The user stories selected to run through the first sprint cycle are:
- As a user, browse the service list
- As a user, I want to choose the date and time of service
- As a user, logout from the application succesfully.
- As a user I want to chech my bookings
- Prateek Kumar Goel (Github) - Frontend
- Rishabh Jaiswal (Github) - Frontend
- Raghunandhan Vaidy (Github) - Backend
- Madhuri Uppu (Github) - Backend
Please check the root repository description or main for detailed instructions on installation and runninng the project successfully.
- Landing UI
- Service Grid
- Bookings Page
- Bookings Checkout
- Client Side Form Validation
- New Footer Design
- Refactoring Header & Footer
- Reconfiguring API routes for Checkout
- Test Cases for Booking Services
- User Authentication Security Check
Additional Note: All APIs are RESTful and contain 4 major endpoints (CRUD) create, read, update and delete. The Backend uses POST and GET and all the data is parsed in JSON.
- Fixed Navigation bar responsiveness
- Updating clientside file structure for shared components
- Added Login API validation client and server
- Restyling Register and Login Components
- Designed Example Service grid
- Integrated API service list in Example Service Page
- Added Booking Component
- Developed calender and time option for service booking
- Added Header Hero
- Added new footer design
- Created Automation: Github actions for Angular
- Fixed CSS image fetching errors
- Logout system fixed
- New API Documentation Added
- Implemented APIs for service with Filters
- Cancelled Bookings API implemented
- SVG images are broken and needs to be fixed at various places including login/register
- Order History / My Booking needs to be styled
- Routing needs to be completed for footer
- Content grid is missing on landing due to an error & will be resolved
- Profile Page needs to be implemented
- Complete Application flow will be tested use End-User's Perspective
- Some security considerations will be take n care-off in last sprint
- Some more end-to-end and unit tests will be added
- Home - Landing
- Home - Footer
- SignIn - Page
- SignIn - Validation
- SignUp - Page
- SignUp - Validation
- Services List
- Service Booking - Date & Time
- Booking Confirmation - Alert
This has been shifted to new and detailed API