diff --git a/examples/data/planningPermission/major.ts b/examples/data/planningPermission/major.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..77131639 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/data/planningPermission/major.ts @@ -0,0 +1,2196 @@ +import {Schema} from '../../../types/Schema'; +import {BaseProposal} from '../../../types/schema/data/Proposal'; + +const version = process.env['VERSION'] || '@next'; + +export const planningPermissionMajor: Schema = { + data: { + user: { + role: 'agent', + }, + applicant: { + type: 'company', + name: { + first: 'Mike', + last: 'McHouseface', + }, + email: 'mikemchouseface@housefacemike.com', + phone: { + primary: '9876543210', + }, + company: { + name: 'McHouseface Incorporated', + }, + address: { + sameAsSiteAddress: true, + }, + siteContact: { + role: 'other', + name: 'Kyle Keybearer', + email: 'kylewiththekeys@keysfromkyle.com', + phone: '543210', + }, + ownership: { + interest: 'other', + certificate: 'b', + noticeGiven: true, + ownersKnown: 'all', + owners: [ + { + name: 'Agamemnon Agricullen', + address: { + town: 'Mycenae', + line1: 'Aggy Avenue', + line2: '', + county: '', + country: 'Greece', + postcode: '212 00', + }, + noticeGiven: true, + }, + ], + declaration: { + accurate: true, + }, + }, + agent: { + name: { + first: 'Andy', + last: 'Agent', + }, + email: 'andytheagent@agncagency.com', + phone: { + primary: '0123456789', + }, + company: { + name: 'AGNC Agency', + }, + address: { + line1: 'Roady Road', + line2: '', + town: 'Towny Town', + county: '', + postcode: 'Cody Code', + country: '', + }, + }, + }, + property: { + address: { + latitude: 51.51257224609594, + longitude: -0.5189885919643893, + x: 502869.8591151078, + y: 180333.4537434135, + title: 'House McHouseface Housing', + source: 'Proposed by applicant', + }, + localAuthorityDistrict: ['Buckinghamshire', 'South Bucks'], + region: 'South East', + type: { + value: 'other.unsupported', + description: 'Unsupported Site', + }, + use: { + description: 'Vacant brownfield', + }, + planning: { + sources: [ + 'https://api.editor.planx.dev/gis/buckinghamshire?geom=POLYGON+%28%28-0.5202563671906586+51.51349326091676%2C+-0.5162271673824664+51.51342965453125%2C+-0.5160930726385158+51.5119189712527%2C+-0.5186025432309797+51.51150473816995%2C+-0.5192921685359919+51.51150076298916%2C+-0.5197391470751718+51.5115882253788%2C+-0.5204032314768795+51.51156039632619%2C+-0.5207544293552119+51.512609937924225%2C+-0.5202563671906586+51.51349326091676%29%29&sessionId=180da003-279d-40dc-b538-a616c8c2a700', + ], + designations: [ + { + value: 'tpo', + description: 'Tree Preservation Order (TPO) or zone', + intersects: false, + }, + { + value: 'flood', + description: 'Flood Risk Zone', + intersects: false, + }, + { + value: 'listed', + description: 'Listed Building', + intersects: false, + }, + { + value: 'article4', + description: 'Article 4 Direction area', + intersects: false, + }, + { + value: 'monument', + description: 'Site of a Scheduled Monument', + intersects: false, + }, + { + value: 'greenBelt', + description: 'Green Belt', + intersects: true, + entities: [ + { + name: 'Buckinghamshire', + source: { + text: 'Planning Data', + url: 'https://www.planning.data.gov.uk/entity/610030', + }, + }, + ], + }, + { + value: 'designated', + description: 'Designated land', + intersects: false, + }, + { + value: 'nature.SAC', + description: 'Special Area of Conservation (SAC)', + intersects: false, + }, + { + value: 'nature.SPA', + description: 'Special Protection Area (SPA)', + intersects: false, + }, + { + value: 'nature.ASNW', + description: 'Ancient Semi-Natural Woodland (ASNW)', + intersects: false, + }, + { + value: 'nature.SSSI', + description: 'Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI)', + intersects: false, + }, + { + value: 'brownfieldSite', + description: 'Brownfield site', + intersects: false, + }, + { + value: 'designated.WHS', + description: 'UNESCO World Heritage Site or buffer zone', + intersects: false, + }, + { + value: 'registeredPark', + description: 'Historic Park or Garden', + intersects: false, + }, + { + value: 'designated.AONB', + description: 'Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB)', + intersects: false, + }, + { + value: 'nature.ramsarSite', + description: 'Ramsar site', + intersects: false, + }, + { + value: 'designated.nationalPark', + description: 'National Park', + intersects: false, + }, + { + value: 'designated.conservationArea', + description: 'Conservation Area', + intersects: false, + }, + { + value: 'designated.nationalPark.broads', + description: 'National Park - Broads', + intersects: false, + }, + ], + }, + boundary: { + site: { + type: 'Feature', + geometry: { + type: 'MultiPolygon', + coordinates: [ + [ + [ + [-0.525061, 51.514352], + [-0.525278, 51.513929], + [-0.525415, 51.513695], + [-0.525716, 51.513284], + [-0.52582, 51.513149], + [-0.526395, 51.512578], + [-0.526474, 51.512515], + [-0.526452, 51.512518], + [-0.526483, 51.512486], + [-0.526068, 51.512397], + [-0.523001, 51.511595], + [-0.520218, 51.510925], + [-0.517193, 51.51149], + [-0.51608, 51.511659], + [-0.512427, 51.512263], + [-0.51294, 51.514283], + [-0.51624, 51.514275], + [-0.516107, 51.514586], + [-0.515866, 51.514961], + [-0.515496, 51.515608], + [-0.515375, 51.515791], + [-0.515233, 51.516085], + [-0.515087, 51.516427], + [-0.515002, 51.516564], + [-0.51593, 51.51681], + [-0.51572, 51.517065], + [-0.515697, 51.517105], + [-0.515076, 51.517944], + [-0.517128, 51.518561], + [-0.517376, 51.518606], + [-0.517472, 51.518631], + [-0.518067, 51.518889], + [-0.518535, 51.519053], + [-0.519212, 51.519268], + [-0.519295, 51.519132], + [-0.519332, 51.519087], + [-0.519402, 51.519063], + [-0.519778, 51.519074], + [-0.519836, 51.51911], + [-0.519794, 51.519233], + [-0.519782, 51.519305], + [-0.519782, 51.51938], + [-0.519791, 51.519392], + [-0.519814, 51.519401], + [-0.520024, 51.519401], + [-0.520946, 51.519346], + [-0.521302, 51.519305], + [-0.521431, 51.519302], + [-0.521839, 51.519245], + [-0.521818, 51.519184], + [-0.521806, 51.519184], + [-0.5218, 51.519164], + [-0.521768, 51.519168], + [-0.521645, 51.518838], + [-0.52135, 51.518888], + [-0.521321, 51.518816], + [-0.521348, 51.518812], + [-0.521338, 51.518785], + [-0.522282, 51.518658], + [-0.522348, 51.519178], + [-0.522998, 51.519094], + [-0.522932, 51.518675], + [-0.523307, 51.518771], + [-0.523838, 51.518729], + [-0.523878, 51.518918], + [-0.52392, 51.518914], + [-0.523943, 51.519022], + [-0.524932, 51.51886], + [-0.52487, 51.518642], + [-0.524794, 51.518432], + [-0.524769, 51.518321], + [-0.52465, 51.518036], + [-0.524606, 51.517876], + [-0.52459, 51.517846], + [-0.524504, 51.517529], + [-0.52444, 51.51722], + [-0.524403, 51.517082], + [-0.524459, 51.516655], + [-0.524776, 51.515182], + [-0.524921, 51.514691], + [-0.524995, 51.514496], + [-0.525061, 51.514352], + ], + ], + ], + }, + properties: { + name: '', + entity: 12000001973, + prefix: 'title-boundary', + dataset: 'title-boundary', + 'end-date': '', + typology: 'geography', + reference: '49708846', + 'entry-date': '2024-05-06', + 'start-date': '2011-01-11', + 'organisation-entity': '13', + }, + }, + area: { + hectares: 59.48202, + squareMetres: 594820.2, + }, + }, + flood: { + '20mFromWatercourse': false, + increasedRiskElsewhere: false, + }, + trees: { + present: false, + adjacent: true, + }, + }, + application: { + type: { + value: 'pp.full.major', + description: 'Planning Permission - Major application', + }, + fee: { + calculated: 2535, + payable: 2535, + category: { + one: 578, + two: 0, + three: 0, + four: 0, + five: 0, + sixAndSeven: 0, + eight: 293, + nine: 0, + ten: 0, + eleven: { + one: 0, + two: 2535, + }, + twelve: { + one: 0, + two: 0, + }, + thirteen: 0, + fourteen: 0, + }, + exemption: { + disability: false, + resubmission: false, + }, + reduction: { + sports: false, + parishCouncil: false, + alternative: false, + }, + reference: { + govPay: 'oo7f1o1emrimo39j5tsg9utjge', + }, + }, + declaration: { + accurate: true, + connection: { + value: 'none', + }, + }, + preApp: { + reference: 'PP420', + date: '2024-05-01', + officer: 'Paul the Planner', + summary: 'Not provided', + }, + }, + proposal: { + projectType: [ + { + value: 'new.residential.dwelling', + description: 'Build new homes', + }, + { + value: 'alter.surfaces.parking', + description: 'Add a driveway or parking area', + }, + { + value: 'alter.highways.access', + description: 'Create a point of access to a highway', + }, + ], + description: + 'The erection of 25 private dwellinghouses and associated infrastructure on vacant brownfield site', + boundary: { + site: { + type: 'Feature', + geometry: { + type: 'Polygon', + coordinates: [ + [ + [-0.5202563671906586, 51.51349326091676], + [-0.5162271673824664, 51.51342965453125], + [-0.5160930726385158, 51.5119189712527], + [-0.5186025432309797, 51.51150473816995], + [-0.5192921685359919, 51.51150076298916], + [-0.5197391470751718, 51.5115882253788], + [-0.5204032314768795, 51.51156039632619], + [-0.5207544293552119, 51.512609937924225], + [-0.5202563671906586, 51.51349326091676], + ], + ], + }, + properties: null, + }, + area: { + hectares: 6.1751949999999995, + squareMetres: 61751.95, + }, + }, + access: { + affected: 'newRoad', + }, + utilities: { + foulSewageDisposal: 'sewer', + }, + flood: { + surfaceWaterDisposal: 'drainageSystem', + }, + units: { + total: 25, + residential: [ + { + type: {value: 'house', description: 'House'}, + tenure: {value: 'MH', description: 'Market housing'}, + bedrooms: 3, + identicalUnits: 10, + }, + { + type: {value: 'house', description: 'House'}, + tenure: {value: 'MH', description: 'Market housing'}, + bedrooms: 4, + identicalUnits: 5, + }, + { + type: {value: 'flat', description: 'Flat'}, + tenure: { + value: 'SAIR', + description: 'Social, affordable or interim rent', + }, + bedrooms: 1, + identicalUnits: 8, + }, + { + type: {value: 'house', description: 'House'}, + tenure: { + value: 'SAIR', + description: 'Social, affordable or interim rent', + }, + bedrooms: 2, + identicalUnits: 2, + }, + ], + } as BaseProposal['units'], + }, + }, + responses: [ + { + question: 'Is the property in Buckinghamshire?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'Yes', + }, + ], + metadata: { + autoAnswered: true, + sectionName: 'The property', + }, + }, + { + question: 'What type of property is it?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'Something else', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'The property', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Which of these best describes the use of the property?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'Other', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'The property', + }, + }, + { + question: 'What type of property is it?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'No, none of these', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'The property', + }, + }, + { + question: 'What type of property is it?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'Vacant land', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'The property', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Is the property in a flood zone?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'No', + }, + ], + metadata: { + autoAnswered: true, + sectionName: 'The property', + }, + }, + { + question: 'What type of application is it?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'Apply for planning permission', + }, + ], + metadata: { + autoAnswered: true, + sectionName: 'About you', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Your contact details', + responses: [ + { + value: + 'Andy Agent AGNC Agency 0123456789 andytheagent@agncagency.com', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'About you', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Are you applying on behalf of someone else?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'Yes', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'About you', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Which of these best describes you?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'Professional agent', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'About you', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Your contact address', + responses: [ + { + value: 'Roady Road, Towny Town, Cody Code', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'About you', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Which of these best describes the applicant?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'Company', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'About you', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Name of the company', + responses: [ + { + value: 'McHouseface Incorporated', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'About you', + }, + }, + { + question: "Applicant's contact details", + responses: [ + { + value: + 'Mike McHouseface 9876543210 mikemchouseface@housefacemike.com', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'About you', + }, + }, + { + question: + "Is the applicant's contact address the same as the property address?", + responses: [ + { + value: 'No', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'About you', + }, + }, + { + question: "Applicant's contact address", + responses: [ + { + value: 'Posty Postlane, Postown, ABC 123', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'About you', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Can a planning officer see the works from public land?', + responses: [ + { + value: "No, to see the works you'd have to come onto the property", + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'About you', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Which of these best describes you?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'Professional agent', + }, + ], + metadata: { + autoAnswered: true, + sectionName: 'About you', + }, + }, + { + question: 'If we need to make a site visit, who should we contact?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'Someone else', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'About you', + }, + }, + { + question: + 'Contact details of the person we should contact about a site visit', + responses: [ + { + value: 'Kyle Keybearer 543210 kylewiththekeys@keysfromkyle.com', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'About you', + }, + }, + { + question: 'What type of application is this?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'Planning Permission', + }, + ], + metadata: { + autoAnswered: true, + sectionName: 'About you', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Which of these best describes you?', + responses: [ + { + value: "I'm acting on the applicant's behalf", + }, + ], + metadata: { + autoAnswered: true, + sectionName: 'About you', + }, + }, + { + question: 'How many owners or agricultural tenants have been notified?', + responses: [ + { + value: '1', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'About you', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Full name of the notified owner or agricultural tenant', + responses: [ + { + value: 'Agamemnon Agricullen', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'About you', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Address of the notified owner or agricultural tenant', + responses: [ + { + value: 'Aggy Avenue, Mycenae, 212 00, Greece', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'About you', + }, + }, + { + question: + 'Date on which notice was given to the owner or agricultural tenant', + responses: [ + { + value: '2024-07-01', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'About you', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Is the applicant the sole owner of the land?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'No', + }, + ], + metadata: { + policyRefs: [ + { + text: 'Article 13 of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015', + url: 'https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2015/595/article/13/made', + }, + ], + sectionName: 'About you', + }, + }, + { + question: + 'Does the applicant know the names and addresses of all owners and agricultural tenants?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'Yes, all of them', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'About you', + }, + }, + { + question: + 'Has the applicant given requisite notice to all the owners and agricultural tenants?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'Yes', + }, + ], + metadata: { + policyRefs: [ + { + text: 'Article 13 of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015', + url: 'https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2015/595/article/13/made', + }, + ], + sectionName: 'About you', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Certificate of ownership declaration - Certificate B', + responses: [ + { + value: 'I certify that the above is true', + }, + ], + metadata: { + policyRefs: [ + { + text: 'Article 13 of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015', + url: 'https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2015/595/article/13/made', + }, + { + text: 'Schedule 2 to the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure (England) (Order) 2015', + url: 'https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2015/595/schedule/2/made', + }, + ], + sectionName: 'About you', + }, + }, + { + question: 'What type of application are you submitting?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'Major development', + }, + ], + metadata: { + policyRefs: [ + { + text: 'https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2015/595/article/2/made', + url: 'https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2015/595/article/2/made', + }, + ], + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Does your project involve changes to an existing roof?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'No', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: + 'Does your project involve any alterations to ground or floor levels?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'Yes', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: + 'Does your project involve any alterations to ground or floor levels?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'Yes', + }, + ], + metadata: { + autoAnswered: true, + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Have works already started?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'No', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Select the changes involved in the project', + responses: [ + { + value: 'Homes', + }, + { + value: 'Car parking', + }, + { + value: 'Service roads and other means of access', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Does the proposal involve a change of use?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'No', + }, + ], + metadata: { + autoAnswered: true, + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: + 'Does the development involve new built waste disposal facilities?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'No', + }, + ], + metadata: { + autoAnswered: true, + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: 'What type of development are you applying for?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'Major development', + }, + ], + metadata: { + autoAnswered: true, + policyRefs: [ + { + text: 'https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2015/595/article/2/made', + url: 'https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2015/595/article/2/made', + }, + ], + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: 'What type of application are you submitting?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'Something else', + }, + ], + metadata: { + autoAnswered: true, + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Does the development involve any of the following?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'New public roads to be provided within the site', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: + 'Do your plans and drawings identify areas to store and aid the collection of waste?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'No', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: + 'Have arrangements been made for the separate storage and collection of recyclable waste?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'No', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Does the project introduce any external materials?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'No', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: + 'Are you providing further details about existing or proposed materials through your plans, drawings, or a design and access statement?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'No', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Is the property in Greater London?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'No', + }, + ], + metadata: { + autoAnswered: true, + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: + 'Are there existing or are you proposing parking spaces for any of these on the site?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'Cars', + }, + { + value: 'Bicycles', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: 'What is the number of existing car parking spaces?', + responses: [ + { + value: '0', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: 'What is the proposed total number of car parking spaces?', + responses: [ + { + value: '30', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: 'What is the number of existing bicycle parking spaces?', + responses: [ + { + value: '0', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: 'What is the proposed total number of bicycle parking spaces?', + responses: [ + { + value: '20', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: 'How is foul sewage to be disposed of?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'Main sewer', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Are you proposing to connect to the existing drainage system?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'Yes', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: + 'Is the project likely to affect biodiversity or geological conservation in any of these areas?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'None of these', + }, + ], + metadata: { + autoAnswered: true, + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: + 'Could the project affect the biodiversity or geology on the development site or land adjacent to or near it?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'No, definitely not', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Are there any protected trees on the property?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'No', + }, + ], + metadata: { + autoAnswered: true, + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Are there trees or hedges on the proposed development site?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'No', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: + 'Are there trees or hedges on land adjacent to the proposed development site that could influence the development or might be important as part of the local landscape character?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'Yes', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: + 'Does the proposal involve the need to dispose of trade effluents or waste?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'No', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: + 'Does the proposal involve the use or storage of any of the following materials?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'None of these', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: 'What type of application are you submitting?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'Something else', + }, + ], + metadata: { + autoAnswered: true, + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: + 'Does your proposal involve the loss, gain or change of use of non-residential floorspace?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'No', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: + 'Does the development involve the loss or gain of rooms in hotels or residential institutions and hostels?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'No', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: + 'Does the development concern industrial or commercial processes?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'No', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Is the proposal a waste management development?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'No', + }, + ], + metadata: { + autoAnswered: true, + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Is the property in a flood zone?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'No', + }, + ], + metadata: { + autoAnswered: true, + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Is the property in flood zone 1?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'No', + }, + ], + metadata: { + autoAnswered: true, + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Is the property in an area vulnerable to flooding?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'Yes', + }, + ], + metadata: { + autoAnswered: true, + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: + 'Is the development within 20 metres of a watercourse (e.g. river, stream or canal)?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'No', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Will the development increase the flood risk elsewhere?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'No', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: 'How will surface water be disposed of?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'Sustainable drainage system', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Is the site of the development currently vacant?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'No', + }, + ], + metadata: { + autoAnswered: true, + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Please describe the current use of the site', + responses: [ + { + value: 'Vacant brownfield', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Does the project involve any of the following?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'None of these', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Is the property in Greater London?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'No', + }, + ], + metadata: { + autoAnswered: true, + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Does your project result in the gain or loss of any homes?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'Yes', + }, + ], + metadata: { + autoAnswered: true, + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Which of these does your project involve?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'Proposing one or more new residential units', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Does the project affect any residential units?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'Yes', + }, + ], + metadata: { + autoAnswered: true, + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: + 'Are there any existing employees on the site or will the development lead to new employees on the site?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'None of the above', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Are hours of opening relevant to this development?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'No', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Is the property in Greater London?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'No', + }, + ], + metadata: { + autoAnswered: true, + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: 'What type of application is this?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'Major development', + }, + ], + metadata: { + autoAnswered: true, + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: 'How do you want to submit this information?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'Upload a document', + }, + ], + metadata: { + policyRefs: [ + { + text: 'The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) 2015 (as amended)', + url: 'http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2015/595/article/7/made', + }, + ], + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Does the property include any of these?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'None of these', + }, + ], + metadata: { + autoAnswered: true, + policyRefs: [ + { + text: 'The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) 2015 (as amended', + url: 'http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2015/595/article/7/made', + }, + ], + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Does the property include any of these?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'None of these', + }, + ], + metadata: { + autoAnswered: true, + policyRefs: [ + { + text: 'The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) 2015 (as amended', + url: 'http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2015/595/article/7/made', + }, + ], + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Heritage Statement needed?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'No', + }, + ], + metadata: { + autoAnswered: true, + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: + 'Do you believe that, if the development is granted planning permission, the Biodiversity Gain Condition would apply? ', + responses: [ + { + value: 'Yes', + }, + ], + metadata: { + policyRefs: [ + { + text: 'Part 2, Schedule 7A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990', + url: 'https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2021/30/schedule/14/enacted', + }, + ], + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: + 'When was the pre-development biodiversity value of onsite habitat(s) calculated?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'An earlier proposed date', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: + 'On what date was the pre-development biodiversity value of onsite habitat(s) calculated?', + responses: [ + { + value: '2024-05-01', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Why was this date used?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'N/A', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: + 'What was the pre-development biodiversity value of onsite habitats on the provided date?', + responses: [ + { + value: '0', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: + 'What was the publication date of the biodiversity metric tool(s) used to calculate the onsite biodiversity value(s)?', + responses: [ + { + value: '2024-04-07', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: + 'Has there been any loss (or degradation) of any onsite habitat(s), resulting from activities carried out before the provided date?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'No', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: + 'Does the application site have irreplaceable habitat(s) which exist on land to which this application relates?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'No', + }, + ], + metadata: { + policyRefs: [ + { + text: 'The Biodiversity Gain Requirements (Irreplaceable Habitat) Regulations 2024', + url: 'https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2024/48/made', + }, + ], + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: + 'Please confirm your application is accompanied by the following', + responses: [ + { + value: 'I confirm the above', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: + 'Please provide any other details (for example references to relevant documents)', + responses: [ + { + value: 'N/A', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'The project', + }, + }, + { + question: + 'Did you get any pre-application advice from the council before making this application?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'Yes', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'Your application', + }, + }, + { + question: 'What was the name of the planning officer you spoke to?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'Paul the Planner', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'Your application', + }, + }, + { + question: 'What was your reference?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'PP420', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'Your application', + }, + }, + { + question: 'What date was the pre-application advice given on?', + responses: [ + { + value: '2024-05-01', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'Your application', + }, + }, + { + question: 'What was the pre-application advice you have received?', + responses: [ + { + value: + 'The proposal will require the new Biodiversity Net Gain conditions.', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'Your application', + }, + }, + { + question: 'What type of application is it?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'Full planning permission', + }, + ], + metadata: { + autoAnswered: true, + sectionName: 'Your application', + }, + }, + { + question: 'What type of development are you applying for?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'Major development', + }, + ], + metadata: { + autoAnswered: true, + policyRefs: [ + { + text: 'https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2015/595/article/2/made', + url: 'https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2015/595/article/2/made', + }, + ], + sectionName: 'Your application', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Is the property a home?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'No', + }, + ], + metadata: { + autoAnswered: true, + sectionName: 'Your application', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Are you building fewer than 10 new homes?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'Yes', + }, + ], + metadata: { + autoAnswered: true, + sectionName: 'Your application', + }, + }, + { + question: 'What types of changes does the application relate to?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'New buildings', + }, + { + value: 'Alterations', + }, + ], + metadata: { + autoAnswered: true, + sectionName: 'Your application', + }, + }, + { + question: 'What types of changes does the application relate to?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'New build homes', + }, + ], + metadata: { + autoAnswered: true, + sectionName: 'Your application', + }, + }, + { + question: 'What types of changes does the application relate to?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'Hard surfaces used for car parking', + }, + { + value: 'Access roads', + }, + { + value: 'Other alterations', + }, + ], + metadata: { + autoAnswered: true, + sectionName: 'Your application', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Check for multiple fees?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'Yes', + }, + ], + metadata: { + autoAnswered: true, + sectionName: 'Your application', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Does the proposal include fees in category 1 or 2 to 13?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'Yes', + }, + ], + metadata: { + autoAnswered: true, + sectionName: 'Your application', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Does the proposal include developments in category 1?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'Yes', + }, + ], + metadata: { + autoAnswered: true, + sectionName: 'Your application', + }, + }, + { + question: + 'Does the proposal include development in categories 2, 3 or 4?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'No', + }, + ], + metadata: { + autoAnswered: true, + sectionName: 'Your application', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Does the proposal include developments in category 5 to 13?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'Yes', + }, + ], + metadata: { + autoAnswered: true, + sectionName: 'Your application', + }, + }, + { + question: 'What type of application is it?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'Another application type', + }, + ], + metadata: { + autoAnswered: true, + sectionName: 'Your application', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Is the property a home?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'No', + }, + ], + metadata: { + autoAnswered: true, + sectionName: 'Your application', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Does the project involve any of these changes?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'Construction of a new building', + }, + ], + metadata: { + autoAnswered: true, + sectionName: 'Your application', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Does the application qualify for a disability exemption?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'No', + }, + ], + metadata: { + autoAnswered: true, + sectionName: 'Your application', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Is the site a sports field?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'No', + }, + ], + metadata: { + autoAnswered: true, + sectionName: 'Your application', + }, + }, + { + question: + 'Is the application being made by (or on behalf of) a parish or community council?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'No', + }, + ], + metadata: { + autoAnswered: true, + policyRefs: [ + { + text: 'The Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications, Deemed Applications, Requests and Site Visits) (England) Regulations 2012 - Regulation 11', + url: 'https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2012/2920/regulation/11', + }, + ], + sectionName: 'Your application', + }, + }, + { + question: + 'Are you also submitting another proposal for the same site today?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'No', + }, + ], + metadata: { + policyRefs: [ + { + text: 'The Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications, Deemed Applications, Requests and Site Visits) (England) Regulations 2012 Chapter 2, Paragraph 10', + url: 'https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2012/2920/schedule/1', + }, + ], + sectionName: 'Your application', + }, + }, + { + question: + 'Does the application qualify for the sports club fee reduction?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'No', + }, + ], + metadata: { + autoAnswered: true, + sectionName: 'Your application', + }, + }, + { + question: + 'Does the application qualify for the parish council reduction?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'No', + }, + ], + metadata: { + autoAnswered: true, + policyRefs: [ + { + text: 'The Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications, Deemed Applications, Requests and Site Visits) (England) Regulations 2012 - Regulation 11', + url: 'https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2012/2920/regulation/11', + }, + ], + sectionName: 'Your application', + }, + }, + { + question: + 'Does the application qualify for the alternative application reduction?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'No', + }, + ], + metadata: { + autoAnswered: true, + policyRefs: [ + { + text: 'The Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications, Deemed Applications, Requests and Site Visits) (England) Regulations 2012 Chapter 2, Paragraph 10', + url: 'https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2012/2920/schedule/1', + }, + ], + sectionName: 'Your application', + }, + }, + { + question: 'What type of development are you applying for?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'Major development', + }, + ], + metadata: { + autoAnswered: true, + policyRefs: [ + { + text: 'https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2015/595/article/2/made', + url: 'https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2015/595/article/2/made', + }, + ], + sectionName: 'Upload application documents', + }, + }, + { + question: 'What type of application are you submitting?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'Major', + }, + ], + metadata: { + autoAnswered: true, + sectionName: 'Upload application documents', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Is the application for a waste development?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'No', + }, + ], + metadata: { + autoAnswered: true, + sectionName: 'Upload application documents', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Which Local Planning authority is it?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'Buckinghamshire', + }, + ], + metadata: { + autoAnswered: true, + sectionName: 'Review and confirm', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Connections with Buckinghamshire Council', + responses: [ + { + value: 'None of the above apply to me', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'Review and confirm', + }, + }, + { + question: 'I confirm that:', + responses: [ + { + value: + 'The information contained in this application is truthful, accurate and complete, to the best of my knowledge', + }, + ], + metadata: { + sectionName: 'Review and confirm', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Does the application qualify for a disability exemption?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'No', + }, + ], + metadata: { + autoAnswered: true, + sectionName: 'Pay and send', + }, + }, + { + question: 'What type of application is it?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'Full planning permission', + }, + ], + metadata: { + autoAnswered: true, + sectionName: 'Pay and send', + }, + }, + { + question: 'Which Local Planning authority is it?', + responses: [ + { + value: 'Buckinghamshire', + }, + ], + metadata: { + autoAnswered: true, + sectionName: 'Pay and send', + }, + }, + ], + files: [ + { + name: 'https://api.editor.planx.dev/file/private/k9n2v5rn/Site-location-plan-example.pdf', + type: [ + { + value: 'relevantInformation', + description: + 'Information the applicant considers relevant to the application', + }, + ], + }, + { + name: 'https://api.editor.planx.dev/file/private/a8i079zc/Elevations-best-practice.pdf', + type: [ + { + value: 'necessaryInformation', + description: + 'Information the authority considers necessary for the application', + }, + ], + }, + ], + metadata: { + id: '180da003-279d-40dc-b538-a616c8c2a700', + organisation: 'BKM', + submittedAt: '2024-07-03T06:57:54.645Z', + source: 'PlanX', + service: { + flowId: '28e258a7-812f-4390-b520-7c00e7f5cd77', + url: 'https://editor.planx.dev/buckinghamshire/apply-for-planning-permission/published', + files: { + required: [ + { + value: 'necessaryInformation', + description: + 'Information the authority considers necessary for the application', + }, + ], + recommended: [ + { + value: 'relevantInformation', + description: + 'Information the applicant considers relevant to the application', + }, + ], + optional: [], + }, + fee: { + calculated: [], + payable: [], + }, + }, + schema: `https://theopensystemslab.github.io/digital-planning-data-schemas/${version}/schema.json`, + }, +}; diff --git a/examples/data/planningPermission/minor.ts b/examples/data/planningPermission/minor.ts index 4f73a964..bfa7a990 100644 --- a/examples/data/planningPermission/minor.ts +++ b/examples/data/planningPermission/minor.ts @@ -269,6 +269,7 @@ export const planningPermissionMinor: Schema = { boundary: 'white painted timber', }, units: { + total: 1, residential: [ { type: {value: 'house', description: 'House'}, diff --git a/examples/data/priorApproval/buildHomes.ts b/examples/data/priorApproval/buildHomes.ts index 8aa21746..855c7ff5 100644 --- a/examples/data/priorApproval/buildHomes.ts +++ b/examples/data/priorApproval/buildHomes.ts @@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ export const priorApprovalBuildHomes: Schema = { projectType: [ { value: 'new.residential.dwelling', - description: 'Build new homes on a roof', + description: 'Build new homes', }, ], description: diff --git a/examples/planningPermission/major.json b/examples/planningPermission/major.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..51677903 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/planningPermission/major.json @@ -0,0 +1,2438 @@ +{ + "data": { + "user": { + "role": "agent" + }, + "applicant": { + "type": "company", + "name": { + "first": "Mike", + "last": "McHouseface" + }, + "email": "mikemchouseface@housefacemike.com", + "phone": { + "primary": "9876543210" + }, + "company": { + "name": "McHouseface Incorporated" + }, + "address": { + "sameAsSiteAddress": true + }, + "siteContact": { + "role": "other", + "name": "Kyle Keybearer", + "email": "kylewiththekeys@keysfromkyle.com", + "phone": "543210" + }, + "ownership": { + "interest": "other", + "certificate": "b", + "noticeGiven": true, + "ownersKnown": "all", + "owners": [ + { + "name": "Agamemnon Agricullen", + "address": { + "town": "Mycenae", + "line1": "Aggy Avenue", + "line2": "", + "county": "", + "country": "Greece", + "postcode": "212 00" + }, + "noticeGiven": true + } + ], + "declaration": { + "accurate": true + } + }, + "agent": { + "name": { + "first": "Andy", + "last": "Agent" + }, + "email": "andytheagent@agncagency.com", + "phone": { + "primary": "0123456789" + }, + "company": { + "name": "AGNC Agency" + }, + "address": { + "line1": "Roady Road", + "line2": "", + "town": "Towny Town", + "county": "", + "postcode": "Cody Code", + "country": "" + } + } + }, + "property": { + "address": { + "latitude": 51.51257224609594, + "longitude": -0.5189885919643893, + "x": 502869.8591151078, + "y": 180333.4537434135, + "title": "House McHouseface Housing", + "source": "Proposed by applicant" + }, + "localAuthorityDistrict": [ + "Buckinghamshire", + "South Bucks" + ], + "region": "South East", + "type": { + "value": "other.unsupported", + "description": "Unsupported Site" + }, + "use": { + "description": "Vacant brownfield" + }, + "planning": { + "sources": [ + "https://api.editor.planx.dev/gis/buckinghamshire?geom=POLYGON+%28%28-0.5202563671906586+51.51349326091676%2C+-0.5162271673824664+51.51342965453125%2C+-0.5160930726385158+51.5119189712527%2C+-0.5186025432309797+51.51150473816995%2C+-0.5192921685359919+51.51150076298916%2C+-0.5197391470751718+51.5115882253788%2C+-0.5204032314768795+51.51156039632619%2C+-0.5207544293552119+51.512609937924225%2C+-0.5202563671906586+51.51349326091676%29%29&sessionId=180da003-279d-40dc-b538-a616c8c2a700" + ], + "designations": [ + { + "value": "tpo", + "description": "Tree Preservation Order (TPO) or zone", + "intersects": false + }, + { + "value": "flood", + "description": "Flood Risk Zone", + "intersects": false + }, + { + "value": "listed", + "description": "Listed Building", + "intersects": false + }, + { + "value": "article4", + "description": "Article 4 Direction area", + "intersects": false + }, + { + "value": "monument", + "description": "Site of a Scheduled Monument", + "intersects": false + }, + { + "value": "greenBelt", + "description": "Green Belt", + "intersects": true, + "entities": [ + { + "name": "Buckinghamshire", + "source": { + "text": "Planning Data", + "url": "https://www.planning.data.gov.uk/entity/610030" + } + } + ] + }, + { + "value": "designated", + "description": "Designated land", + "intersects": false + }, + { + "value": "nature.SAC", + "description": "Special Area of Conservation (SAC)", + "intersects": false + }, + { + "value": "nature.SPA", + "description": "Special Protection Area (SPA)", + "intersects": false + }, + { + "value": "nature.ASNW", + "description": "Ancient Semi-Natural Woodland (ASNW)", + "intersects": false + }, + { + "value": "nature.SSSI", + "description": "Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI)", + "intersects": false + }, + { + "value": "brownfieldSite", + "description": "Brownfield site", + "intersects": false + }, + { + "value": "designated.WHS", + "description": "UNESCO World Heritage Site or buffer zone", + "intersects": false + }, + { + "value": "registeredPark", + "description": "Historic Park or Garden", + "intersects": false + }, + { + "value": "designated.AONB", + "description": "Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB)", + "intersects": false + }, + { + "value": "nature.ramsarSite", + "description": "Ramsar site", + "intersects": false + }, + { + "value": "designated.nationalPark", + "description": "National Park", + "intersects": false + }, + { + "value": "designated.conservationArea", + "description": "Conservation Area", + "intersects": false + }, + { + "value": "designated.nationalPark.broads", + "description": "National Park - Broads", + "intersects": false + } + ] + }, + "boundary": { + "site": { + "type": "Feature", + "geometry": 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"responses": [ + { + "value": "No, none of these" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "The property" + } + }, + { + "question": "What type of property is it?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "Vacant land" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "The property" + } + }, + { + "question": "Is the property in a flood zone?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "No" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "autoAnswered": true, + "sectionName": "The property" + } + }, + { + "question": "What type of application is it?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "Apply for planning permission" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "autoAnswered": true, + "sectionName": "About you" + } + }, + { + "question": "Your contact details", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "Andy Agent AGNC Agency 0123456789 andytheagent@agncagency.com" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "About you" + } + }, + { + "question": "Are you applying on behalf of someone else?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "Yes" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "About you" + } + }, + { + "question": "Which of these best describes you?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "Professional agent" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "About you" + } + }, + { + "question": "Your contact address", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "Roady Road, Towny Town, Cody Code" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "About you" + } + }, + { + "question": "Which of these best describes the applicant?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "Company" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "About you" + } + }, + { + "question": "Name of the company", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "McHouseface Incorporated" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "About you" + } + }, + { + "question": "Applicant's contact details", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "Mike McHouseface 9876543210 mikemchouseface@housefacemike.com" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "About you" + } + }, + { + "question": "Is the applicant's contact address the same as the property address?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "No" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "About you" + } + }, + { + "question": "Applicant's contact address", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "Posty Postlane, Postown, ABC 123" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "About you" + } + }, + { + "question": "Can a planning officer see the works from public land?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "No, to see the works you'd have to come onto the property" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "About you" + } + }, + { + "question": "Which of these best describes you?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "Professional agent" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "autoAnswered": true, + "sectionName": "About you" + } + }, + { + "question": "If we need to make a site visit, who should we contact?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "Someone else" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "About you" + } + }, + { + "question": "Contact details of the person we should contact about a site visit", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "Kyle Keybearer 543210 kylewiththekeys@keysfromkyle.com" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "About you" + } + }, + { + "question": "What type of application is this?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "Planning Permission" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "autoAnswered": true, + "sectionName": "About you" + } + }, + { + "question": "Which of these best describes you?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "I'm acting on the applicant's behalf" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "autoAnswered": true, + "sectionName": "About you" + } + }, + { + "question": "How many owners or agricultural tenants have been notified?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "1" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "About you" + } + }, + { + "question": "Full name of the notified owner or agricultural tenant", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "Agamemnon Agricullen" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "About you" + } + }, + { + "question": "Address of the notified owner or agricultural tenant", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "Aggy Avenue, Mycenae, 212 00, Greece" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "About you" + } + }, + { + "question": "Date on which notice was given to the owner or agricultural tenant", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "2024-07-01" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "About you" + } + }, + { + "question": "Is the applicant the sole owner of the land?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "No" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "policyRefs": [ + { + "text": "Article 13 of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015", + "url": "https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2015/595/article/13/made" + } + ], + "sectionName": "About you" + } + }, + { + "question": "Does the applicant know the names and addresses of all owners and agricultural tenants?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "Yes, all of them" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "About you" + } + }, + { + "question": "Has the applicant given requisite notice to all the owners and agricultural tenants?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "Yes" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "policyRefs": [ + { + "text": "Article 13 of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015", + "url": "https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2015/595/article/13/made" + } + ], + "sectionName": "About you" + } + }, + { + "question": "Certificate of ownership declaration - Certificate B", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "I certify that the above is true" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "policyRefs": [ + { + "text": "Article 13 of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015", + "url": "https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2015/595/article/13/made" + }, + { + "text": "Schedule 2 to the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure (England) (Order) 2015", + "url": "https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2015/595/schedule/2/made" + } + ], + "sectionName": "About you" + } + }, + { + "question": "What type of application are you submitting?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "Major development" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "policyRefs": [ + { + "text": "https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2015/595/article/2/made", + "url": "https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2015/595/article/2/made" + } + ], + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "Does your project involve changes to an existing roof?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "No" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "Does your project involve any alterations to ground or floor levels?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "Yes" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "Does your project involve any alterations to ground or floor levels?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "Yes" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "autoAnswered": true, + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "Have works already started?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "No" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "Select the changes involved in the project", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "Homes" + }, + { + "value": "Car parking" + }, + { + "value": "Service roads and other means of access" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "Does the proposal involve a change of use?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "No" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "autoAnswered": true, + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "Does the development involve new built waste disposal facilities?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "No" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "autoAnswered": true, + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "What type of development are you applying for?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "Major development" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "autoAnswered": true, + "policyRefs": [ + { + "text": "https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2015/595/article/2/made", + "url": "https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2015/595/article/2/made" + } + ], + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "What type of application are you submitting?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "Something else" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "autoAnswered": true, + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "Does the development involve any of the following?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "New public roads to be provided within the site" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "Do your plans and drawings identify areas to store and aid the collection of waste?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "No" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "Have arrangements been made for the separate storage and collection of recyclable waste?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "No" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "Does the project introduce any external materials?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "No" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "Are you providing further details about existing or proposed materials through your plans, drawings, or a design and access statement?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "No" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "Is the property in Greater London?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "No" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "autoAnswered": true, + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "Are there existing or are you proposing parking spaces for any of these on the site?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "Cars" + }, + { + "value": "Bicycles" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "What is the number of existing car parking spaces?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "0" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "What is the proposed total number of car parking spaces?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "30" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "What is the number of existing bicycle parking spaces?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "0" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "What is the proposed total number of bicycle parking spaces?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "20" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "How is foul sewage to be disposed of?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "Main sewer" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "Are you proposing to connect to the existing drainage system?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "Yes" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "Is the project likely to affect biodiversity or geological conservation in any of these areas?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "None of these" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "autoAnswered": true, + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "Could the project affect the biodiversity or geology on the development site or land adjacent to or near it?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "No, definitely not" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "Are there any protected trees on the property?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "No" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "autoAnswered": true, + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "Are there trees or hedges on the proposed development site?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "No" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "Are there trees or hedges on land adjacent to the proposed development site that could influence the development or might be important as part of the local landscape character?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "Yes" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "Does the proposal involve the need to dispose of trade effluents or waste?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "No" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "Does the proposal involve the use or storage of any of the following materials?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "None of these" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "What type of application are you submitting?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "Something else" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "autoAnswered": true, + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "Does your proposal involve the loss, gain or change of use of non-residential floorspace?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "No" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "Does the development involve the loss or gain of rooms in hotels or residential institutions and hostels?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "No" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "Does the development concern industrial or commercial processes?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "No" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "Is the proposal a waste management development?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "No" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "autoAnswered": true, + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "Is the property in a flood zone?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "No" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "autoAnswered": true, + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "Is the property in flood zone 1?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "No" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "autoAnswered": true, + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "Is the property in an area vulnerable to flooding?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "Yes" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "autoAnswered": true, + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "Is the development within 20 metres of a watercourse (e.g. river, stream or canal)?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "No" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "Will the development increase the flood risk elsewhere?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "No" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "How will surface water be disposed of?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "Sustainable drainage system" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "Is the site of the development currently vacant?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "No" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "autoAnswered": true, + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "Please describe the current use of the site", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "Vacant brownfield" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "Does the project involve any of the following?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "None of these" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "Is the property in Greater London?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "No" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "autoAnswered": true, + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "Does your project result in the gain or loss of any homes?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "Yes" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "autoAnswered": true, + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "Which of these does your project involve?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "Proposing one or more new residential units" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "Does the project affect any residential units?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "Yes" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "autoAnswered": true, + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "Are there any existing employees on the site or will the development lead to new employees on the site?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "None of the above" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "Are hours of opening relevant to this development?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "No" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "Is the property in Greater London?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "No" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "autoAnswered": true, + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "What type of application is this?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "Major development" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "autoAnswered": true, + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "How do you want to submit this information?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "Upload a document" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "policyRefs": [ + { + "text": "The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) 2015 (as amended)", + "url": "http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2015/595/article/7/made" + } + ], + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "Does the property include any of these?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "None of these" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "autoAnswered": true, + "policyRefs": [ + { + "text": "The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) 2015 (as amended", + "url": "http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2015/595/article/7/made" + } + ], + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "Does the property include any of these?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "None of these" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "autoAnswered": true, + "policyRefs": [ + { + "text": "The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) 2015 (as amended", + "url": "http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2015/595/article/7/made" + } + ], + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "Heritage Statement needed?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "No" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "autoAnswered": true, + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "Do you believe that, if the development is granted planning permission, the Biodiversity Gain Condition would apply? ", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "Yes" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "policyRefs": [ + { + "text": "Part 2, Schedule 7A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990", + "url": "https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2021/30/schedule/14/enacted" + } + ], + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "When was the pre-development biodiversity value of onsite habitat(s) calculated?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "An earlier proposed date" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "On what date was the pre-development biodiversity value of onsite habitat(s) calculated?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "2024-05-01" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "Why was this date used?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "N/A" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "What was the pre-development biodiversity value of onsite habitats on the provided date?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "0" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "What was the publication date of the biodiversity metric tool(s) used to calculate the onsite biodiversity value(s)?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "2024-04-07" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "Has there been any loss (or degradation) of any onsite habitat(s), resulting from activities carried out before the provided date?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "No" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "Does the application site have irreplaceable habitat(s) which exist on land to which this application relates?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "No" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "policyRefs": [ + { + "text": "The Biodiversity Gain Requirements (Irreplaceable Habitat) Regulations 2024", + "url": "https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2024/48/made" + } + ], + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "Please confirm your application is accompanied by the following", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "I confirm the above" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "Please provide any other details (for example references to relevant documents)", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "N/A" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "The project" + } + }, + { + "question": "Did you get any pre-application advice from the council before making this application?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "Yes" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "Your application" + } + }, + { + "question": "What was the name of the planning officer you spoke to?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "Paul the Planner" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "Your application" + } + }, + { + "question": "What was your reference?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "PP420" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "Your application" + } + }, + { + "question": "What date was the pre-application advice given on?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "2024-05-01" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "Your application" + } + }, + { + "question": "What was the pre-application advice you have received?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "The proposal will require the new Biodiversity Net Gain conditions." + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "Your application" + } + }, + { + "question": "What type of application is it?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "Full planning permission" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "autoAnswered": true, + "sectionName": "Your application" + } + }, + { + "question": "What type of development are you applying for?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "Major development" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "autoAnswered": true, + "policyRefs": [ + { + "text": "https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2015/595/article/2/made", + "url": "https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2015/595/article/2/made" + } + ], + "sectionName": "Your application" + } + }, + { + "question": "Is the property a home?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "No" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "autoAnswered": true, + "sectionName": "Your application" + } + }, + { + "question": "Are you building fewer than 10 new homes?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "Yes" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "autoAnswered": true, + "sectionName": "Your application" + } + }, + { + "question": "What types of changes does the application relate to?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "New buildings" + }, + { + "value": "Alterations" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "autoAnswered": true, + "sectionName": "Your application" + } + }, + { + "question": "What types of changes does the application relate to?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "New build homes" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "autoAnswered": true, + "sectionName": "Your application" + } + }, + { + "question": "What types of changes does the application relate to?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "Hard surfaces used for car parking" + }, + { + "value": "Access roads" + }, + { + "value": "Other alterations" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "autoAnswered": true, + "sectionName": "Your application" + } + }, + { + "question": "Check for multiple fees?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "Yes" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "autoAnswered": true, + "sectionName": "Your application" + } + }, + { + "question": "Does the proposal include fees in category 1 or 2 to 13?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "Yes" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "autoAnswered": true, + "sectionName": "Your application" + } + }, + { + "question": "Does the proposal include developments in category 1?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "Yes" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "autoAnswered": true, + "sectionName": "Your application" + } + }, + { + "question": "Does the proposal include development in categories 2, 3 or 4?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "No" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "autoAnswered": true, + "sectionName": "Your application" + } + }, + { + "question": "Does the proposal include developments in category 5 to 13?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "Yes" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "autoAnswered": true, + "sectionName": "Your application" + } + }, + { + "question": "What type of application is it?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "Another application type" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "autoAnswered": true, + "sectionName": "Your application" + } + }, + { + "question": "Is the property a home?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "No" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "autoAnswered": true, + "sectionName": "Your application" + } + }, + { + "question": "Does the project involve any of these changes?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "Construction of a new building" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "autoAnswered": true, + "sectionName": "Your application" + } + }, + { + "question": "Does the application qualify for a disability exemption?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "No" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "autoAnswered": true, + "sectionName": "Your application" + } + }, + { + "question": "Is the site a sports field?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "No" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "autoAnswered": true, + "sectionName": "Your application" + } + }, + { + "question": "Is the application being made by (or on behalf of) a parish or community council?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "No" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "autoAnswered": true, + "policyRefs": [ + { + "text": "The Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications, Deemed Applications, Requests and Site Visits) (England) Regulations 2012 - Regulation 11", + "url": "https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2012/2920/regulation/11" + } + ], + "sectionName": "Your application" + } + }, + { + "question": "Are you also submitting another proposal for the same site today?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "No" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "policyRefs": [ + { + "text": "The Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications, Deemed Applications, Requests and Site Visits) (England) Regulations 2012 Chapter 2, Paragraph 10", + "url": "https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2012/2920/schedule/1" + } + ], + "sectionName": "Your application" + } + }, + { + "question": "Does the application qualify for the sports club fee reduction?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "No" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "autoAnswered": true, + "sectionName": "Your application" + } + }, + { + "question": "Does the application qualify for the parish council reduction?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "No" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "autoAnswered": true, + "policyRefs": [ + { + "text": "The Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications, Deemed Applications, Requests and Site Visits) (England) Regulations 2012 - Regulation 11", + "url": "https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2012/2920/regulation/11" + } + ], + "sectionName": "Your application" + } + }, + { + "question": "Does the application qualify for the alternative application reduction?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "No" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "autoAnswered": true, + "policyRefs": [ + { + "text": "The Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications, Deemed Applications, Requests and Site Visits) (England) Regulations 2012 Chapter 2, Paragraph 10", + "url": "https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2012/2920/schedule/1" + } + ], + "sectionName": "Your application" + } + }, + { + "question": "What type of development are you applying for?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "Major development" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "autoAnswered": true, + "policyRefs": [ + { + "text": "https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2015/595/article/2/made", + "url": "https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2015/595/article/2/made" + } + ], + "sectionName": "Upload application documents" + } + }, + { + "question": "What type of application are you submitting?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "Major" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "autoAnswered": true, + "sectionName": "Upload application documents" + } + }, + { + "question": "Is the application for a waste development?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "No" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "autoAnswered": true, + "sectionName": "Upload application documents" + } + }, + { + "question": "Which Local Planning authority is it?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "Buckinghamshire" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "autoAnswered": true, + "sectionName": "Review and confirm" + } + }, + { + "question": "Connections with Buckinghamshire Council", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "None of the above apply to me" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "Review and confirm" + } + }, + { + "question": "I confirm that:", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "The information contained in this application is truthful, accurate and complete, to the best of my knowledge" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "sectionName": "Review and confirm" + } + }, + { + "question": "Does the application qualify for a disability exemption?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "No" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "autoAnswered": true, + "sectionName": "Pay and send" + } + }, + { + "question": "What type of application is it?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "Full planning permission" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "autoAnswered": true, + "sectionName": "Pay and send" + } + }, + { + "question": "Which Local Planning authority is it?", + "responses": [ + { + "value": "Buckinghamshire" + } + ], + "metadata": { + "autoAnswered": true, + "sectionName": "Pay and send" + } + } + ], + "files": [ + { + "name": "https://api.editor.planx.dev/file/private/k9n2v5rn/Site-location-plan-example.pdf", + "type": [ + { + "value": "relevantInformation", + "description": "Information the applicant considers relevant to the application" + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "https://api.editor.planx.dev/file/private/a8i079zc/Elevations-best-practice.pdf", + "type": [ + { + "value": "necessaryInformation", + "description": "Information the authority considers necessary for the application" + } + ] + } + ], + "metadata": { + "id": "180da003-279d-40dc-b538-a616c8c2a700", + "organisation": "BKM", + "submittedAt": "2024-07-03T06:57:54.645Z", + "source": "PlanX", + "service": { + "flowId": "28e258a7-812f-4390-b520-7c00e7f5cd77", + "url": "https://editor.planx.dev/buckinghamshire/apply-for-planning-permission/published", + "files": { + "required": [ + { + "value": "necessaryInformation", + "description": "Information the authority considers necessary for the application" + } + ], + "recommended": [ + { + "value": "relevantInformation", + "description": "Information the applicant considers relevant to the application" + } + ], + "optional": [] + }, + "fee": { + "calculated": [], + "payable": [] + } + }, + "schema": "https://theopensystemslab.github.io/digital-planning-data-schemas/@next/schema.json" + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/planningPermission/minor.json b/examples/planningPermission/minor.json index 9352fb1e..f2f6cb0f 100644 --- a/examples/planningPermission/minor.json +++ b/examples/planningPermission/minor.json @@ -286,6 +286,7 @@ "boundary": "white painted timber" }, "units": { + "total": 1, "residential": [ { "type": { diff --git a/examples/priorApproval/buildHomes.json b/examples/priorApproval/buildHomes.json index 84950f74..7c15a692 100644 --- a/examples/priorApproval/buildHomes.json +++ b/examples/priorApproval/buildHomes.json @@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ "projectType": [ { "value": "new.residential.dwelling", - "description": "Build new homes on a roof" + "description": "Build new homes" } ], "description": "The addition of homes as upper storeys to the existing commercial premises.", diff --git a/schema/schema.json b/schema/schema.json index 518a6706..e2492d1d 100644 --- a/schema/schema.json +++ b/schema/schema.json @@ -2164,12 +2164,6 @@ "additionalProperties": false, "description": "Assessment of flood risk, if applicable to application.type", "properties": { - "20mFromWatercourse": { - "type": "boolean" - }, - "increasedRiskElsewhere": { - "type": "boolean" - }, "surfaceWaterDisposal": { "enum": [ "drainageSystem", @@ -5641,6 +5635,19 @@ "$ref": "#/definitions/GeoBoundary", "description": "HM Land Registry Index polygon for this property, commonly referred to as the blue line boundary, sourced from planning.data.gov.uk/dataset/title-boundary" }, + "flood": { + "additionalProperties": false, + "description": "Existing flood risk, if applicable to application.type", + "properties": { + "20mFromWatercourse": { + "type": "boolean" + }, + "increasedRiskElsewhere": { + "type": "boolean" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, "localAuthorityDistrict": { "description": "Current and historic UK Local Authority Districts that contain this address sourced from planning.data.gov.uk/dataset/local-authority-district", "items": { @@ -5926,6 +5933,23 @@ ], "type": "object" }, + "trees": { + "additionalProperties": false, + "description": "Existing trees on or near the site", + "properties": { + "adjacent": { + "type": "boolean" + }, + "present": { + "type": "boolean" + } + }, + "required": [ + "present", + "adjacent" + ], + "type": "object" + }, "type": { "$ref": "#/definitions/PropertyType" }, @@ -6180,12 +6204,6 @@ "additionalProperties": false, "description": "Assessment of flood risk, if applicable to application.type", "properties": { - "20mFromWatercourse": { - "type": "boolean" - }, - "increasedRiskElsewhere": { - "type": "boolean" - }, "surfaceWaterDisposal": { "enum": [ "drainageSystem", @@ -14782,7 +14800,7 @@ "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "description": { - "const": "Build new homes on a roof", + "const": "Build new homes", "type": "string" }, "value": { @@ -23737,9 +23755,13 @@ "type": "object" }, "type": "array" + }, + "total": { + "type": "number" } }, "required": [ + "total", "residential" ], "type": "object" @@ -24413,6 +24435,19 @@ "$ref": "#/definitions/GeoBoundary", "description": "HM Land Registry Index polygon for this property, commonly referred to as the blue line boundary, sourced from planning.data.gov.uk/dataset/title-boundary" }, + "flood": { + "additionalProperties": false, + "description": "Existing flood risk, if applicable to application.type", + "properties": { + "20mFromWatercourse": { + "type": "boolean" + }, + "increasedRiskElsewhere": { + "type": "boolean" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, "localAuthorityDistrict": { "description": "Current and historic UK Local Authority Districts that contain this address sourced from planning.data.gov.uk/dataset/local-authority-district", "items": { @@ -24484,6 +24519,23 @@ "region": { "$ref": "#/definitions/UKRegion" }, + "trees": { + "additionalProperties": false, + "description": "Existing trees on or near the site", + "properties": { + "adjacent": { + "type": "boolean" + }, + "present": { + "type": "boolean" + } + }, + "required": [ + "present", + "adjacent" + ], + "type": "object" + }, "type": { "$ref": "#/definitions/PropertyType" }, diff --git a/scripts/build-json-examples.ts b/scripts/build-json-examples.ts index a656fd99..efc15bcb 100644 --- a/scripts/build-json-examples.ts +++ b/scripts/build-json-examples.ts @@ -5,12 +5,13 @@ import {lawfulDevelopmentCertificateExisting} from '../examples/data/lawfulDevel import {lawfulDevelopmentCertificateProposed} from '../examples/data/lawfulDevelopmentCertificate/proposed'; import {listedBuildingConsent} from '../examples/data/listedBuildingConsent'; import {planningPermissionFullHouseholder} from '../examples/data/planningPermission/fullHouseholder'; +import {planningPermissionMajor} from '../examples/data/planningPermission/major'; +import {planningPermissionMinor} from '../examples/data/planningPermission/minor'; import {priorApprovalBuildHomes} from '../examples/data/priorApproval/buildHomes'; import {priorApprovalConvertCommercialToHome} from '../examples/data/priorApproval/convertCommercialToHome'; import {priorApprovalExtendUniversity} from '../examples/data/priorApproval/extendUniversity'; import {priorApprovalSolarPanels} from '../examples/data/priorApproval/solarPanels'; import {Schema} from '../types/Schema'; -import {planningPermissionMinor} from '../examples/data/planningPermission/minor'; interface Example { filename: string; @@ -46,6 +47,10 @@ const examplesToConvert: Example[] = [ filename: 'planningPermission/fullHouseholder', data: planningPermissionFullHouseholder, }, + { + filename: 'planningPermission/major', + data: planningPermissionMajor, + }, { filename: 'planningPermission/minor', data: planningPermissionMinor, diff --git a/tests/usage.test.ts b/tests/usage.test.ts index 981b5fe0..9c50d164 100644 --- a/tests/usage.test.ts +++ b/tests/usage.test.ts @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import {lawfulDevelopmentCertificateExisting} from '../examples/data/lawfulDevel import {lawfulDevelopmentCertificateProposed} from '../examples/data/lawfulDevelopmentCertificate/proposed'; import {listedBuildingConsent} from '../examples/data/listedBuildingConsent'; import {planningPermissionFullHouseholder} from '../examples/data/planningPermission/fullHouseholder'; +import {planningPermissionMajor} from '../examples/data/planningPermission/major'; import {planningPermissionMinor} from '../examples/data/planningPermission/minor'; import {priorApprovalBuildHomes} from '../examples/data/priorApproval/buildHomes'; import {priorApprovalConvertCommercialToHome} from '../examples/data/priorApproval/convertCommercialToHome'; @@ -19,6 +20,7 @@ const examplesToTest = [ lawfulDevelopmentCertificateProposed, listedBuildingConsent, planningPermissionFullHouseholder, + planningPermissionMajor, planningPermissionMinor, priorApprovalExtendUniversity, priorApprovalSolarPanels, diff --git a/types/enums/ProjectTypes.ts b/types/enums/ProjectTypes.ts index 22d2b41d..5b4d5c02 100644 --- a/types/enums/ProjectTypes.ts +++ b/types/enums/ProjectTypes.ts @@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ export const ProjectTypes = { 'new.leisure': 'New leisure premises', 'new.office': 'New offices', 'new.other': 'Add another type of building - something else', - 'new.residential.dwelling': 'Build new homes on a roof', + 'new.residential.dwelling': 'Build new homes', 'new.retail': 'New retail premises', 'new.telecoms': 'Install telecommunications equipment', 'new.temporaryStructure': diff --git a/types/schema/data/Property.ts b/types/schema/data/Property.ts index f534f78e..a2885ae5 100644 --- a/types/schema/data/Property.ts +++ b/types/schema/data/Property.ts @@ -69,6 +69,20 @@ export interface UKProperty { lastUseEndDate: Date; }; }; + /** + * @description Existing flood risk, if applicable to application.type + */ + flood?: { + '20mFromWatercourse'?: boolean; + increasedRiskElsewhere?: boolean; + }; + /** + * @description Existing trees on or near the site + */ + trees?: { + present: boolean; + adjacent: boolean; + }; units?: ResidentialUnits; } diff --git a/types/schema/data/Proposal.ts b/types/schema/data/Proposal.ts index 8d8179b8..00c668b0 100644 --- a/types/schema/data/Proposal.ts +++ b/types/schema/data/Proposal.ts @@ -66,8 +66,6 @@ export interface BaseProposal { * @description Assessment of flood risk, if applicable to application.type */ flood?: { - '20mFromWatercourse'?: boolean; - increasedRiskElsewhere?: boolean; surfaceWaterDisposal?: | 'drainageSystem' | 'soakaway' diff --git a/types/schema/data/shared.ts b/types/schema/data/shared.ts index c9e019a8..75aa44aa 100644 --- a/types/schema/data/shared.ts +++ b/types/schema/data/shared.ts @@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ type OSRoadsSource = { }; export type ResidentialUnits = { + total: number; residential: { type: UKResidentialUnitType; tenure: UKTenureType;