- Changing a relay point Free Shipping for a specific area does not add the price for every other area anymore.
- Displays an arror message instead of crashing when "mail_socolissimo" isn't created, thus allowing to not send any confirmation email.
- Fixed crash when using getCartAmount while cartAmount is null
- create loops: AreaFreeshippingDom and AreaFreeshippingPr
- update template for to add these loops
- update version module
- fix freeshipping.php
- add translate: l18n/backOffice/default/fr_FR.php
- update version module
Objective: Add a minimum cart amount to get the free shipping cost for "So Colissimo Domicile" by Area
- Add table socolissimo_area_freeshipping
- Update Routing.xml, Freeshipping.php, SoColissimo.php and Template BO
- Update version module.xml & CHANGELOG.md
- Fix bug area delivery
- Add price slices by cart price and weight
- International support of Relay Points
- Fix relais query on address with accent
- Fix delivery amount not recalculated correctly (ex when using a coupon)
- added franco per area and weight
- Feature/order date
- Bump version 1.2.3
- Bump version 1.2.2
- Change expeditor filename
- Remove duplicated address edition controls on delivery page
- Fix unopened HTML elements
- Fix support for relay search by Thelia address
- Set relay id to an empty string when exporting non-relay orders
- Fix routing for the csv export
- Add import csv for update the orders status