capture.
- Fixed : PHP version compatibility issue.
- Fixed : Canceling order in portal will be canceled in Magento as well.
- Fixed : Address issue for Switzerland country in payment iframe.
- Fixed : Order confirmation email for Swish payment.
- Fixed : Swish payment label in order detail page.
- Fixed : Order status updated from canceled to pending payment.
- Fixed : Address issue for UK country in payment iframe.
- Fixed : Payment iframe locale as per configuration.
- Fixed : Payment method display issue fixed for Swish payment in order detail page.
- Fixed : Alert message "Payment init fail" has been replaced with valid error message.
- Fixed : Added CHF currency for Checkout.
- Fixed : Added db_schema.xml file.
- Fixed : Payment method will be displayed for all types in admin order section.
- Fixed : Payment status will be displayed in admin order section.
- Fixed : Added webhook for charge and refund.
- Fixed : Added setting in nets configuration page to send consumer data if no selected.
- Fixed : Currency issues, all transactions will be in base currency
- Fixed : MerchantTermsUrl parameter in the checkout to display merchants terms and conditions
- Fixed : Internal switch between B2B and B2C when handle customer data is set to yes and company name provided in checkout page
- Fixed : Simplified "integration type" options in the settings. It is possible to select either "Embedded" or "redirect"
- Fixed : Added input fields to enter live and test authentication keys
- Fixed : Original price 0 issue in order admin section
- Fixed : Cart clear issue
- Fixed : Invoice calculation issue
- Fixed : Quote id reference updation issue
- Fixed : Invoice creation issue with Capture online
- Fixed : Hosted/Redirect payment flow issue
- Fixed : Clear mini cart on successful order
- Fixed : Partial refund with discount applied
- Fixed : Quote id reference updation issue
- Fixed : Fixed calculation errors for multiple discounts & shipping taxes
- Fixed : Added functionality for Invoice discounts
- Fixed : Minor bug fix on calculation method
- Fixed : Discount coupon & amount display issue in cart and order summary
- Fixed : Guest customer address re-enter on checkout window
- Fixed : Calculation and tax rules rework
- Fixed : Discounts and shipping rework
- Update : Locale shipping, currency and language update
- Docs: added license, changelog and readme file update
- Update - Fixes regarding Vanilla Embedded Checkout & character limit for reference and name. Fixed discount issues.
- Update - Added system configuration for success page
- Fixed - Amount issue for discount and tax
- Docs - Added changelog file