OpenCV : 4.5.1
FFmpeg : n4.4 on windows, not sure for mac, couldn't find it => next time make them the same !
First off, to build the app and dependencies, we need Microsoft Visual Studio (2019). Once installed, we'll have the "Cross Tools Command Prompt" with git and cmake already installed.
Install Visual Studio (I did with v2019), only need C++ stuff. Note : it will install git for us, within the visual studio command lines.
Then install QT (only need standard MSVC QT, not UWP or other stuff QT)
From guide (WinRT also means UWP or in the guide, its simply windows !): must install MSYS2 and other things, then compile ffmpeg with "hacky" linux commands but using Visual Studio tools. We'll need to run the msys2 command line utility ("shell"), but launching it from the correct windows/visual studio cmd (use the Native x64 one, as we are on x64 platform with x64 windows os version) !
Download and run the msys2 installer :
- Have it install for example in C:\Dev\msys64 (or another folder, but then adapt the next commands for the correct path)
Download YASM which is needed by ffmpeg to be build, from (Win64 .exe for general use on 64-bit Windows)
- Rename it yasm.exe
- Move it into C:\Dev\msys64\usr\bin so that msys2 can find it later
To avoid conflicts of utilities between native msys2 and windows later, delete link.exe from C:\Dev\msys64\usr\bin
Edit msys2 launch bat file : C:\Dev\msys64\msys2_shell.cmd (right click, edit) replace rem set MSYS2_PATH_TYPE=inherit
with set MSYS2_PATH_TYPE=inherit
this will allow the environment variables for Visual Studio to be transferred to the MSYS2 environment and back
Qt seems to be using link and cl tools from : C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.29.30037\bin\Hostx64\x64\ (you can check this in QT by going in the projects config part, and add a custom build step where link or where cl, disabling the first build step and build, then looking at the compile output), so we'll have to build ffmpeg with these same build tools. From x64 Native VS cmd (after installing Visual studio, it will make available these alternative cmd apps, just search in the apps "native", or "x64 native" and there should be one cmd app named like "x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2019" ) : launch msys2 from the cmd, by entering its bat file location and pressing enter : C:\Dev\msys64\msys2_shell.cmd
- This will open another "terminal" which is actually msys2, an "environment" that has tools more like unix terminal tools, but understands its on windows and kind of makes the translation between ffmpeg build tools which assumes its on linux, and the actual windows system.
- Once it has launched, it should have inherited automatically the environment variables from the x64 Native VS cmd that we opened it from. Check with "which link" and "which cl" (link and cl are key tools used when building) and make sure the paths are something like "/c/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2019/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.29.30037/bin/HostX64/x64/link"
- If it isn't this path, go back and check if you did delete the link.exe (or cl.exe if it exists ?) in the msys64\usr\bin folder, or wherever the "which" command tells you the path is.
In this msys2 shell, we need to install a few things needed by ffmpeg build tools, by running :
- pacman -S make
- pacman -S diffutils
From this msys2 shell, run (NB to copy and paste on this msys2 terminal, you have to right click, copy/paste. Standard keyboard ctrl+c/v don't work !) :
git clone ffmpeg cd ffmpeg git checkout tags/nx.x [<= need to insert version, which in ffmpeg standards looks like n4.4] cd .. mkdir ffmpeg_build mkdir ffmpeg_install cd ffmpeg_build
NB : Be advised, this next command is pretty sloooowww !
--target-os=win64 --arch=x86_64 --toolchain=msvc
--enable-gpl --enable-static --disable-doc --disable-shared --disable-programs --enable-avformat
--extra-cflags="-MD" --extra-cxxflags="-MD" --extra-ldflags="/nodefaultlib:libcmt.lib"
--disable-encoders --disable-muxers --disable-outdevs --disable-bsfs --disable-protocols --enable-protocol=file --disable-filters --enable-filter=scale --disable-lzma
Problems with mpg files :
remove --disable-protocols --enable-protocol=file : no change
remove --disable-encoders --disable-muxers : no change
remove --disable-bsfs : now it works !
NB : Here we disable encoders, muxers, output devices (outdevs) and filters except scale which we use. lzma specifically is not needed, its a compression thing for some very very very few files which we shouldn't need. We need to keep bit stream filters (bsfs) for some raw frame decoding apparently (I tried deactivating them also, but it would break for some mpg and mov files...). Also, the argument with nodefaultlib:libcmt.lib is for fixing weird thing about msvc confict warning when building in QT : -1: warning: LNK4098: defaultlib 'LIBCMT' conflicts with use of other libs; use /NODEFAULTLIB:library
make -j80 #number after j is the number of threads used while building or something, more goes faster ! make install
You now have the ffmpeg static lib files in the ffmpeg_install folder (C:\Dev\msys64\home\theop\ffmpeg_install). Just rename the lib***.a library files, into standard windows ***.lib files. They are just named wrong by ffmpeg build tools, but are the same. Do this for example by running, from msys2 shell as before, the command :
rename lib '' ../ffmpeg_install/lib/*.a
rename .a '.lib' ../ffmpeg_install/lib/*.a
Then copy the include and lib folders to the Qt project windows ffmpeg libraries folder.
git clone cd opencv git checkout tags/x.x.x [<= need to put correct version there, like 4.5.1] cd .. mkdir opencv_build mkdir opencv_install cd opencv_build
NB : for some reason on windows, we need to have two opencv libraries, one for debug and one for release... ! debug libs end with d.lib whereas release just end with .lib
cmake --build . --target install --config release cmake --build . --target install --config debug
Then copy from install directory the includes and the lib files to the correct location in the project ! NB : zlib is required from opencvcore, although we don't really use it, we need it linked. It will be alongside the built opencv libs
mkdir opencv-build
mkdir opencv-install
git clone -b 4.8.0 --depth 1
cd opencv-build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../opencv-install \
-DBUILD_LIST=core,imgproc \
make -j8
make install
cd ..
rm -r -f opencv-build opencv ./opencv-install/bin ./opencv-install/share
is for compiling from arm macs, which creates a universal library (for both intel and arm macs). Witout it, the library will work for arm only qt linking.
Then you can copy the libraries listed in the .pc file, NB to use a framework add -framwork FrameWorkName instead of -lLibraryName for libraries like :
macx: LIBS += -L/Users/theophanemayaud/Dev/opencv_install/lib/opencv4/3rdparty -lzlib -lippiw -lippicv -framework OpenCL
macx: LIBS += -L/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX11.0.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks -framework Accelerate -lm -ldl
To Test : -DCMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET="10.13" to have builds for a little bit older versions, not only the last one ! But this needs to have the following line in the terminal .zshrc file (or enter it in the terminal) : export MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.13
To build opencv, first follow :
- OpenCV Installation in MacOS
- We want a custom install directory to get all the dependencies in one place so use the cmake flag
- If wanting static libraries use flag -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF
In the end the cmake command looks like : cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/Users/theophanemayaud/Dev/opencv_install -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF ../opencv
You should now have in the /Users/theophanemayaud/Dev/opencv_install
folder all the library files and includes.
Then run make
, then run make install
Should try :
# build aom libs for av1 decoding
mkdir -p libaom-{x86_64-build,x86_64-install,arm-build,arm-install,universalized}
# pkg-config needed for ffmpeg to discover dav1d lib
brew install pkg-config
git clone --depth=1 libaom
cd libaom-arm-build
cmake ../libaom \
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../libaom-arm-install \
make -j
make install
cd ../libaom-x86_64-build
cmake ../libaom \
-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../libaom/build/cmake/toolchains/x86_64-macos.cmake \
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../libaom-x86_64-install \
make -j
make install
cd ../libaom-universalized
cp -r ../libaom-arm-install/include .
mkdir lib
lipo -create -arch arm64 ../libaom-arm-install/lib/libaom.a -arch x86_64 ../libaom-x86_64-install/lib/libaom.a -output lib/libaom.a
cp -r ../libaom-arm-install/lib/pkgconfig ./lib/pkgconfig-arm
cp -r ../libaom-x86_64-install/lib/pkgconfig ./lib/pkgconfig-x86_64-from-arm
# build ffmpeg arm
cd ..
mkdir ffmpeg-{arm,x86_64}-{build,install} ffmpeg-universalized-libs
git clone ffmpeg -b n4.4.5 --depth 1
cd ffmpeg-arm-build
#arm lib path
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="../libaom-arm-install/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH"
../ffmpeg/configure --prefix='../ffmpeg-arm-install' --arch=arm64 --target-os=darwin --extra-cflags='-mmacosx-version-min=12.0' --extra-ldflags='-mmacosx-version-min=12.0' --enable-gpl --enable-static --disable-doc --disable-shared --disable-programs --disable-encoders --disable-muxers --disable-filters --enable-avformat --enable-libaom --disable-lzma
make -j
make install
# cross build ffmpeg x86
brew install yasm || brew upgrade yasm
cd ../ffmpeg-x86_64-build
#x86 lib path
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="../libaom-x86_64-install/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH"
../ffmpeg/configure --prefix='../ffmpeg-x86_64-install' --enable-cross-compile --arch=x86_64 --cc='clang -arch x86_64' --target-os=darwin --extra-cflags='-mmacosx-version-min=12.0' --extra-ldflags='-mmacosx-version-min=12.0' --enable-gpl --enable-static --disable-doc --disable-shared --disable-programs --disable-encoders --disable-muxers --disable-filters --enable-avformat --enable-libaom --disable-lzma
make -j
make install
# create universalized libs
cd ../ffmpeg-universalized-libs
cp -r ../ffmpeg-arm-install/include .
mkdir lib
lipo -create -arch arm64 ../ffmpeg-arm-install/lib/libavcodec.a -arch x86_64 ../ffmpeg-x86_64-install/lib/libavcodec.a -output lib/libavcodec.a
lipo -create -arch arm64 ../ffmpeg-arm-install/lib/libavdevice.a -arch x86_64 ../ffmpeg-x86_64-install/lib/libavdevice.a -output lib/libavdevice.a
lipo -create -arch arm64 ../ffmpeg-arm-install/lib/libavfilter.a -arch x86_64 ../ffmpeg-x86_64-install/lib/libavfilter.a -output lib/libavfilter.a
lipo -create -arch arm64 ../ffmpeg-arm-install/lib/libavformat.a -arch x86_64 ../ffmpeg-x86_64-install/lib/libavformat.a -output lib/libavformat.a
lipo -create -arch arm64 ../ffmpeg-arm-install/lib/libavutil.a -arch x86_64 ../ffmpeg-x86_64-install/lib/libavutil.a -output lib/libavutil.a
lipo -create -arch arm64 ../ffmpeg-arm-install/lib/libpostproc.a -arch x86_64 ../ffmpeg-x86_64-install/lib/libpostproc.a -output lib/libpostproc.a
lipo -create -arch arm64 ../ffmpeg-arm-install/lib/libswresample.a -arch x86_64 ../ffmpeg-x86_64-install/lib/libswresample.a -output lib/libswresample.a
lipo -create -arch arm64 ../ffmpeg-arm-install/lib/libswscale.a -arch x86_64 ../ffmpeg-x86_64-install/lib/libswscale.a -output lib/libswscale.a
cp -r ../ffmpeg-arm-install/lib/pkgconfig ./lib/pkgconfig-arm
cp -r ../ffmpeg-x86_64-install/lib/pkgconfig ./lib/pkgconfig-x86_64-from-arm
cd ..
rm -r -f ffmpeg-arm-build ffmpeg-arm-install ffmpeg-x86_64-build ffmpeg-x86_64-install ffmpeg libaom-arm-build libaom-arm-install libaom-x86_64-build libaom-x86_64-install libaom
NB :
is because it has a private api, incompatible with apple app store. It's only for some tiff file compressions.- aom is adding a lot of complexity just for supporting only one more codec: av1. It would really be nice if ffmpeg included one by default.
- The process could be a bit simpler using brew as the brew aom lib also includes static libs
- But then I'd need to install the arm brew and x86_64 brew (
arch -x86_64 [usual brew install curl and script]
which installs in /usr/local/bin/brew) - It is then possible to install x86_64 brew packages with
arch -x86_64 /usr/local/bin/brew [brew commands]
, and packages are then installed in /usr/local/include and /usr/local/lib/, compared to arm brew installing in /opt/homebrew/lib - And then from those arm and x86_64 brew installed libs, create a universalized aom lib... But that's not much simpler in the end so I just build from scratch
- I disabled encoders with
(and accompanying muxers) as we don't create new videos in the app, only read them, which together with disabling filters which we also don't use in the app, reducing lib sizes (which used to be commited to github) a lot although the end app doesn't change as static linking already removed the bloat. - I tried disabling ffmpeg protocols with
but the app then doesn't work and fails to open any video (probably at least requires file protocol). It added ~0.1MB of size to the app - I tried disabling ffmpeg bitstream filters with
but the app then fails to do avcodec_send_packet on specific formats (saw some MPG vids but not sure codec) so just left it on. It added ~0.8MB of size to the app.
Similar to guide FFmpeg Compilation guide macOS
Clone ffmpeg repository, then from this ffmpeg folder, run the following command or a similar, alternate one to configure the build options.
FFmpeg doesn't seem to support building as a univeral library (targeting both arm and intel macs), but the individual architecture libraries can be combined with apple tools : lipo
to combine de libs, and install_name_tool
to replace references to frameworks (listed with otool
), as per This python function in a github repo
For the x86_64 cross build from arm, ffmpeg configure scripts fails because of missing nasm/yasm (native code assembler), so simply install it with brew install yasm
See the full ffmpeg build script below
For configuring in QT the libs to use, I then needed to include a bunch of libraries, looking each time I got "undefined symbols for architecture x86_64" at the symbol name, looking it up on internet, and seeing what people said was the missing library. In the end I had to use :
## libavformat static libs dependencies (from pckgconfig file)
macx: LIBS += -L$$PWD/libraries/ffmpeg/lib -lavutil -lavformat -lswresample -lavcodec \
-lbz2 -liconv -llzma -Wl,-no_compact_unwind \
-framework CoreVideo -framework Security -framework AudioToolbox -framework CoreMedia -framework VideoToolbox
macx: PRE_TARGETDEPS += $$PWD/libraries/ffmpeg/lib/libavutil.a \