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User Stories

Sam Slate edited this page Jul 22, 2016 · 1 revision



As a researcher I want to :

  • Trace the interest of PEPs.
  • The idea is to trace the interests of politically exposed persons (PEPs). This will probably include members of the ruling party, their relatives and friends.
  • See Transactions over time.
  • Licenses are bought and sold over a period of time. A researcher would like to identity any interesting or suspicious trends in how these PELs (Petroleum exploration licenses) are being bought and sold over time and the changes in the proportions of ownership.

##Acceptance criteria. Or how we're going to do it. Or links to relevant issues (create a new one if needed).

#Investigative Journalist


As an Investigative Journalist I want to :

  • Trace the interest of PEPs.
  • The idea is to trace the interests of politically exposed persons (PEPs). This will probably include members of the ruling party, their relatives, and friends.
  • View a snapshot of the ownership and holders of all licenses
  • Look at the directors and management structures of companies involved

##Acceptance criteria. Or how we're going to do it. Or links to relevant issues (create a new one if needed).

#Data entry specialist


As an Data entry specialist I want to :

  • Enter data into the data model.
  • A data entry person should be able to use the data model and populate it according to the criteria defined in the data dictionary. This data will be used by the platform to identify trends and highlight anything that may require further investigation.

##Acceptance criteria. Or how we're going to do it. Or links to relevant issues (create a new one if needed).
