diff --git a/types/schemas/prototypeApplication/enums/FileType.ts b/types/schemas/prototypeApplication/enums/FileType.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..542eb7ba --- /dev/null +++ b/types/schemas/prototypeApplication/enums/FileType.ts @@ -0,0 +1,607 @@ +/** + * @description Details of impact on access, roads, and rights of way + */ +type AccessRoadsRightsOfWayDetails = 'accessRoadsRightsOfWayDetails'; + +/** + * @description Affordable housing statement + */ +type AffordableHousingStatement = 'affordableHousingStatement'; + +/** + * @description Arboriculturist report + */ +type ArboriculturistReport = 'arboriculturistReport'; + +/** + * @description Bank statement + */ +type BankStatement = 'bankStatement'; + +/** + * @description Basement impact statement + */ +type BasementImpactStatement = 'basementImpactStatement'; + +/** + * @description Bio-aerosol assessment + */ +type BioaerosolAssessment = 'bioaerosolAssessment'; + +/** + * @description Birdstrike risk management plan + */ +type BirdstrikeRiskManagementPlan = 'birdstrikeRiskManagementPlan'; + +/** + * @description Borehole or trial pit analysis + */ +type BoreholeOrTrialPitAnalysis = 'boreholeOrTrialPitAnalysis'; + +/** + * @description Building control certificate + */ +type BuildingControlCertificate = 'buildingControlCertificate'; + +/** + * @description Structural or building condition survey + */ +type ConditionSurvey = 'conditionSurvey'; + +/** + * @description Construction invoice + */ +type ConstructionInvoice = 'constructionInvoice'; + +/** + * @description Contamination report + */ +type ContaminationReport = 'contaminationReport'; + +/** + * @description Council tax bill + */ +type CouncilTaxBill = 'councilTaxBill'; + +/** + * @description Crime prevention strategy + */ +type CrimePreventionStrategy = 'crimePreventionStrategy'; + +/** + * @description Design and Access Statement + */ +type DesignAndAccessStatement = 'designAndAccessStatement'; + +/** + * @description Evidence for application fee exemption - disability + */ +type DisabilityExemptionEvidence = 'disabilityExemptionEvidence'; + +/** + * @description Ecology report + */ +type EcologyReport = 'ecologyReport'; + +/** + * @description Elevations - existing + */ +type ElevationsExisting = 'elevations.existing'; + +/** + * @description Elevations - proposed + */ +type ElevationsProposed = 'elevations.proposed'; + +/** + * @description Scheme for mitigation and monitoring of emissions (dust, odour and vibrations) + */ +type EmissionsMitigationAndMonitoringScheme = + 'emissionsMitigationAndMonitoringScheme'; + +/** + * @description Energy statement + */ +type EnergyStatement = 'energyStatement'; + +/** + * @description Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) + */ +type EnvironmentalImpactAssessment = 'environmentalImpactAssessment'; + +/** + * @description External materials details + */ +type ExternalMaterialsDetails = 'externalMaterialsDetails'; + +/** + * @description Fire safety report + */ +type FireSafetyReport = 'fireSafetyReport'; + +/** + * @description Flood risk assessment (FRA) + */ +type FloodRiskAssessment = 'floodRiskAssessment'; + +/** + * @description Floor plan - existing + */ +type FloorPlanExisting = 'floorPlan.existing'; + +/** + * @description Floor plan - proposed + */ +type FloorPlanProposed = 'floorPlan.proposed'; + +/** + * @description Foul drainage assessment + */ +type FoulDrainageAssessment = 'foulDrainageAssessment'; + +/** + * @description Geodiversity assessment + */ +type GeodiversityAssessment = 'geodiversityAssessment'; + +/** + * @description Plans showing the stretches of hedgerows to be removed + */ +type HedgerowsInformation = 'hedgerowsInformation'; + +/** + * @description Evidence of the date of planting of the removed hedgerows + */ +type HedgerowsInformationPlantingDate = 'hedgerowsInformation.plantingDate'; + +/** + * @description Heritage Statement + */ +type HeritageStatement = 'heritageStatement'; + +/** + * @description Hydrological and hydrogeological assessment + */ +type HydrologicalAssessment = 'hydrologicalAssessment'; + +/** + * @description Hydrology report + */ +type HydrologyReport = 'hydrologyReport'; + +/** + * @description Internal elevations + */ +type InternalElevations = 'internalElevations'; + +/** + * @description Internal sections + */ +type InternalSections = 'internalSections'; + +/** + * @description Joiner's report + */ +type JoinersReport = 'joinersReport'; + +/** + * @description Joinery section report + */ +type JoinerySections = 'joinerySections'; + +/** + * @description Land contamination assessment + */ +type LandContaminationAssessment = 'landContaminationAssessment'; + +/** + * @description Landscape and visual impact assessment (LVIA) + */ +type LandscapeAndVisualImpactAssessment = 'landscapeAndVisualImpactAssessment'; + +/** + * @description Landscape strategy or landscape plan + */ +type LandscapeStrategy = 'landscapeStrategy'; + +/** + * @description Lighting assessment + */ +type LightingAssessment = 'lightingAssessment'; + +/** + * @description Details of litter, vermin and bird control + */ +type LitterVerminAndBirdControlDetails = 'litterVerminAndBirdControlDetails'; + +/** + * @description Location plan + */ +type LocationPlan = 'locationPlan'; + +/** + * @description Method statement + */ +type MethodStatement = 'methodStatement'; + +/** + * @description Minerals and waste assessment + */ +type MineralsAndWasteAssessment = 'mineralsAndWasteAssessment'; + +/** + * @description Information the authority considers necessary for the application + */ +type NecessaryInformation = 'necessaryInformation'; + +/** + * @description New dwellings schedule + */ +type NewDwellingsSchedule = 'newDwellingsSchedule'; + +/** + * @description Noise assessment + */ +type NoiseAssessment = 'noiseAssessment'; + +/** + * @description Open space assessment + */ +type OpenSpaceAssessment = 'openSpaceAssessment'; + +/** + * @description Other - document + */ +type OtherDocument = 'otherDocument'; + +/** + * @description Other - drawing + */ +type OtherDrawing = 'otherDrawing'; + +/** + * @description Other - evidence or correspondence + */ +type OtherEvidence = 'otherEvidence'; + +/** + * @description Parking plan + */ +type ParkingPlan = 'parkingPlan'; + +/** + * @description Photographs - existing + */ +type PhotographsExisting = 'photographs.existing'; + +/** + * @description Photographs - proposed + */ +type PhotographsProposed = 'photographs.proposed'; + +/** + * @description Planning statement + */ +type PlanningStatement = 'planningStatement'; + +/** + * @description Recyclable waste storage details + */ +type RecycleWasteStorageDetails = 'recycleWasteStorageDetails'; + +/** + * @description Information the applicant considers relevant to the application + */ +type RelevantInformation = 'relevantInformation'; + +/** + * @description Residential units details + */ +type ResidentialUnitsDetails = 'residentialUnitsDetails'; + +/** + * @description Roof plan - existing + */ +type RoofPlanExisting = 'roofPlan.existing'; + +/** + * @description Roof plan - proposed + */ +type RoofPlanProposed = 'roofPlan.proposed'; + +/** + * @description Sections - existing + */ +type SectionsExisting = 'sections.existing'; + +/** + * @description Sections - proposed + */ +type SectionsProposed = 'sections.proposed'; + +/** + * @description Site plan - existing + */ +type SitePlanExisting = 'sitePlan.existing'; + +/** + * @description Site plan - proposed + */ +type SitePlanProposed = 'sitePlan.proposed'; + +/** + * @description Sketch plan + */ +type SketchPlan = 'sketchPlan'; + +/** + * @description Statement of community involvement + */ +type StatementOfCommunityInvolvement = 'statementOfCommunityInvolvement'; + +/** + * @description Statutory declaration + */ +type StatutoryDeclaration = 'statutoryDeclaration'; + +/** + * @description Details of storage treatment or disposal of waste + */ +type StorageTreatmentAndWasteDisposalDetails = + 'storageTreatmentAndWasteDisposalDetails'; + +/** + * @description Street scene drawing + */ +type StreetScene = 'streetScene'; + +/** + * @description Subsidence report + */ +type SubsidenceReport = 'subsidenceReport'; + +/** + * @description Sunlight and daylight report + */ +type SunlightAndDaylightReport = 'sunlightAndDaylightReport'; + +/** + * @description Sustainability statement + */ +type SustainabilityStatement = 'sustainabilityStatement'; + +/** + * @description Technical evidence + */ +type TechnicalEvidence = 'technicalEvidence'; + +/** + * @description Technical specification + */ +type TechnicalSpecification = 'technicalSpecification'; + +/** + * @description Tenancy agreement + */ +type TenancyAgreement = 'tenancyAgreement'; + +/** + * @description Tenancy invoice + */ +type TenancyInvoice = 'tenancyInvoice'; + +/** + * @description Town centre uses - Impact assessment + */ +type TownCentreImpactAssessment = 'townCentreImpactAssessment'; + +/** + * @description Town centre uses - Sequential assessment + */ +type TownCentreSequentialAssessment = 'townCentreSequentialAssessment'; + +/** + * @description Transport assessment + */ +type TransportAssessment = 'transportAssessment'; + +/** + * @description Travel plan + */ +type TravelPlan = 'travelPlan'; + +/** + * @description Location of trees and hedges + */ +type TreeAndHedgeLocation = 'treeAndHedgeLocation'; + +/** + * @description Removed or pruned trees and hedges + */ +type TreeAndHedgeRemovedOrPruned = 'treeAndHedgeRemovedOrPruned'; + +/** + * @description Tree canopy calculator + */ +type TreeCanopyCalculator = 'treeCanopyCalculator'; + +/** + * @description Tree condition report + */ +type TreeConditionReport = 'treeConditionReport'; + +/** + * @description Tree plan + */ +type TreePlan = 'treePlan'; + +/** + * @description Trees report + */ +type TreesReport = 'treesReport'; + +/** + * @description Unit plan - existing + */ +type UnitPlanExisting = 'unitPlan.existing'; + +/** + * @description Unit plan - proposed + */ +type UnitPlanProposed = 'unitPlan.proposed'; + +/** + * @description Use plan - existing + */ +type UsePlanExisting = 'usePlan.existing'; + +/** + * @description Use plan - proposed + */ +type UsePlanProposed = 'usePlan.proposed'; + +/** + * @description Utility bill + */ +type UtilityBill = 'utilityBill'; + +/** + * @description Utilities statement + */ +type UtilitiesStatement = 'utilitiesStatement'; + +/** + * @description Ventilation or extraction statement + */ +type VentilationStatement = 'ventilationStatement'; + +/** + * @description Viability Appraisal + */ +type ViabilityAppraisal = 'viabilityAppraisal'; + +/** + * @description Visualisations + */ +type Visualisations = 'visualisations'; + +/** + * @description Waste and recycling strategy + */ +type WasteAndRecyclingStrategy = 'wasteAndRecyclingStrategy'; + +/** + * @description Waste storage details + */ +type WasteStorageDetails = 'wasteStorageDetails'; + +/** + * @description Water environment assessment + */ +type WaterEnvironmentAssessment = 'waterEnvironmentAssessment'; + +/** + * @id #FileType + * @description Types of planning documents and drawings + */ +export type FileType = + | AccessRoadsRightsOfWayDetails + | AffordableHousingStatement + | ArboriculturistReport + | BankStatement + | BasementImpactStatement + | BioaerosolAssessment + | BirdstrikeRiskManagementPlan + | BoreholeOrTrialPitAnalysis + | BuildingControlCertificate + | ConditionSurvey + | ConstructionInvoice + | ContaminationReport + | CouncilTaxBill + | CrimePreventionStrategy + | DesignAndAccessStatement + | DisabilityExemptionEvidence + | EcologyReport + | ElevationsExisting + | ElevationsProposed + | EmissionsMitigationAndMonitoringScheme + | EnergyStatement + | EnvironmentalImpactAssessment + | ExternalMaterialsDetails + | FireSafetyReport + | FloodRiskAssessment + | FloorPlanExisting + | FloorPlanProposed + | FoulDrainageAssessment + | GeodiversityAssessment + | HedgerowsInformation + | HedgerowsInformationPlantingDate + | HeritageStatement + | HydrologicalAssessment + | HydrologyReport + | InternalElevations + | InternalSections + | JoinersReport + | JoinerySections + | LandContaminationAssessment + | LandscapeAndVisualImpactAssessment + | LandscapeStrategy + | LightingAssessment + | LitterVerminAndBirdControlDetails + | LocationPlan + | MethodStatement + | MineralsAndWasteAssessment + | NecessaryInformation + | NewDwellingsSchedule + | NoiseAssessment + | OpenSpaceAssessment + | OtherDocument + | OtherDrawing + | OtherEvidence + | ParkingPlan + | PhotographsExisting + | PhotographsProposed + | PlanningStatement + | RecycleWasteStorageDetails + | RelevantInformation + | ResidentialUnitsDetails + | RoofPlanExisting + | RoofPlanProposed + | SectionsExisting + | SectionsProposed + | SitePlanExisting + | SitePlanProposed + | SketchPlan + | StatementOfCommunityInvolvement + | StatutoryDeclaration + | StorageTreatmentAndWasteDisposalDetails + | StreetScene + | SubsidenceReport + | SunlightAndDaylightReport + | SustainabilityStatement + | TechnicalEvidence + | TechnicalSpecification + | TenancyAgreement + | TenancyInvoice + | TownCentreImpactAssessment + | TownCentreSequentialAssessment + | TransportAssessment + | TravelPlan + | TreeAndHedgeLocation + | TreeAndHedgeRemovedOrPruned + | TreeCanopyCalculator + | TreeConditionReport + | TreePlan + | TreesReport + | UnitPlanExisting + | UnitPlanProposed + | UsePlanExisting + | UsePlanProposed + | UtilityBill + | UtilitiesStatement + | VentilationStatement + | ViabilityAppraisal + | Visualisations + | WasteAndRecyclingStrategy + | WasteStorageDetails + | WaterEnvironmentAssessment;