- /: project base directory. contains mostly configuration on the top level
- package.json: project file for development
- tsconfig.json: configuration file for the typescript compiler
- tslint.json: configuration for our coding guidelines
- src/: Vortex source code
- main.ts: Entry point of the main process
- renderer.tsx: Entry point of render processes
- actions/actions.ts: contains the actions that can be called to manipulate application state
- index.html: The top-level web-page being displayed. This is very minimal as the actual content is inserted in renderer.tsx
- reducers/: contains the reducers that are run as the result of actions to
modify application state
- index.ts: top-level index, references the other reducer files
- types/: contains interfaces for our own data types
- util/: contains classes that didn't fit anywhere else
- views/: contains the react views that make up the user interface
- __tests__/: unit tests
- .vscode/: Configuration files for Visual Studio Code
- launch.json: launch options (F5 primarily)
- tasks.json: ide build commands (ctrl-shift-b)
- settings.json: project-wide customizations of the ide (editor settings)
- build/: contains assets for the packaging process (i.e. application icon)
- app/: staging directory for production build
- package.json: project file for production
- dist/: production builds (unpacked and instellers, created during packaging)
- out/: development build (created during build)
- doc/: api documentation (created by npm run doc)
- node_modules/: dependencies (created by npm install)
- typings/: public typings auto-retrieved from public repositories
- typings.custom/: custom typings for libraries that don't have any yet or where
those that exist are incomplete or broken
- index.d.ts: top-level index, references the other typings
- install: download&install dependencies, also downloads typings
- test: run test suite
- doc: create api documentation
- start: compiles typescript, updates all assets, then starts the program in development mode
- package: creates a distributable installer. Also updates all assets and compiles typescript in the process