Install the gen_ai_commit_message
pip library
pip install .
Use our prefix for AI generated commit message
git-ai-commit config --prefix=✨
Update your pre-commit hooks
pre-commit install
Run the pre-commit hook locally
TODO - make this command more versatile and work on other peoples laptops
pre-commit try-repo ./ai-commit-msg git-ai-commit --verbose --all-files --hook-stage prepare-commit-msg --commit-msg-filename ./ai-commit-msg/.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG
After a local change to the hook, the follow command will build and install it
pip install . && pre-commit install && pre-commit autoupdate
We use the python black
linter, to lint run
black .
- contains logic for handling CLI command -
- contains LLM and prompting logic -
- contains logic that interacts with external dependencies -
- standard utility functions