TODO: - Improve content generation on install; - Improve pagination; - Review and improve templates; - Review and improve cache; - Release version 2.0.
Check ez5_jenkins.png to have an idea on how to configure jenkins to work with this project.
To check twig templates: php ezpublish/console twig:lint @TuteiBaseBundle
When using search, results do not contain the location id of the matched location, looks like it returns only the main location id. It should be a problem if the content has several locations.
You can't call a render function and use a template that calls the render function.
Templates override prioritizes the first matched rule. You need to use dependency injection and prepend the settings you want to have a higher priority.
Default templates for a view can be achieved by appending a rule that matches UrlAlias: "/"
When creating an Image\Value you need to pass the full image path as string: /var/www/path_to_ez/path_to_image
In twig, {{ ezpublish.legacy }} only has content if you are in legacy fallback for content.
The search class in ez 5 works a little different from the fetch, fields needs be searchable.
Updating a content using new ez publish php api is causing error kernel 20 to subnodes.
Use filter='cssrewrite' to fix css paths for fonts, images, etc.
4.x 5.x
ContentClass ContentType
ContentClassGroup ContentTypeGroup
Datatype FieldType
Node Location
ContentObject Content(meta info in ContentInfo)
ContentObjectVersion VersionInfo
ContentObjectAttribute Field + FieldValue
ContentClassAttribute FieldDefinition
eZ Publish Template Twig Template
Extension Bundle
Module Controller class (based on eZ\Bundle\EzPublishCoreBundle\Controller)
CLI ezpublish/console component - commands
View Controller action Fetch function Replaced by controller+view, the template "fetch" function is replaced by "render"
Template operator Filter + function
settings/ ezpublish/config and Resources/config
site.ini ezpublish.yml
Bundle Directory Structure
Controller - contains the controllers of the bundle (e.g. HelloController.php);
DependencyInjection/ - holds certain dependency injection extension classes, which may import service configuration
Resources/config/ - houses configuration, including routing configuration (e.g. routing.yml);
Resources/views/ - holds templates organized by controller name (e.g. Hello/index.html.twig);
Resources/public/ - contains web assets (images, stylesheets, etc) and is copied or symbolically linked into the project web/ directory via the assets:install console command;
Tests - holds all tests for the bundle.
API/ - contains the value object definitions, service interfaces, etc. In short, public API interfaces provided by your bundle.
Core - holds field types implementation, persistence related classes, repository implementations, signal-slot implementations, etc.
SPI/ - (Service Provider Interface) holds interfaces that can contain one or several implementations around Persistence (database), IO (file system), FieldTypes (formerly DataTypes), Limitations (permissions system), etc.
EventListeners/ - holds event listener implementation for both eZ Publish 5 and LS
Command - contains Console commands; each file must be suffixed with Command.php
Accessing DB:
$connection = $this->getConnection();
$query = $connection->createDeleteQuery(); $query ->deleteFrom( … ) ->where(…)
Templating field_types:
{% extends "EzPublishCoreBundle::content_fields.html.twig" %}
{% block (fieldtype)_field %}
{% endblock %}
system: ezdemo_site: location_view: field_templates: - template: "TestBundle:fields:field_templates.html.twig" # Priority is optional (default is 0). The higher it is, the higher your template gets in the list. priority: 10
Globally Overriding Resources
Suppose you want to override the eZDemo page layout: · In the ezpublish folder, create a Resources folder · Replicate the directory structure for the elements you want to override · e.g. Resources/eZDemoBundle/views - use the correct bundle name!!! · Place your files there
Check \eZ\Publish\Core\MVC\Symfony\Event
public function __construct( Repository $repository, ConfigResolverInterface $configResolver )
//Add these to the class so we have them when the event method is triggered
$this->repository = $repository;
$this->configResolver = $configResolver;
public function onPreContentView( PreContentViewEvent $event )
//What's our design/surround object in the repository called? Check the config
//This reads the setting we added to parameters.yml
$surroundTypeIdentifier = $this->configResolver->getParameter('surround_type', 'ez5tutorial');
//To retrieve the surround object, first access the repository
$searchService = $this->repository->getSearchService();
//Find the first object that matched the name from our config
//(We only expect there to be one in the DB)
$surround = $searchService->findSingle(
new Criterion\ContentTypeIdentifier($surroundTypeIdentifier)
//Retrieve the view context from the event
$contentView = $event->getContentView();
//Add the surround variable to the context
$contentView->addParameters( array('surround' => $surround) );
blend_tutorial_blog.pre_content_view_listener.class: Blend\TutorialBlogBundle\EventListener\PreContentViewListener
add to service section:
#define our event listener blend_tutorial_blog.pre_content_view_listener: class: %blend_tutorial_blog.pre_content_view_listener.class% #These services will be passed to the constructor arguments: [@ezpublish.api.repository, @ezpublish.config.resolver] #This tag tells the framework we're interested in the PreContentView event tags: - {name: kernel.event_listener, event: ezpublish.pre_content_view, method: onPreContentView}