diff --git a/editor.planx.uk/src/pages/FlowEditor/components/Sidebar/Search/NodeSearchResults.test.tsx b/editor.planx.uk/src/pages/FlowEditor/components/Sidebar/Search/NodeSearchResults.test.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b30a4acad..0000000000
--- a/editor.planx.uk/src/pages/FlowEditor/components/Sidebar/Search/NodeSearchResults.test.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-import { useStore } from "pages/FlowEditor/lib/store";
-import React from "react";
-import { setup } from "testUtils";
-import { vi } from "vitest";
-import { axe } from "vitest-axe";
-import { flow, results } from "./mocks/simple";
-import { NodeSearchResults } from "./NodeSearchResults";
-import { VirtuosoWrapper } from "./testUtils";
-vi.mock("react-navi", () => ({
- useNavigation: () => ({
- navigate: vi.fn(),
- }),
-beforeAll(() => useStore.setState({ flow }));
-it("Displays a warning if no results are returned", () => {
- const { getByText, getByRole } = setup(
- ,
- );
- expect(getByText("No matches found")).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(getByRole("list")).toBeEmptyDOMElement();
-it("Displays the count for a single result", () => {
- const { getByText, getByRole, getAllByRole } = setup(
- ,
- );
- expect(getByText("1 result:")).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(getByRole("list")).not.toBeEmptyDOMElement();
- expect(getAllByRole("listitem")).toHaveLength(1);
-it("Displays the count for multiple results", () => {
- const { getByText, getByRole, getAllByRole } = setup(
- ,
- );
- expect(getByText("2 results:")).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(getByRole("list")).not.toBeEmptyDOMElement();
- expect(getAllByRole("listitem")).toHaveLength(2);
-it("should not have any accessibility violations on initial load", async () => {
- const { container } = setup(
- ,
- );
- const axeResults = await axe(container);
- expect(axeResults).toHaveNoViolations();
diff --git a/editor.planx.uk/src/pages/FlowEditor/components/Sidebar/Search/NodeSearchResults.tsx b/editor.planx.uk/src/pages/FlowEditor/components/Sidebar/Search/NodeSearchResults.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 9464e61f90..0000000000
--- a/editor.planx.uk/src/pages/FlowEditor/components/Sidebar/Search/NodeSearchResults.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-import Box from "@mui/material/Box";
-import List from "@mui/material/List";
-import ListItem from "@mui/material/ListItem";
-import { styled, useTheme } from "@mui/material/styles";
-import Typography from "@mui/material/Typography";
-import { IndexedNode } from "@opensystemslab/planx-core/types";
-import type { SearchResult, SearchResults } from "hooks/useSearch";
-import React from "react";
-import { Components, Virtuoso } from "react-virtuoso";
-import { ExternalPortalList } from "./ExternalPortalList";
-import { SearchResultCard } from "./SearchResultCard";
-export const Root = styled(Box)(({ theme }) => ({
- width: "100%",
- gap: theme.spacing(2),
- display: "flex",
- flexDirection: "column",
- height: "100vh",
- overflow: "hidden",
-type Data = SearchResult;
-type Context = { resultCount: number };
-const ListComponent = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => (
-)) as Components["List"];
-const ListItemComponent = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => (
-)) as Components["Item"];
-const HeaderComponent: Components["Header"] = ({ context }) => (
- {context?.resultCount === 0 && "No matches found"}
- {context?.resultCount === 1 && "1 result:"}
- {context!.resultCount > 1 && `${context?.resultCount} results:`}
-export const NodeSearchResults: React.FC<{
- results: SearchResults;
-}> = ({ results }) => {
- const theme = useTheme();
- return (
- style={{
- height: "500px",
- width: "100%",
- gap: theme.spacing(2),
- }}
- totalCount={results.length}
- context={{
- resultCount: results.length,
- }}
- components={{
- Footer: ExternalPortalList,
- List: ListComponent,
- Item: ListItemComponent,
- Header: HeaderComponent,
- }}
- itemContent={(index) => }
- />
- );
diff --git a/editor.planx.uk/src/pages/FlowEditor/components/Sidebar/Search/SearchHeader.test.tsx b/editor.planx.uk/src/pages/FlowEditor/components/Sidebar/Search/SearchHeader.test.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e7e12d6b80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editor.planx.uk/src/pages/FlowEditor/components/Sidebar/Search/SearchHeader.test.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+import { waitFor } from "@testing-library/react";
+import { useStore } from "pages/FlowEditor/lib/store";
+import React from "react";
+import { setup } from "testUtils";
+import { vi } from "vitest";
+import Search from ".";
+import { flow } from "./mocks/simple";
+import { VirtuosoWrapper } from "./testUtils";
+vi.mock("react-navi", () => ({
+ useNavigation: () => ({
+ navigate: vi.fn(),
+ }),
+beforeAll(() => useStore.setState({ flow }));
+it("Displays a warning if no results are returned", async () => {
+ const { getByLabelText, getByText, getByRole, user } = setup(
+ ,
+ );
+ const searchInput = getByLabelText("Search this flow and internal portals");
+ user.type(searchInput, "Timbuktu");
+ await waitFor(() =>
+ expect(getByText("No matches found")).toBeInTheDocument(),
+ );
+ expect(getByRole("list")).toBeEmptyDOMElement();
+it("Displays the count for a single result", async () => {
+ const { getByLabelText, getByText, getAllByRole, getByRole, user } = setup(
+ ,
+ );
+ const searchInput = getByLabelText("Search this flow and internal portals");
+ user.type(searchInput, "Spain");
+ await waitFor(() => expect(getByText("1 result:")).toBeInTheDocument());
+ expect(getByRole("list")).not.toBeEmptyDOMElement();
+ expect(getAllByRole("listitem")).toHaveLength(1);
+it("Displays the count for multiple results", async () => {
+ const { getByText, getByRole, getAllByRole, getByLabelText, user } = setup(
+ ,
+ );
+ const searchInput = getByLabelText("Search this flow and internal portals");
+ // Matches "India" and "Indonesia"
+ user.type(searchInput, "Ind");
+ await waitFor(() => expect(getByText("2 results:")).toBeInTheDocument());
+ expect(getByRole("list")).not.toBeEmptyDOMElement();
+ expect(getAllByRole("listitem")).toHaveLength(2);
diff --git a/editor.planx.uk/src/pages/FlowEditor/components/Sidebar/Search/SearchHeader.tsx b/editor.planx.uk/src/pages/FlowEditor/components/Sidebar/Search/SearchHeader.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..72115dcec3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editor.planx.uk/src/pages/FlowEditor/components/Sidebar/Search/SearchHeader.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+import Box from "@mui/material/Box";
+import CircularProgress from "@mui/material/CircularProgress";
+import Typography from "@mui/material/Typography";
+import { useFormik } from "formik";
+import { useSearch } from "hooks/useSearch";
+import { debounce } from "lodash";
+import { useStore } from "pages/FlowEditor/lib/store";
+import React, { useEffect, useMemo, useState } from "react";
+import { Components } from "react-virtuoso";
+import ChecklistItem from "ui/shared/ChecklistItem";
+import Input from "ui/shared/Input";
+import { Context, Data } from ".";
+import { DATA_FACETS } from "./facets";
+const DEBOUNCE_MS = 500;
+interface SearchNodes {
+ pattern: string;
+ facets: typeof DATA_FACETS;
+ * SearchHeader contains the main logic of the search sidebar
+ * It is nested within the Virtuoso list as a header to allow scrolling to work across the entire sidebar
+ */
+export const SearchHeader: Components["Header"] = ({
+ context,
+}) => {
+ // Get ordered flow of indexed nodes from store
+ const [orderedFlow, setOrderedFlow] = useStore((state) => [
+ state.orderedFlow,
+ state.setOrderedFlow,
+ ]);
+ useEffect(() => {
+ if (!orderedFlow) setOrderedFlow();
+ }, [orderedFlow, setOrderedFlow]);
+ // Set up search input form
+ const formik = useFormik({
+ initialValues: { pattern: "", facets: DATA_FACETS },
+ onSubmit: ({ pattern }) => {
+ debouncedSearch(pattern);
+ },
+ });
+ // Set up spinner UI in search bar
+ const [isSearching, setIsSearching] = useState(false);
+ const [lastSearchedTerm, setLastSearchedTerm] = useState("");
+ useEffect(() => {
+ if (formik.values.pattern !== lastSearchedTerm) {
+ setIsSearching(true);
+ }
+ }, [formik.values.pattern, lastSearchedTerm]);
+ // Call custom hook to control searching
+ const { results, search } = useSearch({
+ list: orderedFlow || [],
+ keys: formik.values.facets,
+ });
+ const debouncedSearch = useMemo(
+ () =>
+ debounce((pattern: string) => {
+ console.debug("Search term: ", pattern);
+ search(pattern);
+ setLastSearchedTerm(pattern);
+ setIsSearching(false);
+ [search],
+ );
+ // Update results in parent component (Virtuoso list)
+ useEffect(() => {
+ context?.setResults(results);
+ }, [context, results]);
+ return (
+ Search this flow and internal portals
+ {
+ formik.setFieldValue("pattern", e.target.value);
+ formik.handleSubmit();
+ }}
+ inputProps={{ spellCheck: false }}
+ />
+ {isSearching && (
+ ({
+ position: "absolute",
+ right: theme.spacing(1.5),
+ zIndex: 1,
+ })}
+ />
+ )}
+ {}}
+ variant="compact"
+ />
+ {formik.values.pattern && (
+ {context?.resultCount === 0 && "No matches found"}
+ {context?.resultCount === 1 && "1 result:"}
+ {context!.resultCount > 1 && `${context?.resultCount} results:`}
+ )}
+ );
diff --git a/editor.planx.uk/src/pages/FlowEditor/components/Sidebar/Search/index.test.tsx b/editor.planx.uk/src/pages/FlowEditor/components/Sidebar/Search/index.test.tsx
index d10686516c..764f16ad71 100644
--- a/editor.planx.uk/src/pages/FlowEditor/components/Sidebar/Search/index.test.tsx
+++ b/editor.planx.uk/src/pages/FlowEditor/components/Sidebar/Search/index.test.tsx
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ test("entering a search term displays a series of cards", async () => {
- expect(queryByRole("list")).not.toBeInTheDocument();
+ expect(queryByRole("list")).toBeEmptyDOMElement();
const searchInput = getByLabelText("Search this flow and internal portals");
user.type(searchInput, "ind");
diff --git a/editor.planx.uk/src/pages/FlowEditor/components/Sidebar/Search/index.tsx b/editor.planx.uk/src/pages/FlowEditor/components/Sidebar/Search/index.tsx
index 513c02619c..b386eb1c3a 100644
--- a/editor.planx.uk/src/pages/FlowEditor/components/Sidebar/Search/index.tsx
+++ b/editor.planx.uk/src/pages/FlowEditor/components/Sidebar/Search/index.tsx
@@ -1,128 +1,62 @@
-import Box from "@mui/material/Box";
-import CircularProgress from "@mui/material/CircularProgress";
-import Container from "@mui/material/Container";
-import Typography from "@mui/material/Typography";
+import List from "@mui/material/List";
+import ListItem from "@mui/material/ListItem";
+import { useTheme } from "@mui/material/styles";
import { IndexedNode } from "@opensystemslab/planx-core/types";
-import { useFormik } from "formik";
-import { SearchResult, useSearch } from "hooks/useSearch";
-import { debounce } from "lodash";
-import { useStore } from "pages/FlowEditor/lib/store";
-import React, { useEffect, useMemo, useState } from "react";
-import ChecklistItem from "ui/shared/ChecklistItem";
-import Input from "ui/shared/Input";
-import { DATA_FACETS } from "./facets";
-import { NodeSearchResults } from "./NodeSearchResults";
-const DEBOUNCE_MS = 500;
-interface SearchNodes {
- pattern: string;
- facets: typeof DATA_FACETS;
-interface SearchHeaderProps {
- onChange: React.Dispatch[]>>;
-const SearchHeader: React.FC = ({ onChange }) => {
- const [orderedFlow, setOrderedFlow] = useStore((state) => [
- state.orderedFlow,
- state.setOrderedFlow,
- ]);
- const [isSearching, setIsSearching] = useState(false);
- const [lastSearchedTerm, setLastSearchedTerm] = useState("");
- useEffect(() => {
- if (!orderedFlow) setOrderedFlow();
- }, [orderedFlow, setOrderedFlow]);
- const formik = useFormik({
- initialValues: { pattern: "", facets: DATA_FACETS },
- onSubmit: ({ pattern }) => {
- debouncedSearch(pattern);
- },
- });
- const { results, search } = useSearch({
- list: orderedFlow || [],
- keys: formik.values.facets,
- });
- useEffect(() => {
- onChange(results);
- }, [onChange, results]);
- const debouncedSearch = useMemo(
- () =>
- debounce((pattern: string) => {
- console.debug("Search term: ", pattern);
- search(pattern);
- setLastSearchedTerm(pattern);
- setIsSearching(false);
- [search],
- );
- useEffect(() => {
- if (formik.values.pattern !== lastSearchedTerm) {
- setIsSearching(true);
- }
- }, [formik.values.pattern, lastSearchedTerm]);
- return (
- );
+import type { SearchResult, SearchResults } from "hooks/useSearch";
+import React, { useState } from "react";
+import { Components, Virtuoso } from "react-virtuoso";
+import { ExternalPortalList } from "./ExternalPortalList";
+import { SearchHeader } from "./SearchHeader";
+import { SearchResultCard } from "./SearchResultCard";
+// Types for Virtuoso
+export type Data = SearchResult;
+export type Context = {
+ resultCount: number;
+ setResults: React.Dispatch>>;
+ * Accessability - Render the Virtuoso list as a HTMLUListElement, not a HTMLDivElement
+ */
+const ListComponent = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => (
+)) as Components["List"];
+ * Accessability - Render the Virtuoso item as a HTMLLiElement, not a HTMLDivElement
+ */
+const ListItemComponent = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => (
+)) as Components["Item"];
+ * Search uses Virtuoso to generate a virtualised list of search results
+ * The main logic lives within the useSearch hook and the SearchHeader component
+ */
const Search: React.FC = () => {
const [results, setResults] = useState[]>([]);
+ const theme = useTheme();
return (
+ style={{
+ marginBottom: theme.spacing(3),
+ }}
+ totalCount={results.length}
+ context={{
+ resultCount: results.length,
+ setResults: setResults,
+ }}
+ components={{
+ Footer: ExternalPortalList,
+ List: ListComponent,
+ Item: ListItemComponent,
+ Header: SearchHeader,
+ }}
+ itemContent={(index) => }
+ />