- Namespace: thi.ng.math.macros
This namespace provides basic math expressions as macros to produce
inline expanded, nested expressions to create more legible source code
for involved maths and to avoid extraneous reduce
calls caused by
the higher arity versions of Clojure’s built-in maths functions.
The macros are useful to simplify code for many geometry & matrix operations and are defined for both Clojure & ClojureScript.
Because the ns only contains macros, importing it into a user ns (in a mixed CLJ/CLJS project) will require a similar approach as this one:
(ns user
#?(:clj (:require [thi.ng.math.macros :as mm])
:cljs (:require-macros [thi.ng.math.macros :as mm])))
The following maths functions are currently implemented and are especially useful (more legible and faster) for higher arities (up to 8):
fn | description | min arity | max arity |
add | like clj + | 2 | 8 |
sub | like clj - | 2 | 8 |
mul | like clj * | 2 | 8 |
div | like clj / | 2 | 8 |
madd | add pairwise multiplies | 3 | 8 |
msub | subtract pairwise multiplies | 3 | 8 |
addm | product of pairwise sums | 3 | 8 |
subm | product of pairwise subtracts | 3 | 8 |
adddiv | division of pairwise sums | 3 | 8 |
subdiv | division of pairwise subtracts | 3 | 8 |
maddsub | like madd , but last arg or pair is subtracted as product | 4 | 8 |
addmsub | like addm , but last arg or pair is subtracted as product | 4 | 8 |
msubadd | like msub , but last arg or pair is added as product | 4 | 8 |
submadd | like subm , but last arg or pair is added as product | 4 | 8 |
(defmacro defmathop
"Constructs macro to build inlined nested expressions which when
call will apply f successively to all args. Supports arities 2-8."
[name f]
`(defmacro ~name
([a# b#]
`(~~f ~a# ~b#))
([a# b# c#]
`(~~f (~~f ~a# ~b#) ~c#))
([a# b# c# d#]
`(~~f (~~f (~~f ~a# ~b#) ~c#) ~d#))
([a# b# c# d# e#]
`(~~f (~~f (~~f (~~f ~a# ~b#) ~c#) ~d#) ~e#))
([a# b# c# d# e# f#]
`(~~f (~~f (~~f (~~f (~~f ~a# ~b#) ~c#) ~d#) ~e#) ~f#))
([a# b# c# d# e# f# g#]
`(~~f (~~f (~~f (~~f (~~f (~~f ~a# ~b#) ~c#) ~d#) ~e#) ~f#) ~g#))
([a# b# c# d# e# f# g# h#]
`(~~f (~~f (~~f (~~f (~~f (~~f (~~f ~a# ~b#) ~c#) ~d#) ~e#) ~f#) ~g#) ~h#))))
(defmacro defmathop2
"Constructs macro to build inlined nested expressions which when
call will apply f to inner pairs and f2 to combine results."
[name f f2]
`(defmacro ~name
([a# b# c#]
`(~~f2 (~~f ~a# ~b#) ~c#))
([a# b# c# d#]
`(~~f2 (~~f ~a# ~b#) (~~f ~c# ~d#)))
([a# b# c# d# e#]
`(~~f2 (~~f2 (~~f ~a# ~b#) (~~f ~c# ~d#)) ~e#))
([a# b# c# d# e# f#]
`(~~f2 (~~f2 (~~f ~a# ~b#) (~~f ~c# ~d#)) (~~f ~e# ~f#)))
([a# b# c# d# e# f# g#]
`(~~f2 (~~f2 (~~f2 (~~f ~a# ~b#) (~~f ~c# ~d#)) (~~f ~e# ~f#)) ~g#))
([a# b# c# d# e# f# g# h#]
`(~~f2 (~~f2 (~~f2 (~~f ~a# ~b#) (~~f ~c# ~d#)) (~~f ~e# ~f#)) (~~f ~g# ~h#)))))
(defmacro defmathop3
"Takes f, f2 & f3 as syntax-quoted symbols. Constructs a macro which
when called, applies f to all but the last 1 or 2 args. The
remaining arg(s) are combined with the first result using f2.
Furthermore, for arities 6 and 8, f3 is first applied to the last
two args are before the final application of f2. For example:
(defmathop* maddsub `madd `- `*)
(maddsub 2 3 4 5) => (- (madd 2 3 4) 5)
(maddsub 2 3 4 5 6) => (- (madd 2 3 4) (* 5 6))"
[name f f2 f3]
`(defmacro ~name
([a# b# c# d#]
`(~~f2 (~~f ~a# ~b# ~c#) ~d#))
([a# b# c# d# e#]
`(~~f2 (~~f ~a# ~b# ~c# ~d#) ~e#))
([a# b# c# d# e# f#]
`(~~f2 (~~f ~a# ~b# ~c# ~d#) (~~f3 ~e# ~f#)))
([a# b# c# d# e# f# g#]
`(~~f2 (~~f ~a# ~b# ~c# ~d# ~e# ~f#) ~g#))
([a# b# c# d# e# f# g# h#]
`(~~f2 (~~f ~a# ~b# ~c# ~d# ~e# ~f#) (~~f3 ~g# ~h#)))))
(defmathop add `+)
(defmathop sub `-)
(defmathop mul `*)
(defmathop div `/)
(defmathop2 madd `* `+)
(defmathop2 msub `* `-)
(defmathop2 addm `+ `*)
(defmathop2 subm `- `*)
(defmathop2 adddiv `+ `/)
(defmathop2 subdiv `- `/)
(defmathop3 maddsub `madd `- `*)
(defmathop3 addmsub `addm `- `*)
(defmathop3 msubadd `msub `+ `*)
(defmathop3 submadd `subm `+ `*)
(defmacro if*
"Returns y if x pred returns truthy, else 0"
[pred x y] `(if (~pred ~x) ~y 0))
(defmacro bitmask
"Constructs a bit mask from given values & predicate fn applied to
each. If pred returns truthy value the value's related bit is set.
Bit values start at 1 and double for successive args (max 8)."
([pred a]
`(if* ~pred ~a 0x01))
([pred a b]
`(bit-or (bitmask ~pred ~a) (if* ~pred ~b 0x02)))
([pred a b c]
`(bit-or (bitmask ~pred ~a ~b) (if* ~pred ~c 0x04)))
([pred a b c d]
`(bit-or (bitmask ~pred ~a ~b ~c) (if* ~pred ~d 0x08)))
([pred a b c d e]
`(bit-or (bitmask ~pred ~a ~b ~c ~d) (if* ~pred ~e 0x10)))
([pred a b c d e f]
`(bit-or (bitmask ~pred ~a ~b ~c ~d ~e) (if* ~pred ~f 0x20)))
([pred a b c d e f g]
`(bit-or (bitmask ~pred ~a ~b ~c ~d ~e ~f) (if* ~pred ~g 0x40)))
([pred a b c d e f g h]
`(bit-or (bitmask ~pred ~a ~b ~c ~d ~e ~f ~g) (if* ~pred ~h 0x80))))
(defmacro mix
"Linear, bi-linear & tri-linear interpolation"
([a b t]
`(let [a# ~a]
(submadd ~b a# ~t a#)))
([a b c d u v]
`(let [u# ~u
a# (mix ~a ~b u#)]
(submadd (mix ~c ~d u#) a# ~v a#)))
([a b c d e f g h u v w]
`(let [u# ~u
v# ~v
a# (mix ~a ~b ~c ~d u# v#)]
(submadd (mix ~e ~f ~g ~h u# v#) a# ~w a#))))
(defmacro min
([a b] `(let [a# ~a b# ~b] (if (<= a# b#) a# b#)))
([a b c] `(min (min ~a ~b) ~c))
([a b c d] `(min (min (min ~a ~b) ~c) ~d))
([a b c d e] `(min (min (min (min ~a ~b) ~c) ~d) ~e))
([a b c d e f] `(min (min (min (min (min ~a ~b) ~c) ~d) ~e) ~f))
([a b c d e f g] `(min (min (min (min (min (min ~a ~b) ~c) ~d) ~e) ~f) ~g))
([a b c d e f g h] `(min (min (min (min (min (min (min ~a ~b) ~c) ~d) ~e) ~f) ~g) ~h)))
(defmacro max
([a b] `(let [a# ~a b# ~b] (if (>= a# b#) a# b#)))
([a b c] `(max (max ~a ~b) ~c))
([a b c d] `(max (max (max ~a ~b) ~c) ~d))
([a b c d e] `(max (max (max (max ~a ~b) ~c) ~d) ~e))
([a b c d e f] `(max (max (max (max (max ~a ~b) ~c) ~d) ~e) ~f))
([a b c d e f g] `(max (max (max (max (max (max ~a ~b) ~c) ~d) ~e) ~f) ~g))
([a b c d e f g h] `(max (max (max (max (max (max (max ~a ~b) ~c) ~d) ~e) ~f) ~g) ~h)))
(ns thi.ng.math.macros
(:refer-clojure :exclude [min max]))