Summer is coming, sun is shining, and I am here writing down this shit. This is just for fun, not containing any meaning or point to anyone else. It also does reflect my personal opinion, and my own only. It does not reflect any opinions of my employer or trying to make thing wrong or right. Because as human, what makes us different? there are 3 important factors, one of them is learning, thinking, and improving. Since I post here just for fun because we are having quite a lot of headaches and going to gain a great milestone in our organization. I duno, but I am just trying to be humor. Some opposite thought may think it is not the channel for this crap in working environment. I will keep an eye on it, and if there is any "dislike" on it, I will remove it ;). Just kidding, I spend hours to find "dislike" icon, but could not find where ;). Any comment about removing it, I will do, I know how :), and of-course, the admin can also.
I still remember the time I collect every single item RAM, CPU, Core, plug every single bus to ensemble my PC. How amazing the multi-tasking small system is and built. Well, we, human, proud of being the most intelligent species on earth, having billions of neurons, can process multi-tasking at the same time. In computer science term, we call it parallel computing. Are we? OK, hold the breath, try to do those two simple mathematics calculations, and try to compute and get them at the same time: let's say 9 * 7 and 84/6. Well, what is the result? you still agree with me that we still have a multi-tasking CPU :), OK, let's go. Now, let's talk a little bit about how many issues we should have in the progress at the same time. Well, of-course, it varies, but I think it should be not too big, few is OK. Irritators may push, so, what the heck is the exact number, I need a number. I think it is less than 6. Why six? do you know 6 is a perfect number in Mathematics. Some research in software shows that 6 is a good number for the number of members in a team. 6 is also the number in small world problem with very famous theory of "six degrees of separation". So, I vote for not over 6, if you are having more than that, it does mean you are so multi-tasking or you are on the opposite site, we need to send you to Elon, he definitely knows how to do with you.
Always remember that it is a team. We know that we have and must follow the workflow if we do have, and so many things can happen that does affect the work, change the status of a work to back/for-ward state is understandable, Markov chain Monte Carlo? What happens if after so much time in progress, that task is set back to Backlog. We all have exception cases, but doing that + time/ cost for triage, you must explain that to Elon, he may ask you questions: (i) where is my result, (2) What have you been fucking working on during that time, (iii) where the time spent on?, (iv) And Elon may also ask, where is my paying money on that, I need it back. Doing that without any notification and explanation is also unacceptable attitude and ethics. That mindset should be changed.
This is also unacceptable if without any suitable reason and explanation, the same questions in (2) apply here. It is even more serious and dangerous attitude if we do care about "so, now, where is the work?", "what did you do while other people working". Adele just phoned, and I heard something like "where you go, I go", if not the sky will be fall :). An extremely unacceptable thinking and attitude is that you throw the work back into middle of nowhere and do think that is now the common work for the whole team. You think the team will take that shit for you and it is now the responsibility of others not you? First thumb of rule should be nice and explain why first. That's how the system running. As in the Apple Delmia Apriso system, my last tango with the wild, the one I am trying to hack on. We are a very complex entity, building by many pieces, if each small piece failed, the whole system will be failed, sooner or later.
This term is very luxury in the modern society now, everyone talking about equality, from gender, color, to work. Let say n people earning $m, each will expect to receive equally m / n, right? any wrong with that, I don't think any wrong. N people are eating and sharing a cake, we divide the cake into n pieces, each takes one, right, fair enough. Now, if n people doing m tasks, the rightest way is to divide the work equally to all the members, sounds wrong or right? up to you, but for me, it is fair and equality. We may know about load balancer with round robin? Russian roulette? How do you parallel a work to N workers? It is just how the real-life is. That question & answer machine API is very idempotent for me. I do heard a whistler calling from nowhere a name Pareto. We are taking about 20-80, but this might be correct very far far in the past, it is like gravity theory by Einstein. It is lemma just because the event is witnessed right so far and at the observation only but does not mean right all the time. For me, I don't see any problem with that conquer separation. Well, interestingly, one interrogate me why I don't take more work than others? Ha ha ha, it comes with cost, you know that.
While sitting under the apple tree (the tree planted and grown from the seed taken from the apple that Eva gave to Adam), Cain feels and smell grilling tasing smoke from Abel's cabin. Cain likes that delicious grill lamp and decides to go to Abel's cabin where the smoke coming from. He knocks the door, nobody answers. Inside, Abel and God are cheering and having a grilling party. God likes meat from Abel more than apple from Cain. Make sense, me either, and as a matter of fact is "vegetarian" just a modern word, it was not in the dictionary at the time of Cain&Abel. The day after, Cain sends Abel to be the permanent neighbor of the God. So, for you, you guess who killed Abel, Cain or God?
Which one is better? Well, I am atheistic, and obviously not a fan of Elon. Don't like him but like how he masters the rest. But when people say flat, it is not that flat. Why do we have organization and leader? I do see a question from top leader on a work, I wait, wait and wait to see the answer from any one involved in that work. One day passed, two days, then, now it is over a month, don't see the answer yet. The icon is still "loading …" and stone is rolling silently into the sea. Do we have a DOS? No, we don't. We have a flood. It is unacceptable for any kind of communications from any different angles. We then should cite or tag Elon here, he knows how to deal with that or it is because of the flat organization?
As a standalone most intelligent instance, we, a human, and we do hear much about humankind, mankind. So is man kind? yes, most of the time. It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent; it is the one most adaptable to change, Darwin said. Everyone is first born the same, with kindness. They change to adapt to the environment and tend to break the law and tend to violate and unpredictable. All should have a mindset that leaning on their own feet. You have no right to blame and claim people about their help for you. No one has a duty to help you. Well, I received such kind of word to ask me why? Fword here, I am simple and straightforward, I do if I like, and don't if I don't like. I don't care. You know, it even is unacceptable when you show disrespect to any kind of help, they want to help you. We should show our respect and grateful for the help.
In (5), We do see that there exists an issue with God, he is the root cause making Abel dead. I do know that we should trust each other? well and ideally speaking about a perfect system. Anyone explains why all the countries in the world is "rule of law". When I am writing this, the only trust I found is from US banknotes. As aforementioned, people are unpredictable and tend to break the law. We do trust, but we do need the law to ensure that trust is implied
In machine learning, we have a kind of term, covariance. Do you know, CHATGPT is training using billions covariances? What do we do for human, who has billions latent and unpredictable covariances? each person always and often has some private stuffs, and it is understanding and OK if everything is still sorted out. But be professional, we all get paid because we are working. But, thing changes, if that kind of sort welfare becomes more often and behave like as normal behave. It poses big issue and problem for the Org. Especially, when people accept it as a his/her self-confident truth. Blind or not, but at least you have seen smt. The law violation shows the boldly walking through. Violator does not feel shameful, even they show to everybody in the light. Anybody care? Manager? Boss? Some sounds in my ear, "do you see what I see". It is the time the bell ringing things are down. It is also the time we know we do not belong to that place with that such tumor. Nope, but as TEDTalk, idea is spreading, and people are adapting. That will be learnt and spreading very fast, especially the tumor. But, if you have a damn rich father such more than Elon, then nobody cares, it is Elon's money. No, stop thinking that. You are taking from Elon, it does mean you are taking from every of us. That's why the communism was collapsed. It is not because its philosophy is not good, it is just because people do not do it right as it should, everyone wants to be smarter than others, get more than others while doing less than others, he does that, why should I? That's when a tumor growing. Things even come worse, there devil acks or not ack the presenting of tumor. Not so many people can keep their own value in that situation, but I do believe in "man back in the same coin"
In statistics, Random Sampling is making sense here if we consider all the sample equal. But we are missing out factors and pre/post distribution of the sample, take the highest entropy. Looking at the result of the samples, we may think there is a bug somewhere in the sampling method. William may shout out "to be or not to be", but we are the one who decide "bias or not bias"
Difference between "Please follow the law" and "please don't break the law" or we are living in the up-side-down world.
I am very far from fluent in language, so linguistics is not in my dictionary, it is hard for me to figure out all the differences. However, I think "please don't break the law" does mean you are in the law, then please do not break it / or cross the line. While "Please follow the law", does mean more as "you are not in the law, please do that". So, which one is the normal behave? I do see someone, that I admit he is right in so many things, and of-course, it is just from my point of view. We may have different mind when projecting on different set. What do we need is "mindset", change the mindset, fix who made mistake? Does sound wrong, or right? I don't know, if we are living in the up-side-down world, it might be not. If we are walking on a street, we do catch a sign like "do not shit here", I definitely, people did and tend to shit there :) But, for me, there are 2 things building a person and his value. Expertise/professional and behave/characteristics. The former is what we can learn and improving, the latter is not easy to be growing.
On a beautiful day, a boss comes to an employee's table, the most hard-working employee. On his hand, there are 2 identical envelopes, they are the same, from shape, weight, etc. Let's say, the employee can't recognize what is inside each, only the boss does. A surprise is waiting for the employee. In one envelope is a fired paper, in other one is the promoted decision. The employee is allowed to choose one envelop. If you are that employee, when you already picked one, and the boss asks you and give you a chance to pick/swap the other envelope instead. Do you take your chance to change the envelop? If you do, then you lost or you gain?
You are an investor. In your wallet there are '$'X, and you are also a fan of Elon, and he knows that. He just twitted that he was bited by the dog next door on the way to Twitter office. As a talent in financial, he knows someone is going to take an action because it is a chance to earn some '$$$' by buying more coins. If you are lucky, you can multiple your amount to N times, if not you lose N times. One important note is that your wallet is possible negative, does mean you are owing (X < 0). You are asked to develop a software for Elon, you now need to give
- A unique and simple (fit to secondary school) mathematics formula to calculate the money of an investor based on the current $X and a pre-defined factor N (>0)
- Defined with every value of the current X (negative, zero, positive), assume that the power a^b is defined with every value of a and b.
- Use simple mathematical operators like: '+', '-', '*', '/', power, abs, root square, etc. Means every mathematical operand that fit to the secondary school.
- No use of advanced math (like Lim, i, differential and integral calculus, etc.)
- Easily compute the money of the investor using the formula if he is all in in this situation.