Fixes #37325 - make postgres the container gateway default DB #1526
on: pull_request
Static validations
Matrix: Puppet / acceptance
Matrix: Puppet / unit
Test suite
80 errors
Puppet / 8 (Ruby 3.2):
foreman_proxy::plugin::ansible on debian-11-x86_64 with default settings is expected to contain Class[foreman_proxy::plugin::dynflow]
Failure/Error: raise("deprecation. #{key}. #{message}") if use_strict_setting && Puppet.settings[:strict] == :error
Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Function Call, deprecation. systemd::servicelimits - foreman-proxy.service. systemd::servicelimits is deprecated, use systemd::manage_dropin at ["/home/runner/work/puppet-foreman_proxy/puppet-foreman_proxy/spec/fixtures/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp", 77]: (file: /home/runner/work/puppet-foreman_proxy/puppet-foreman_proxy/spec/fixtures/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp, line: 77, column: 5) (file: /home/runner/work/puppet-foreman_proxy/puppet-foreman_proxy/spec/fixtures/modules/foreman_proxy/manifests/plugin/dynflow.pp, line: 48) on node
Puppet / 8 (Ruby 3.2):
foreman_proxy::plugin::ansible on debian-11-x86_64 with default settings is expected to contain Class[foreman_proxy::plugin::remote_execution::script]
Failure/Error: raise("deprecation. #{key}. #{message}") if use_strict_setting && Puppet.settings[:strict] == :error
Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Function Call, deprecation. systemd::servicelimits - foreman-proxy.service. systemd::servicelimits is deprecated, use systemd::manage_dropin at ["/home/runner/work/puppet-foreman_proxy/puppet-foreman_proxy/spec/fixtures/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp", 77]: (file: /home/runner/work/puppet-foreman_proxy/puppet-foreman_proxy/spec/fixtures/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp, line: 77, column: 5) (file: /home/runner/work/puppet-foreman_proxy/puppet-foreman_proxy/spec/fixtures/modules/foreman_proxy/manifests/plugin/dynflow.pp, line: 48) on node
Puppet / 8 (Ruby 3.2):
foreman_proxy::plugin::ansible on debian-11-x86_64 with default settings is expected to contain Foreman_proxy::Plugin::Module[ansible]
Failure/Error: raise("deprecation. #{key}. #{message}") if use_strict_setting && Puppet.settings[:strict] == :error
Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Function Call, deprecation. systemd::servicelimits - foreman-proxy.service. systemd::servicelimits is deprecated, use systemd::manage_dropin at ["/home/runner/work/puppet-foreman_proxy/puppet-foreman_proxy/spec/fixtures/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp", 77]: (file: /home/runner/work/puppet-foreman_proxy/puppet-foreman_proxy/spec/fixtures/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp, line: 77, column: 5) (file: /home/runner/work/puppet-foreman_proxy/puppet-foreman_proxy/spec/fixtures/modules/foreman_proxy/manifests/plugin/dynflow.pp, line: 48) on node
Puppet / 8 (Ruby 3.2):
foreman_proxy::plugin::ansible on debian-11-x86_64 with default settings is expected to contain Package[python3-ansible-runner] with ensure => "installed"
Failure/Error: raise("deprecation. #{key}. #{message}") if use_strict_setting && Puppet.settings[:strict] == :error
Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Function Call, deprecation. systemd::servicelimits - foreman-proxy.service. systemd::servicelimits is deprecated, use systemd::manage_dropin at ["/home/runner/work/puppet-foreman_proxy/puppet-foreman_proxy/spec/fixtures/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp", 77]: (file: /home/runner/work/puppet-foreman_proxy/puppet-foreman_proxy/spec/fixtures/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp, line: 77, column: 5) (file: /home/runner/work/puppet-foreman_proxy/puppet-foreman_proxy/spec/fixtures/modules/foreman_proxy/manifests/plugin/dynflow.pp, line: 48) on node
Puppet / 8 (Ruby 3.2):
foreman_proxy::plugin::ansible on debian-11-x86_64 with default settings is expected to contain Package[ansible-collection-theforeman-foreman] with ensure => "installed"
Failure/Error: raise("deprecation. #{key}. #{message}") if use_strict_setting && Puppet.settings[:strict] == :error
Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Function Call, deprecation. systemd::servicelimits - foreman-proxy.service. systemd::servicelimits is deprecated, use systemd::manage_dropin at ["/home/runner/work/puppet-foreman_proxy/puppet-foreman_proxy/spec/fixtures/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp", 77]: (file: /home/runner/work/puppet-foreman_proxy/puppet-foreman_proxy/spec/fixtures/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp, line: 77, column: 5) (file: /home/runner/work/puppet-foreman_proxy/puppet-foreman_proxy/spec/fixtures/modules/foreman_proxy/manifests/plugin/dynflow.pp, line: 48) on node
Puppet / 8 (Ruby 3.2):
foreman_proxy::plugin::ansible on debian-11-x86_64 with default settings should configure ansible.yml
Failure/Error: raise("deprecation. #{key}. #{message}") if use_strict_setting && Puppet.settings[:strict] == :error
Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Function Call, deprecation. systemd::servicelimits - foreman-proxy.service. systemd::servicelimits is deprecated, use systemd::manage_dropin at ["/home/runner/work/puppet-foreman_proxy/puppet-foreman_proxy/spec/fixtures/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp", 77]: (file: /home/runner/work/puppet-foreman_proxy/puppet-foreman_proxy/spec/fixtures/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp, line: 77, column: 5) (file: /home/runner/work/puppet-foreman_proxy/puppet-foreman_proxy/spec/fixtures/modules/foreman_proxy/manifests/plugin/dynflow.pp, line: 48) on node
Puppet / 8 (Ruby 3.2):
foreman_proxy::plugin::ansible on debian-11-x86_64 with default settings should configure ansible.env
Failure/Error: raise("deprecation. #{key}. #{message}") if use_strict_setting && Puppet.settings[:strict] == :error
Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Function Call, deprecation. systemd::servicelimits - foreman-proxy.service. systemd::servicelimits is deprecated, use systemd::manage_dropin at ["/home/runner/work/puppet-foreman_proxy/puppet-foreman_proxy/spec/fixtures/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp", 77]: (file: /home/runner/work/puppet-foreman_proxy/puppet-foreman_proxy/spec/fixtures/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp, line: 77, column: 5) (file: /home/runner/work/puppet-foreman_proxy/puppet-foreman_proxy/spec/fixtures/modules/foreman_proxy/manifests/plugin/dynflow.pp, line: 48) on node
Puppet / 8 (Ruby 3.2):
foreman_proxy::plugin::ansible on debian-11-x86_64 with override parameters is expected to contain Class[foreman_proxy::plugin::dynflow]
Failure/Error: raise("deprecation. #{key}. #{message}") if use_strict_setting && Puppet.settings[:strict] == :error
Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Function Call, deprecation. systemd::servicelimits - foreman-proxy.service. systemd::servicelimits is deprecated, use systemd::manage_dropin at ["/home/runner/work/puppet-foreman_proxy/puppet-foreman_proxy/spec/fixtures/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp", 77]: (file: /home/runner/work/puppet-foreman_proxy/puppet-foreman_proxy/spec/fixtures/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp, line: 77, column: 5) (file: /home/runner/work/puppet-foreman_proxy/puppet-foreman_proxy/spec/fixtures/modules/foreman_proxy/manifests/plugin/dynflow.pp, line: 48) on node
Puppet / 8 (Ruby 3.2):
foreman_proxy::plugin::ansible on debian-11-x86_64 with override parameters is expected to contain Class[foreman_proxy::plugin::remote_execution::script]
Failure/Error: raise("deprecation. #{key}. #{message}") if use_strict_setting && Puppet.settings[:strict] == :error
Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Function Call, deprecation. systemd::servicelimits - foreman-proxy.service. systemd::servicelimits is deprecated, use systemd::manage_dropin at ["/home/runner/work/puppet-foreman_proxy/puppet-foreman_proxy/spec/fixtures/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp", 77]: (file: /home/runner/work/puppet-foreman_proxy/puppet-foreman_proxy/spec/fixtures/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp, line: 77, column: 5) (file: /home/runner/work/puppet-foreman_proxy/puppet-foreman_proxy/spec/fixtures/modules/foreman_proxy/manifests/plugin/dynflow.pp, line: 48) on node
Puppet / 8 (Ruby 3.2):
foreman_proxy::plugin::ansible on debian-11-x86_64 with override parameters should configure ansible.yml
Failure/Error: raise("deprecation. #{key}. #{message}") if use_strict_setting && Puppet.settings[:strict] == :error
Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Function Call, deprecation. systemd::servicelimits - foreman-proxy.service. systemd::servicelimits is deprecated, use systemd::manage_dropin at ["/home/runner/work/puppet-foreman_proxy/puppet-foreman_proxy/spec/fixtures/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp", 77]: (file: /home/runner/work/puppet-foreman_proxy/puppet-foreman_proxy/spec/fixtures/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp, line: 77, column: 5) (file: /home/runner/work/puppet-foreman_proxy/puppet-foreman_proxy/spec/fixtures/modules/foreman_proxy/manifests/plugin/dynflow.pp, line: 48) on node
Puppet / Puppet 8 - Debian 11:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin applies with no errors
Failure/Error: raise CommandFailure, "Host '#{self}' exited with #{result.exit_code} running:\n #{cmdline}\nLast #{@options[:trace_limit]} lines of output were:\n#{result.formatted_output(@options[:trace_limit])}"
Host '' exited with 1 running:
puppet apply --verbose --detailed-exitcodes /tmp/apply_manifest_190610295.pp.6UIV5o
Last 10 lines of output were:
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Warning: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera.yaml: Use of 'hiera.yaml' version 3 is deprecated. It should be converted to version 5
(file: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera.yaml)
Warning: This function is deprecated, please use stdlib::ensure_packages instead. at ["/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/foreman_proxy/manifests/plugin/ansible.pp", 62]:["/tmp/apply_manifest_190610295.pp.6UIV5o", 2]
(location: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/stdlib/lib/puppet/functions/deprecation.rb:35:in `deprecation')
Error: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Function Call, deprecation. systemd::servicelimits - foreman-proxy.service. systemd::servicelimits is deprecated, use systemd::manage_dropin at ["/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp", 77]: (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp, line: 77, column: 5) (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/foreman_proxy/manifests/plugin/dynflow.pp, line: 48) on node
Shared Example Group: "an idempotent resource" called from ./vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/voxpupuli-acceptance-2.4.0/lib/voxpupuli/acceptance/examples.rb:14
Shared Example Group: "the example" called from ./spec/acceptance/ansible_spec.rb:6
Puppet / Puppet 8 - Debian 11:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin applies a second time without changes
Failure/Error: raise CommandFailure, "Host '#{self}' exited with #{result.exit_code} running:\n #{cmdline}\nLast #{@options[:trace_limit]} lines of output were:\n#{result.formatted_output(@options[:trace_limit])}"
Host '' exited with 1 running:
puppet apply --verbose --detailed-exitcodes /tmp/apply_manifest_190613457.pp.ojd1Hx
Last 10 lines of output were:
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Warning: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera.yaml: Use of 'hiera.yaml' version 3 is deprecated. It should be converted to version 5
(file: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera.yaml)
Warning: This function is deprecated, please use stdlib::ensure_packages instead. at ["/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/foreman_proxy/manifests/plugin/ansible.pp", 62]:["/tmp/apply_manifest_190613457.pp.ojd1Hx", 2]
(location: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/stdlib/lib/puppet/functions/deprecation.rb:35:in `deprecation')
Error: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Function Call, deprecation. systemd::servicelimits - foreman-proxy.service. systemd::servicelimits is deprecated, use systemd::manage_dropin at ["/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp", 77]: (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp, line: 77, column: 5) (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/foreman_proxy/manifests/plugin/dynflow.pp, line: 48) on node
Shared Example Group: "an idempotent resource" called from ./vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/voxpupuli-acceptance-2.4.0/lib/voxpupuli/acceptance/examples.rb:14
Shared Example Group: "the example" called from ./spec/acceptance/ansible_spec.rb:6
Puppet / Puppet 8 - Debian 11:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin behaves like the default foreman proxy application Service "foreman-proxy" is expected to be enabled
Failure/Error: it { be_enabled }
expected Service "foreman-proxy" to be enabled
Shared Example Group: "the default foreman proxy application" called from ./spec/acceptance/ansible_spec.rb:8
Puppet / Puppet 8 - Debian 11:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin behaves like the default foreman proxy application Service "foreman-proxy" is expected to be running
Failure/Error: it { be_running }
expected Service "foreman-proxy" to be running
Shared Example Group: "the default foreman proxy application" called from ./spec/acceptance/ansible_spec.rb:8
Puppet / Puppet 8 - Debian 11:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin behaves like the default foreman proxy application Port "8443" is expected to be listening
Failure/Error: it { be_listening }
expected Port "8443" to be listening
Shared Example Group: "the default foreman proxy application" called from ./spec/acceptance/ansible_spec.rb:8
Puppet / Puppet 8 - Debian 11:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin Package "ansible-collection-theforeman-foreman" is expected to be installed
Failure/Error: it { be_installed }
expected Package "ansible-collection-theforeman-foreman" to be installed
Puppet / Puppet 8 - Debian 11:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin Package "python3-ansible-runner" is expected to be installed
Failure/Error: it { be_installed }
expected Package "python3-ansible-runner" to be installed
Puppet / Puppet 8 - Debian 11:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin Command "ansible-runner --help" exit_status is expected to eq 0
Failure/Error: its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 }
expected: 0
got: 127
(compared using ==)
Puppet / Puppet 8 - Debian 11:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin Command "ansible-runner run --module ping --hosts localhost /tmp/ansible-runner-test" exit_status is expected to eq 0
Failure/Error: its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 }
expected: 0
got: 127
(compared using ==)
Puppet / Puppet 8 - Debian 11:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with remote_execution script plugin with pull-mqtt with default params applies with no errors
Failure/Error: raise CommandFailure, "Host '#{self}' exited with #{result.exit_code} running:\n #{cmdline}\nLast #{@options[:trace_limit]} lines of output were:\n#{result.formatted_output(@options[:trace_limit])}"
Host '' exited with 1 running:
puppet apply --verbose --detailed-exitcodes /tmp/apply_manifest_190829691.pp.Cgcjao
Last 10 lines of output were:
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Warning: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera.yaml: Use of 'hiera.yaml' version 3 is deprecated. It should be converted to version 5
(file: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera.yaml)
Error: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Function Call, deprecation. systemd::servicelimits - foreman-proxy.service. systemd::servicelimits is deprecated, use systemd::manage_dropin at ["/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp", 77]: (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp, line: 77, column: 5) (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/foreman_proxy/manifests/plugin/dynflow.pp, line: 48) on node
Shared Example Group: "an idempotent resource" called from ./vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/voxpupuli-acceptance-2.4.0/lib/voxpupuli/acceptance/examples.rb:14
Shared Example Group: "the example" called from ./spec/acceptance/remote_execution_script_pull_mqtt_spec.rb:7
Puppet / Puppet 8 - Debian 12:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin applies with no errors
Failure/Error: raise CommandFailure, "Host '#{self}' exited with #{result.exit_code} running:\n #{cmdline}\nLast #{@options[:trace_limit]} lines of output were:\n#{result.formatted_output(@options[:trace_limit])}"
Host '' exited with 1 running:
puppet apply --verbose --detailed-exitcodes /tmp/apply_manifest_190615507.pp.y7aiiU
Last 10 lines of output were:
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Warning: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera.yaml: Use of 'hiera.yaml' version 3 is deprecated. It should be converted to version 5
(file: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera.yaml)
Warning: This function is deprecated, please use stdlib::ensure_packages instead. at ["/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/foreman_proxy/manifests/plugin/ansible.pp", 62]:["/tmp/apply_manifest_190615507.pp.y7aiiU", 2]
(location: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/stdlib/lib/puppet/functions/deprecation.rb:35:in `deprecation')
Error: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Function Call, deprecation. systemd::servicelimits - foreman-proxy.service. systemd::servicelimits is deprecated, use systemd::manage_dropin at ["/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp", 77]: (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp, line: 77, column: 5) (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/foreman_proxy/manifests/plugin/dynflow.pp, line: 48) on node
Shared Example Group: "an idempotent resource" called from ./vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/voxpupuli-acceptance-2.4.0/lib/voxpupuli/acceptance/examples.rb:14
Shared Example Group: "the example" called from ./spec/acceptance/ansible_spec.rb:6
Puppet / Puppet 8 - Debian 12:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin applies a second time without changes
Failure/Error: raise CommandFailure, "Host '#{self}' exited with #{result.exit_code} running:\n #{cmdline}\nLast #{@options[:trace_limit]} lines of output were:\n#{result.formatted_output(@options[:trace_limit])}"
Host '' exited with 1 running:
puppet apply --verbose --detailed-exitcodes /tmp/apply_manifest_190618945.pp.vlhSJ3
Last 10 lines of output were:
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Warning: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera.yaml: Use of 'hiera.yaml' version 3 is deprecated. It should be converted to version 5
(file: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera.yaml)
Warning: This function is deprecated, please use stdlib::ensure_packages instead. at ["/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/foreman_proxy/manifests/plugin/ansible.pp", 62]:["/tmp/apply_manifest_190618945.pp.vlhSJ3", 2]
(location: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/stdlib/lib/puppet/functions/deprecation.rb:35:in `deprecation')
Error: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Function Call, deprecation. systemd::servicelimits - foreman-proxy.service. systemd::servicelimits is deprecated, use systemd::manage_dropin at ["/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp", 77]: (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp, line: 77, column: 5) (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/foreman_proxy/manifests/plugin/dynflow.pp, line: 48) on node
Shared Example Group: "an idempotent resource" called from ./vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/voxpupuli-acceptance-2.4.0/lib/voxpupuli/acceptance/examples.rb:14
Shared Example Group: "the example" called from ./spec/acceptance/ansible_spec.rb:6
Puppet / Puppet 8 - Debian 12:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin behaves like the default foreman proxy application Service "foreman-proxy" is expected to be enabled
Failure/Error: it { be_enabled }
expected Service "foreman-proxy" to be enabled
Shared Example Group: "the default foreman proxy application" called from ./spec/acceptance/ansible_spec.rb:8
Puppet / Puppet 8 - Debian 12:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin behaves like the default foreman proxy application Service "foreman-proxy" is expected to be running
Failure/Error: it { be_running }
expected Service "foreman-proxy" to be running
Shared Example Group: "the default foreman proxy application" called from ./spec/acceptance/ansible_spec.rb:8
Puppet / Puppet 8 - Debian 12:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin behaves like the default foreman proxy application Port "8443" is expected to be listening
Failure/Error: it { be_listening }
expected Port "8443" to be listening
Shared Example Group: "the default foreman proxy application" called from ./spec/acceptance/ansible_spec.rb:8
Puppet / Puppet 8 - Debian 12:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin Package "ansible-collection-theforeman-foreman" is expected to be installed
Failure/Error: it { be_installed }
expected Package "ansible-collection-theforeman-foreman" to be installed
Puppet / Puppet 8 - Debian 12:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin Package "python3-ansible-runner" is expected to be installed
Failure/Error: it { be_installed }
expected Package "python3-ansible-runner" to be installed
Puppet / Puppet 8 - Debian 12:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin Command "ansible-runner --help" exit_status is expected to eq 0
Failure/Error: its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 }
expected: 0
got: 127
(compared using ==)
Puppet / Puppet 8 - Debian 12:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin Command "ansible-runner run --module ping --hosts localhost /tmp/ansible-runner-test" exit_status is expected to eq 0
Failure/Error: its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 }
expected: 0
got: 127
(compared using ==)
Puppet / Puppet 8 - Debian 12:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with remote_execution script plugin with pull-mqtt with default params applies with no errors
Failure/Error: raise CommandFailure, "Host '#{self}' exited with #{result.exit_code} running:\n #{cmdline}\nLast #{@options[:trace_limit]} lines of output were:\n#{result.formatted_output(@options[:trace_limit])}"
Host '' exited with 1 running:
puppet apply --verbose --detailed-exitcodes /tmp/apply_manifest_190844794.pp.lEj2ei
Last 10 lines of output were:
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Warning: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera.yaml: Use of 'hiera.yaml' version 3 is deprecated. It should be converted to version 5
(file: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera.yaml)
Error: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Function Call, deprecation. systemd::servicelimits - foreman-proxy.service. systemd::servicelimits is deprecated, use systemd::manage_dropin at ["/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp", 77]: (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp, line: 77, column: 5) (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/foreman_proxy/manifests/plugin/dynflow.pp, line: 48) on node
Shared Example Group: "an idempotent resource" called from ./vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/voxpupuli-acceptance-2.4.0/lib/voxpupuli/acceptance/examples.rb:14
Shared Example Group: "the example" called from ./spec/acceptance/remote_execution_script_pull_mqtt_spec.rb:7
Puppet / Puppet 8 - CentOS 8:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin applies with no errors
Failure/Error: raise CommandFailure, "Host '#{self}' exited with #{result.exit_code} running:\n #{cmdline}\nLast #{@options[:trace_limit]} lines of output were:\n#{result.formatted_output(@options[:trace_limit])}"
Host '' exited with 1 running:
puppet apply --verbose --detailed-exitcodes /tmp/apply_manifest_190616562.pp.L0hY7n
Last 10 lines of output were:
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Warning: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera.yaml: Use of 'hiera.yaml' version 3 is deprecated. It should be converted to version 5
(file: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera.yaml)
Warning: This function is deprecated, please use stdlib::ensure_packages instead. at ["/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/foreman_proxy/manifests/plugin/ansible.pp", 62]:["/tmp/apply_manifest_190616562.pp.L0hY7n", 2]
(location: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/stdlib/lib/puppet/functions/deprecation.rb:35:in `deprecation')
Error: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Function Call, deprecation. systemd::servicelimits - foreman-proxy.service. systemd::servicelimits is deprecated, use systemd::manage_dropin at ["/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp", 77]: (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp, line: 77, column: 5) (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/foreman_proxy/manifests/plugin/dynflow.pp, line: 48) on node
Shared Example Group: "an idempotent resource" called from ./vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/voxpupuli-acceptance-2.4.0/lib/voxpupuli/acceptance/examples.rb:14
Shared Example Group: "the example" called from ./spec/acceptance/ansible_spec.rb:6
Puppet / Puppet 8 - CentOS 8:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin applies a second time without changes
Failure/Error: raise CommandFailure, "Host '#{self}' exited with #{result.exit_code} running:\n #{cmdline}\nLast #{@options[:trace_limit]} lines of output were:\n#{result.formatted_output(@options[:trace_limit])}"
Host '' exited with 1 running:
puppet apply --verbose --detailed-exitcodes /tmp/apply_manifest_190618720.pp.PJALKH
Last 10 lines of output were:
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Warning: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera.yaml: Use of 'hiera.yaml' version 3 is deprecated. It should be converted to version 5
(file: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera.yaml)
Warning: This function is deprecated, please use stdlib::ensure_packages instead. at ["/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/foreman_proxy/manifests/plugin/ansible.pp", 62]:["/tmp/apply_manifest_190618720.pp.PJALKH", 2]
(location: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/stdlib/lib/puppet/functions/deprecation.rb:35:in `deprecation')
Error: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Function Call, deprecation. systemd::servicelimits - foreman-proxy.service. systemd::servicelimits is deprecated, use systemd::manage_dropin at ["/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp", 77]: (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp, line: 77, column: 5) (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/foreman_proxy/manifests/plugin/dynflow.pp, line: 48) on node
Shared Example Group: "an idempotent resource" called from ./vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/voxpupuli-acceptance-2.4.0/lib/voxpupuli/acceptance/examples.rb:14
Shared Example Group: "the example" called from ./spec/acceptance/ansible_spec.rb:6
Puppet / Puppet 8 - CentOS 8:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin behaves like the default foreman proxy application Service "foreman-proxy" is expected to be enabled
Failure/Error: it { be_enabled }
expected Service "foreman-proxy" to be enabled
Shared Example Group: "the default foreman proxy application" called from ./spec/acceptance/ansible_spec.rb:8
Puppet / Puppet 8 - CentOS 8:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin behaves like the default foreman proxy application Service "foreman-proxy" is expected to be running
Failure/Error: it { be_running }
expected Service "foreman-proxy" to be running
Shared Example Group: "the default foreman proxy application" called from ./spec/acceptance/ansible_spec.rb:8
Puppet / Puppet 8 - CentOS 8:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin behaves like the default foreman proxy application Port "8443" is expected to be listening
Failure/Error: it { be_listening }
expected Port "8443" to be listening
Shared Example Group: "the default foreman proxy application" called from ./spec/acceptance/ansible_spec.rb:8
Puppet / Puppet 8 - CentOS 8:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin Package "ansible-collection-theforeman-foreman" is expected to be installed
Failure/Error: it { be_installed }
expected Package "ansible-collection-theforeman-foreman" to be installed
Puppet / Puppet 8 - CentOS 8:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin Package "ansible-runner" is expected to be installed
Failure/Error: it { be_installed }
expected Package "ansible-runner" to be installed
Puppet / Puppet 8 - CentOS 8:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin Command "ansible-runner --help" exit_status is expected to eq 0
Failure/Error: its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 }
expected: 0
got: 127
(compared using ==)
Puppet / Puppet 8 - CentOS 8:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin Command "ansible-runner run --module ping --hosts localhost /tmp/ansible-runner-test" exit_status is expected to eq 0
Failure/Error: its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 }
expected: 0
got: 127
(compared using ==)
Puppet / Puppet 8 - CentOS 8:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with remote_execution script plugin with pull-mqtt with default params applies with no errors
Failure/Error: raise CommandFailure, "Host '#{self}' exited with #{result.exit_code} running:\n #{cmdline}\nLast #{@options[:trace_limit]} lines of output were:\n#{result.formatted_output(@options[:trace_limit])}"
Host '' exited with 1 running:
puppet apply --verbose --detailed-exitcodes /tmp/apply_manifest_190834239.pp.lANk6b
Last 10 lines of output were:
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Warning: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera.yaml: Use of 'hiera.yaml' version 3 is deprecated. It should be converted to version 5
(file: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera.yaml)
Error: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Function Call, deprecation. systemd::servicelimits - foreman-proxy.service. systemd::servicelimits is deprecated, use systemd::manage_dropin at ["/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp", 77]: (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp, line: 77, column: 5) (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/foreman_proxy/manifests/plugin/dynflow.pp, line: 48) on node
Shared Example Group: "an idempotent resource" called from ./vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/voxpupuli-acceptance-2.4.0/lib/voxpupuli/acceptance/examples.rb:14
Shared Example Group: "the example" called from ./spec/acceptance/remote_execution_script_pull_mqtt_spec.rb:7
Puppet / Puppet 8 - CentOS 9:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin applies with no errors
Failure/Error: raise CommandFailure, "Host '#{self}' exited with #{result.exit_code} running:\n #{cmdline}\nLast #{@options[:trace_limit]} lines of output were:\n#{result.formatted_output(@options[:trace_limit])}"
Host '' exited with 1 running:
puppet apply --verbose --detailed-exitcodes /tmp/apply_manifest_190613316.pp.lhcfQc
Last 10 lines of output were:
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Warning: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera.yaml: Use of 'hiera.yaml' version 3 is deprecated. It should be converted to version 5
(file: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera.yaml)
Warning: This function is deprecated, please use stdlib::ensure_packages instead. at ["/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/foreman_proxy/manifests/plugin/ansible.pp", 62]:["/tmp/apply_manifest_190613316.pp.lhcfQc", 2]
(location: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/stdlib/lib/puppet/functions/deprecation.rb:35:in `deprecation')
Error: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Function Call, deprecation. systemd::servicelimits - foreman-proxy.service. systemd::servicelimits is deprecated, use systemd::manage_dropin at ["/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp", 77]: (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp, line: 77, column: 5) (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/foreman_proxy/manifests/plugin/dynflow.pp, line: 48) on node
Shared Example Group: "an idempotent resource" called from ./vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/voxpupuli-acceptance-2.4.0/lib/voxpupuli/acceptance/examples.rb:14
Shared Example Group: "the example" called from ./spec/acceptance/ansible_spec.rb:6
Puppet / Puppet 8 - CentOS 9:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin applies a second time without changes
Failure/Error: raise CommandFailure, "Host '#{self}' exited with #{result.exit_code} running:\n #{cmdline}\nLast #{@options[:trace_limit]} lines of output were:\n#{result.formatted_output(@options[:trace_limit])}"
Host '' exited with 1 running:
puppet apply --verbose --detailed-exitcodes /tmp/apply_manifest_190615554.pp.2hWeWd
Last 10 lines of output were:
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Warning: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera.yaml: Use of 'hiera.yaml' version 3 is deprecated. It should be converted to version 5
(file: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera.yaml)
Warning: This function is deprecated, please use stdlib::ensure_packages instead. at ["/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/foreman_proxy/manifests/plugin/ansible.pp", 62]:["/tmp/apply_manifest_190615554.pp.2hWeWd", 2]
(location: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/stdlib/lib/puppet/functions/deprecation.rb:35:in `deprecation')
Error: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Function Call, deprecation. systemd::servicelimits - foreman-proxy.service. systemd::servicelimits is deprecated, use systemd::manage_dropin at ["/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp", 77]: (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp, line: 77, column: 5) (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/foreman_proxy/manifests/plugin/dynflow.pp, line: 48) on node
Shared Example Group: "an idempotent resource" called from ./vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/voxpupuli-acceptance-2.4.0/lib/voxpupuli/acceptance/examples.rb:14
Shared Example Group: "the example" called from ./spec/acceptance/ansible_spec.rb:6
Puppet / Puppet 8 - CentOS 9:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin behaves like the default foreman proxy application Service "foreman-proxy" is expected to be enabled
Failure/Error: it { be_enabled }
expected Service "foreman-proxy" to be enabled
Shared Example Group: "the default foreman proxy application" called from ./spec/acceptance/ansible_spec.rb:8
Puppet / Puppet 8 - CentOS 9:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin behaves like the default foreman proxy application Service "foreman-proxy" is expected to be running
Failure/Error: it { be_running }
expected Service "foreman-proxy" to be running
Shared Example Group: "the default foreman proxy application" called from ./spec/acceptance/ansible_spec.rb:8
Puppet / Puppet 8 - CentOS 9:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin behaves like the default foreman proxy application Port "8443" is expected to be listening
Failure/Error: it { be_listening }
expected Port "8443" to be listening
Shared Example Group: "the default foreman proxy application" called from ./spec/acceptance/ansible_spec.rb:8
Puppet / Puppet 8 - CentOS 9:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin Package "ansible-collection-theforeman-foreman" is expected to be installed
Failure/Error: it { be_installed }
expected Package "ansible-collection-theforeman-foreman" to be installed
Puppet / Puppet 8 - CentOS 9:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin Package "ansible-runner" is expected to be installed
Failure/Error: it { be_installed }
expected Package "ansible-runner" to be installed
Puppet / Puppet 8 - CentOS 9:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin Command "ansible-runner --help" exit_status is expected to eq 0
Failure/Error: its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 }
expected: 0
got: 127
(compared using ==)
Puppet / Puppet 8 - CentOS 9:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin Command "ansible-runner run --module ping --hosts localhost /tmp/ansible-runner-test" exit_status is expected to eq 0
Failure/Error: its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 }
expected: 0
got: 127
(compared using ==)
Puppet / Puppet 8 - CentOS 9:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with remote_execution script plugin with pull-mqtt with default params applies with no errors
Failure/Error: raise CommandFailure, "Host '#{self}' exited with #{result.exit_code} running:\n #{cmdline}\nLast #{@options[:trace_limit]} lines of output were:\n#{result.formatted_output(@options[:trace_limit])}"
Host '' exited with 1 running:
puppet apply --verbose --detailed-exitcodes /tmp/apply_manifest_190841800.pp.ZtN6X9
Last 10 lines of output were:
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Warning: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera.yaml: Use of 'hiera.yaml' version 3 is deprecated. It should be converted to version 5
(file: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera.yaml)
Error: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Function Call, deprecation. systemd::servicelimits - foreman-proxy.service. systemd::servicelimits is deprecated, use systemd::manage_dropin at ["/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp", 77]: (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp, line: 77, column: 5) (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/foreman_proxy/manifests/plugin/dynflow.pp, line: 48) on node
Shared Example Group: "an idempotent resource" called from ./vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/voxpupuli-acceptance-2.4.0/lib/voxpupuli/acceptance/examples.rb:14
Shared Example Group: "the example" called from ./spec/acceptance/remote_execution_script_pull_mqtt_spec.rb:7
Puppet / Puppet 8 - AlmaLinux 8:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin applies with no errors
Failure/Error: raise CommandFailure, "Host '#{self}' exited with #{result.exit_code} running:\n #{cmdline}\nLast #{@options[:trace_limit]} lines of output were:\n#{result.formatted_output(@options[:trace_limit])}"
Host '' exited with 1 running:
puppet apply --verbose --detailed-exitcodes /tmp/apply_manifest_190607844.pp.mC1NSJ
Last 10 lines of output were:
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Warning: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera.yaml: Use of 'hiera.yaml' version 3 is deprecated. It should be converted to version 5
(file: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera.yaml)
Warning: This function is deprecated, please use stdlib::ensure_packages instead. at ["/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/foreman_proxy/manifests/plugin/ansible.pp", 62]:["/tmp/apply_manifest_190607844.pp.mC1NSJ", 2]
(location: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/stdlib/lib/puppet/functions/deprecation.rb:35:in `deprecation')
Error: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Function Call, deprecation. systemd::servicelimits - foreman-proxy.service. systemd::servicelimits is deprecated, use systemd::manage_dropin at ["/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp", 77]: (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp, line: 77, column: 5) (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/foreman_proxy/manifests/plugin/dynflow.pp, line: 48) on node
Shared Example Group: "an idempotent resource" called from ./vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/voxpupuli-acceptance-2.4.0/lib/voxpupuli/acceptance/examples.rb:14
Shared Example Group: "the example" called from ./spec/acceptance/ansible_spec.rb:6
Puppet / Puppet 8 - AlmaLinux 8:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin applies a second time without changes
Failure/Error: raise CommandFailure, "Host '#{self}' exited with #{result.exit_code} running:\n #{cmdline}\nLast #{@options[:trace_limit]} lines of output were:\n#{result.formatted_output(@options[:trace_limit])}"
Host '' exited with 1 running:
puppet apply --verbose --detailed-exitcodes /tmp/apply_manifest_190610162.pp.I7HoBw
Last 10 lines of output were:
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Warning: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera.yaml: Use of 'hiera.yaml' version 3 is deprecated. It should be converted to version 5
(file: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera.yaml)
Warning: This function is deprecated, please use stdlib::ensure_packages instead. at ["/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/foreman_proxy/manifests/plugin/ansible.pp", 62]:["/tmp/apply_manifest_190610162.pp.I7HoBw", 2]
(location: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/stdlib/lib/puppet/functions/deprecation.rb:35:in `deprecation')
Error: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Function Call, deprecation. systemd::servicelimits - foreman-proxy.service. systemd::servicelimits is deprecated, use systemd::manage_dropin at ["/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp", 77]: (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp, line: 77, column: 5) (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/foreman_proxy/manifests/plugin/dynflow.pp, line: 48) on node
Shared Example Group: "an idempotent resource" called from ./vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/voxpupuli-acceptance-2.4.0/lib/voxpupuli/acceptance/examples.rb:14
Shared Example Group: "the example" called from ./spec/acceptance/ansible_spec.rb:6
Puppet / Puppet 8 - AlmaLinux 8:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin behaves like the default foreman proxy application Service "foreman-proxy" is expected to be enabled
Failure/Error: it { be_enabled }
expected Service "foreman-proxy" to be enabled
Shared Example Group: "the default foreman proxy application" called from ./spec/acceptance/ansible_spec.rb:8
Puppet / Puppet 8 - AlmaLinux 8:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin behaves like the default foreman proxy application Service "foreman-proxy" is expected to be running
Failure/Error: it { be_running }
expected Service "foreman-proxy" to be running
Shared Example Group: "the default foreman proxy application" called from ./spec/acceptance/ansible_spec.rb:8
Puppet / Puppet 8 - AlmaLinux 8:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin behaves like the default foreman proxy application Port "8443" is expected to be listening
Failure/Error: it { be_listening }
expected Port "8443" to be listening
Shared Example Group: "the default foreman proxy application" called from ./spec/acceptance/ansible_spec.rb:8
Puppet / Puppet 8 - AlmaLinux 8:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin Package "ansible-collection-theforeman-foreman" is expected to be installed
Failure/Error: it { be_installed }
expected Package "ansible-collection-theforeman-foreman" to be installed
Puppet / Puppet 8 - AlmaLinux 8:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin Package "ansible-runner" is expected to be installed
Failure/Error: it { be_installed }
expected Package "ansible-runner" to be installed
Puppet / Puppet 8 - AlmaLinux 8:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin Command "ansible-runner --help" exit_status is expected to eq 0
Failure/Error: its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 }
expected: 0
got: 127
(compared using ==)
Puppet / Puppet 8 - AlmaLinux 8:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin Command "ansible-runner run --module ping --hosts localhost /tmp/ansible-runner-test" exit_status is expected to eq 0
Failure/Error: its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 }
expected: 0
got: 127
(compared using ==)
Puppet / Puppet 8 - AlmaLinux 8:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with remote_execution script plugin with pull-mqtt with default params applies with no errors
Failure/Error: raise CommandFailure, "Host '#{self}' exited with #{result.exit_code} running:\n #{cmdline}\nLast #{@options[:trace_limit]} lines of output were:\n#{result.formatted_output(@options[:trace_limit])}"
Host '' exited with 1 running:
puppet apply --verbose --detailed-exitcodes /tmp/apply_manifest_190840752.pp.b4Xujq
Last 10 lines of output were:
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Warning: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera.yaml: Use of 'hiera.yaml' version 3 is deprecated. It should be converted to version 5
(file: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera.yaml)
Error: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Function Call, deprecation. systemd::servicelimits - foreman-proxy.service. systemd::servicelimits is deprecated, use systemd::manage_dropin at ["/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp", 77]: (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp, line: 77, column: 5) (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/foreman_proxy/manifests/plugin/dynflow.pp, line: 48) on node
Shared Example Group: "an idempotent resource" called from ./vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/voxpupuli-acceptance-2.4.0/lib/voxpupuli/acceptance/examples.rb:14
Shared Example Group: "the example" called from ./spec/acceptance/remote_execution_script_pull_mqtt_spec.rb:7
Puppet / Puppet 8 - Ubuntu 22.04:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin applies with no errors
Failure/Error: raise CommandFailure, "Host '#{self}' exited with #{result.exit_code} running:\n #{cmdline}\nLast #{@options[:trace_limit]} lines of output were:\n#{result.formatted_output(@options[:trace_limit])}"
Host '' exited with 1 running:
puppet apply --verbose --detailed-exitcodes /tmp/apply_manifest_190624789.pp.bYBuhR
Last 10 lines of output were:
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Warning: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera.yaml: Use of 'hiera.yaml' version 3 is deprecated. It should be converted to version 5
(file: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera.yaml)
Warning: This function is deprecated, please use stdlib::ensure_packages instead. at ["/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/foreman_proxy/manifests/plugin/ansible.pp", 62]:["/tmp/apply_manifest_190624789.pp.bYBuhR", 2]
(location: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/stdlib/lib/puppet/functions/deprecation.rb:35:in `deprecation')
Error: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Function Call, deprecation. systemd::servicelimits - foreman-proxy.service. systemd::servicelimits is deprecated, use systemd::manage_dropin at ["/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp", 77]: (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp, line: 77, column: 5) (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/foreman_proxy/manifests/plugin/dynflow.pp, line: 48) on node
Shared Example Group: "an idempotent resource" called from ./vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/voxpupuli-acceptance-2.4.0/lib/voxpupuli/acceptance/examples.rb:14
Shared Example Group: "the example" called from ./spec/acceptance/ansible_spec.rb:6
Puppet / Puppet 8 - Ubuntu 22.04:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin applies a second time without changes
Failure/Error: raise CommandFailure, "Host '#{self}' exited with #{result.exit_code} running:\n #{cmdline}\nLast #{@options[:trace_limit]} lines of output were:\n#{result.formatted_output(@options[:trace_limit])}"
Host '' exited with 1 running:
puppet apply --verbose --detailed-exitcodes /tmp/apply_manifest_190629364.pp.lOfI3x
Last 10 lines of output were:
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Warning: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera.yaml: Use of 'hiera.yaml' version 3 is deprecated. It should be converted to version 5
(file: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera.yaml)
Warning: This function is deprecated, please use stdlib::ensure_packages instead. at ["/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/foreman_proxy/manifests/plugin/ansible.pp", 62]:["/tmp/apply_manifest_190629364.pp.lOfI3x", 2]
(location: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/stdlib/lib/puppet/functions/deprecation.rb:35:in `deprecation')
Error: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Function Call, deprecation. systemd::servicelimits - foreman-proxy.service. systemd::servicelimits is deprecated, use systemd::manage_dropin at ["/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp", 77]: (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp, line: 77, column: 5) (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/foreman_proxy/manifests/plugin/dynflow.pp, line: 48) on node
Shared Example Group: "an idempotent resource" called from ./vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/voxpupuli-acceptance-2.4.0/lib/voxpupuli/acceptance/examples.rb:14
Shared Example Group: "the example" called from ./spec/acceptance/ansible_spec.rb:6
Puppet / Puppet 8 - Ubuntu 22.04:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin behaves like the default foreman proxy application Service "foreman-proxy" is expected to be enabled
Failure/Error: it { be_enabled }
expected Service "foreman-proxy" to be enabled
Shared Example Group: "the default foreman proxy application" called from ./spec/acceptance/ansible_spec.rb:8
Puppet / Puppet 8 - Ubuntu 22.04:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin behaves like the default foreman proxy application Service "foreman-proxy" is expected to be running
Failure/Error: it { be_running }
expected Service "foreman-proxy" to be running
Shared Example Group: "the default foreman proxy application" called from ./spec/acceptance/ansible_spec.rb:8
Puppet / Puppet 8 - Ubuntu 22.04:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin behaves like the default foreman proxy application Port "8443" is expected to be listening
Failure/Error: it { be_listening }
expected Port "8443" to be listening
Shared Example Group: "the default foreman proxy application" called from ./spec/acceptance/ansible_spec.rb:8
Puppet / Puppet 8 - Ubuntu 22.04:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin Package "ansible-collection-theforeman-foreman" is expected to be installed
Failure/Error: it { be_installed }
expected Package "ansible-collection-theforeman-foreman" to be installed
Puppet / Puppet 8 - Ubuntu 22.04:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin Package "python3-ansible-runner" is expected to be installed
Failure/Error: it { be_installed }
expected Package "python3-ansible-runner" to be installed
Puppet / Puppet 8 - Ubuntu 22.04:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin Command "ansible-runner --help" exit_status is expected to eq 0
Failure/Error: its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 }
expected: 0
got: 127
(compared using ==)
Puppet / Puppet 8 - Ubuntu 22.04:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin Command "ansible-runner run --module ping --hosts localhost /tmp/ansible-runner-test" exit_status is expected to eq 0
Failure/Error: its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 }
expected: 0
got: 127
(compared using ==)
Puppet / Puppet 8 - Ubuntu 22.04:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with remote_execution script plugin with pull-mqtt with default params applies with no errors
Failure/Error: raise CommandFailure, "Host '#{self}' exited with #{result.exit_code} running:\n #{cmdline}\nLast #{@options[:trace_limit]} lines of output were:\n#{result.formatted_output(@options[:trace_limit])}"
Host '' exited with 1 running:
puppet apply --verbose --detailed-exitcodes /tmp/apply_manifest_190929333.pp.JR5eHF
Last 10 lines of output were:
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Warning: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera.yaml: Use of 'hiera.yaml' version 3 is deprecated. It should be converted to version 5
(file: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera.yaml)
Error: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Function Call, deprecation. systemd::servicelimits - foreman-proxy.service. systemd::servicelimits is deprecated, use systemd::manage_dropin at ["/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp", 77]: (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp, line: 77, column: 5) (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/foreman_proxy/manifests/plugin/dynflow.pp, line: 48) on node
Shared Example Group: "an idempotent resource" called from ./vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/voxpupuli-acceptance-2.4.0/lib/voxpupuli/acceptance/examples.rb:14
Shared Example Group: "the example" called from ./spec/acceptance/remote_execution_script_pull_mqtt_spec.rb:7
Puppet / Puppet 8 - Ubuntu 20.04:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin applies with no errors
Failure/Error: raise CommandFailure, "Host '#{self}' exited with #{result.exit_code} running:\n #{cmdline}\nLast #{@options[:trace_limit]} lines of output were:\n#{result.formatted_output(@options[:trace_limit])}"
Host '' exited with 1 running:
puppet apply --verbose --detailed-exitcodes /tmp/apply_manifest_190648231.pp.HSLCAi
Last 10 lines of output were:
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Warning: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera.yaml: Use of 'hiera.yaml' version 3 is deprecated. It should be converted to version 5
(file: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera.yaml)
Warning: This function is deprecated, please use stdlib::ensure_packages instead. at ["/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/foreman_proxy/manifests/plugin/ansible.pp", 62]:["/tmp/apply_manifest_190648231.pp.HSLCAi", 2]
(location: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/stdlib/lib/puppet/functions/deprecation.rb:35:in `deprecation')
Error: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Function Call, deprecation. systemd::servicelimits - foreman-proxy.service. systemd::servicelimits is deprecated, use systemd::manage_dropin at ["/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp", 77]: (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp, line: 77, column: 5) (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/foreman_proxy/manifests/plugin/dynflow.pp, line: 48) on node
Shared Example Group: "an idempotent resource" called from ./vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/voxpupuli-acceptance-2.4.0/lib/voxpupuli/acceptance/examples.rb:14
Shared Example Group: "the example" called from ./spec/acceptance/ansible_spec.rb:6
Puppet / Puppet 8 - Ubuntu 20.04:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin applies a second time without changes
Failure/Error: raise CommandFailure, "Host '#{self}' exited with #{result.exit_code} running:\n #{cmdline}\nLast #{@options[:trace_limit]} lines of output were:\n#{result.formatted_output(@options[:trace_limit])}"
Host '' exited with 1 running:
puppet apply --verbose --detailed-exitcodes /tmp/apply_manifest_190652952.pp.oBtH0y
Last 10 lines of output were:
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Warning: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera.yaml: Use of 'hiera.yaml' version 3 is deprecated. It should be converted to version 5
(file: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera.yaml)
Warning: This function is deprecated, please use stdlib::ensure_packages instead. at ["/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/foreman_proxy/manifests/plugin/ansible.pp", 62]:["/tmp/apply_manifest_190652952.pp.oBtH0y", 2]
(location: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/stdlib/lib/puppet/functions/deprecation.rb:35:in `deprecation')
Error: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Function Call, deprecation. systemd::servicelimits - foreman-proxy.service. systemd::servicelimits is deprecated, use systemd::manage_dropin at ["/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp", 77]: (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp, line: 77, column: 5) (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/foreman_proxy/manifests/plugin/dynflow.pp, line: 48) on node
Shared Example Group: "an idempotent resource" called from ./vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/voxpupuli-acceptance-2.4.0/lib/voxpupuli/acceptance/examples.rb:14
Shared Example Group: "the example" called from ./spec/acceptance/ansible_spec.rb:6
Puppet / Puppet 8 - Ubuntu 20.04:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin behaves like the default foreman proxy application Service "foreman-proxy" is expected to be enabled
Failure/Error: it { be_enabled }
expected Service "foreman-proxy" to be enabled
Shared Example Group: "the default foreman proxy application" called from ./spec/acceptance/ansible_spec.rb:8
Puppet / Puppet 8 - Ubuntu 20.04:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin behaves like the default foreman proxy application Service "foreman-proxy" is expected to be running
Failure/Error: it { be_running }
expected Service "foreman-proxy" to be running
Shared Example Group: "the default foreman proxy application" called from ./spec/acceptance/ansible_spec.rb:8
Puppet / Puppet 8 - Ubuntu 20.04:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin behaves like the default foreman proxy application Port "8443" is expected to be listening
Failure/Error: it { be_listening }
expected Port "8443" to be listening
Shared Example Group: "the default foreman proxy application" called from ./spec/acceptance/ansible_spec.rb:8
Puppet / Puppet 8 - Ubuntu 20.04:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin Package "ansible-collection-theforeman-foreman" is expected to be installed
Failure/Error: it { be_installed }
expected Package "ansible-collection-theforeman-foreman" to be installed
Puppet / Puppet 8 - Ubuntu 20.04:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin Package "python3-ansible-runner" is expected to be installed
Failure/Error: it { be_installed }
expected Package "python3-ansible-runner" to be installed
Puppet / Puppet 8 - Ubuntu 20.04:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin Command "ansible-runner --help" exit_status is expected to eq 0
Failure/Error: its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 }
expected: 0
got: 127
(compared using ==)
Puppet / Puppet 8 - Ubuntu 20.04:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with ansible plugin Command "ansible-runner run --module ping --hosts localhost /tmp/ansible-runner-test" exit_status is expected to eq 0
Failure/Error: its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 }
expected: 0
got: 127
(compared using ==)
Puppet / Puppet 8 - Ubuntu 20.04:
Scenario: install foreman-proxy with remote_execution script plugin with pull-mqtt with default params applies with no errors
Failure/Error: raise CommandFailure, "Host '#{self}' exited with #{result.exit_code} running:\n #{cmdline}\nLast #{@options[:trace_limit]} lines of output were:\n#{result.formatted_output(@options[:trace_limit])}"
Host '' exited with 1 running:
puppet apply --verbose --detailed-exitcodes /tmp/apply_manifest_191009572.pp.72ltyU
Last 10 lines of output were:
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Warning: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera.yaml: Use of 'hiera.yaml' version 3 is deprecated. It should be converted to version 5
(file: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera.yaml)
Error: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Function Call, deprecation. systemd::servicelimits - foreman-proxy.service. systemd::servicelimits is deprecated, use systemd::manage_dropin at ["/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp", 77]: (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/systemd/manifests/service_limits.pp, line: 77, column: 5) (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/foreman_proxy/manifests/plugin/dynflow.pp, line: 48) on node
Shared Example Group: "an idempotent resource" called from ./vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/voxpupuli-acceptance-2.4.0/lib/voxpupuli/acceptance/examples.rb:14
Shared Example Group: "the example" called from ./spec/acceptance/remote_execution_script_pull_mqtt_spec.rb:7