Environment configuration and development tools setup automation.
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git clone https://github.com/the-homeless-god/dotfiles.git ~/dotfiles
cd ~/dotfiles/scripts
# Run container
docker pull ghcr.io/the-homeless-god/dotfiles:latest
docker run -it --name dotfiles ghcr.io/the-homeless-god/dotfiles:latest
# To reconnect to the container later
docker start dotfiles
docker exec -it dotfiles /bin/bash
# Build and run container
docker build -t dotfiles-test .
docker run -it --name dotfiles-dev dotfiles-test
# To reconnect to the container later
docker start dotfiles-dev
docker exec -it dotfiles-dev /bin/bash
This repository uses GitHub Actions for continuous integration and delivery:
- Automatic Docker image builds on every push to main branch
- Automatic releases when tags are pushed
- Image publishing to GitHub Container Registry
- Build caching for faster builds
- Automated tagging system
The following events trigger builds:
- Push to main branch
- Creation of tags (vX.Y.Z)
- Pull requests
Available tags in the registry:
- Latest stable versionvX.Y.Z
- Specific version releasesmain
- Latest development versionsha-XXXXXXX
- Specific commit builds
Images are published to GitHub Container Registry (ghcr.io):
You can check the current build status on the Actions tab or by the badge at the top of this README.